Love Redeemed (Book #4)

Akeem was released two years ago. Integrating him into our lives was met cautiously by me. Learning of his pending release months in advance conjured bittersweet feelings. I knew Rayna has been emotionally tied to him all these years and would do anything she could to assist him in the next phase of his life. However, I didn’t know shit about him and couldn’t gauge if I wanted him to have said access to my wife. So, I had to dive in head first and introduce myself before his release.

I met with him several times while he was finishing up on his bid. I didn’t know the young dude and almost expected him to have been institutionalized from being locked up for so long. The first thing that struck me was that he was gang-free. I couldn’t have that shit around my family. Akeem was angry however, but not senseless. He’s certainly been amenable to my pushing of him becoming an entrepreneur. He’s had to, he has a criminal record that would be hard to explain to potential employers.

So, I had him enroll in a GED program then business school immediately after being released. I then had him rotate a few of my businesses as an employee to find his niche. Once he decided on something that I don’t exactly have the corner market on, which is fashion retail, I had him draw up a business plan and we are now at the stage of opening his first boutique in Miami. He loves it down there; the energy, the contrast in climate and the women, of course. He flew in for the twins’ graduation today.

“Indeed,” I nod. The waiter returns with our drinks; Mauve for me and Riesling that I ordered for Rayna. “Akeem has been a wonderful addition to our fold. This boutique is going to be a good look for the homey.”

“Erin had me cracking up tonight, playing big sister. Did you see her orchestrate the soul train line like she really knows about it!” Rayna laughs and I chuckle myself. Erin’s very fond of the twins. She takes joy in bossing them around as if she’s so much older. It’s cute to watch.

“Chyna seems to be doing well. I think she’s going to start her graduate program this fall. I hope.” Rayna says before taking a sip of her water.


“She’ll find her way,” I murmur before going for my Mauve.

I hear the staccato of the high-hat and realize the show is starting. The entertainer introduces himself and transitions into his first cut, Desire. Rayna’s face lights up.

“This is nice, Mr. Jacobs.”

I nod. Our first course is brought out and we go into our usual banter about the twins, work, and friends. Rayna has developed a tight relationship with April and Britni. So tight that it came to a point where Britni had to end her relationship with Lady Spin. Rayna never asked her to, but apparently, it was becoming a conflict of interest for Britni and she decided to make a call. Britni along with April, Gerald, and their children attended the party earlier. All of my crew was in attendance as well. Petey, Kim, and Chanell spoil Dasu and Kennedy. I’m not all that in touch with Syn, though she’s a shift manager at my new jazz club and seems to be doing much better. She’s even laying off the bottle. Wop has his own car repairs business and seems to be content with that aside from his hustle.

“Our world has truly come together, huhn?” I ask.

“What do you mean?” Rayna asks after swallowing her water.

“Remember right after you had the twins and we were still living at the marina, you fired Ruby Mae and Louise, saying you didn’t need the luxury of a nanny and housekeeper? You said you and Akeem are only 11 months apart and Samantha managed you just fine without a nanny, housekeeper and chef?”

Rayna rolls her eyes embarrassingly. “Yeah, and that lasted all of four days. I thought I was going to lose my mind. The feedings, diaper changes, burping, soothing—”

“…times three,” I interject.

“Yup,” she slowly nods her head, with a roguish grin. “Can’t forget how demanding you are. I still can’t believe the way you made a big deal about wanting to taste my breast milk, Azmir. Who knew you were competitive of my time and body, even with your kids,” she chides.

Yup! I was and still am. I could never share with my goons how I threw a hissy fit each time I saw my wife breasting feeding our helpless newborns, all because they were experiencing something from her body that I never had…until I pushed for it. I glance across the table to see Rayna shaking her head exasperatingly, obviously reminiscing about it internally just as I am.

“Anyway, I don’t know what I’d do without the help we have, including our mothers. They’ve been so great. I know they’re getting up there in age…” Rayna sounds like she’s about to cry.

“Hey,” I reach over for her hand. “They have the energy for their grandchildren. Samantha’s health is holding out, and you can’t tell Yazmine that she isn’t just six years older than what she was when she went in the pin. They’re having the time of their lives with the twins.”

Rayna fights down a cry as she nods her head convincingly. Her nose has even turned red.

“I know,” she whispers. She’s been very sensitive lately.

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