Love Redeemed (Book #4)

“Why would you need a new method? What’s wrong with Yasmin?” The concern in Azmir’s brown irises is palpable. What’s even more alarming is his knowledge of the brand of pills I take. I swear I have no privacy of person where this man is concerned. Now I’m clamming up. This is a personal topic and his associates are mere feet away.

“Nothing other than the burden of remembering to take them every day,” I say quietly. His inquisitive gaze doesn’t falter. My eyes shoot over his company to find Dawn stealing glances our way. I know Azmir won’t drop this topic right now if I ask him to. I have to give him an answer, but it will be brief. “It’s just that I’m considering something a bit more long-term. I don’t wanna give us any surprises so soon into our nuptials.” I smile cautiously, trying to soften the tone of this conversation.

“You were a surprise. Running into you at the perfect time of my life was a great surprise,” Azmir murmurs as he pulls me into his tall frame, using both arms with mine caught between us. “A baby would be a welcomed surprise—hell, addition, just like you are.”

What in the hell?

Aghast, my eyes peer over to his waiting party to assess how much attention we’re drawing and if they’d in fact, heard Azmir’s crazy decree. We are not having this conversation. He has not just spoken those words.

“A-Azmir…” I’m at a loss for words. I’m waiting for him to throw me a bone by saying his comment was timed wrong or just plain ol’ crazy. But no. He stands there, waiting on me to continue. I sigh, resting my forehead on his chest.

“My, my, my! What are the lovebirds up to that have them whispering over there?” Dawn calls over, thankfully shifting Azmir’s determined gaze from me.

That catches both our attention and Azmir and I move our sights to Dawn at the table. Her crimson lips bear their usual smirk. I don’t know specifically what it is, but I’m sure she’s playing at something in that sinister head of hers.

Azmir doesn’t speak, but needing a cue, I do. “I was just letting Mr. Jacobs know that I’m preparing for the Mauve event. I have to pull together a glam squad to assist.” That wasn’t premeditated, but it sounds decent and right on time. My eyes go back to Azmir whose face is now fixed in a scowl and I’m sure it’s because I’ve begun a new conversation with a new partner and with such ease.

I break from his embrace to end the baby addition conversation. His fixated glower doesn’t waver and I subconsciously wonder how I changed his disposition so quickly, in a matter of minutes.

Nice, Rayna!

Dawn perks up, turning her body towards us and even from a few feet away you can tell she’s hit with revelation. Dawn’s expressions always make you feel there are malicious thoughts or swindles regarding you going on behind her eyes.

“Well, I do have the perfect stylist for you!” Dawn announces spiritedly.

“Oh, yeah?”

I’m not short of stylist options. Being Azmir’s…now fiancée comes with said perks. But this lifestyle is still new to me, so I always keep an open mind. Plus, Dawn is in PR, she likely knows the “who-to-know” of the entertainment industry.

Azmir doesn’t join in on the conversation. He’s pensive, I’m sure mulling over our missed conversation about a baby. His eyes go between me and the area behind me. I manage the moment by not falling under his gape. I’ll easily cave in emotionally and again, we’re in mixed company.

“Yeah,” Dawn answers, going back to her writing pad and jotting down the contact info to the stylist she’s recommending. “She would love to hear from you. I’m sure she’ll work wonders with your physique, too.”

I don’t know how to take that comment. It’s recited with a snide tone, but with Dawn you never know. Since I’m already in hot water with the big guy, I decide to let the comment slide and take the info from Dawn’s proffered hand as I cross the room.

“Thanks,” I offer cautiously.

Although we’ve made a conjunct, yet silent agreement to be cordial, I don’t trust Dawn. I’ve only transferred her formidable presence in my mind, from threat of losing Azmir to his Plan B to annoying lurking of my Clean-up Woman. Either way, she isn’t to be ignored because she isn’t extraneous energy like Tara and her father. She’s a powerful ember force, just waiting to be reignited.

My eyes slowly leave Dawn and return to an anxious A.D., still reeling from our previous conversation. I walk into him and rest my hands on his chest messaging the desire to soothe his concernment. However my resolve, my actions are timid. As I tilt my head back to look him in the face, I mouth, “I love you.”

I don’t believe the women behind me have any idea of what I just messaged him, but I know he feels my words by the way his eyes softens and he takes me at the small of my back again. He doesn’t reply to what I said, but exhales strongly, making it clear that my words have affected him.

“I have to go,” I murmur.

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