Love Redeemed (Book #4)

We pull up to the restaurant, and just as I’m stepping out of the car, my phone rings. It’s Chef Boyd.


“Mr. Jacobs, how are you?”

“I’m good, Boyd. And things on your end?”

“Can’t complain, sir. The reason for my call is to follow up on the upcoming monthly menu. I see a...drastic change in the meals. There are lots of starches—pastas, casseroles, heavy sauces and gravies. This is totally out of the norm,” he inquires tentatively.

My mind begins rewinding to the conversation I had with Rayna a few weeks back concerning this. She said she created the list on an empty stomach, hence the richness in her selections. I never got around to changing it that night after she lured me back to the master suite for another round of smashing.

“Indeed,” I mutter. “Rayna pretty much has carte blanche in that arena. I’ll be seeing her in a few and will ask her about it. You’re right; we don’t typically go that heavy, at night at least.”

“It’s no trouble to implement, but I figured I’d ask about it to see if there were some...details I’m unaware of,” he hesitates.



“Oh, no,” I chuckle. “No news of that nature yet. Don’t scare the little lady off just yet with those possibilities.”

Boyd joins me in my mirth. “Okay, Mr. Jacobs. Just wanted to check with you two. I’ll wait to hear back on your final selections before I send my list of groceries to Louise.”

“Indeed. Good day, Boyd.”

“And to you, sir,” he bodes before we disconnect.

The hostess leads me to an empty table where we’ll be dining tonight. And before she leaves I ask, “Rose, was Mario clear on the specifics for the cake?”

“Yes, Mr. Jacobs. And your delivery arrived earlier as well. We are on target for the evening,” she ensures.

I nod. “Thanks.”

As I sit and wait for the women to arrive, I can’t get Chef Boyd’s call out of my head. What makes it even more humorous is that Tyler hinted to the same thing just this morning during our session. He casually mentioned Rayna’s laggard efforts over the past week or so since she’s returned from her weeks off due to the bug she’d caught from Erin. I had to explain how miserable that experience was for her. I think that ordeal would’ve put even a man on his ass for a few weeks. I’d seen her pushing forward, trying to get back to her normal regimen prematurely. That has been our latest theme of bouts: Rayna pushes herself too hard.

Tyler seemed to have tolerated my explanation. He dropped it immediately and went quiet for a while. It was a little weird, but I kept it moving while we sparred. I mean, she’s my fucking wife. I’d likely know even before Rayna if she were expecting. We hadn’t been indulging as much as I imagined after exchanging vows because of fighting and then her getting sick. But that all changed when Rayna woke up horny as fuck and I was able to quell my insatiable need of her.

I can’t lie, before we left San Francisco, I’d had an inkling of hope. But after her diagnosis, I got over it and quickly, feeling foolish because I knew Rayna has made it clear that she doesn’t want children. She’s been good at keeping up with her pill for all I know.

But she did gag that night in the bathroom and hasn’t put her mouth on my cock since then. That was quite bizarre, but again, I fight the possibility. We are moons away from Rayna even considering having a baby. And even though our sexual cadence has been off as of late, I have to consider how it started when I proposed celibacy until our wedding day. And again the blow up about her past in Jersey, my unrelenting travel, her fight with Dawn, our separation when she learned of my sordid past, and then her sickness, sex hasn’t exactly been as regular as it’s been explosive. Rayna has gone beyond her typical minx persona, even sent lewd texts and pictures of her body parts. My dick springs up at that recollection.

I pull out my phone as I wait and review the pictures again. She promised to make me taste each image she texted. Goddamn— “Here’s my boy,” I hear from just above, pulling me from my lecherous thoughts.

I look up to find a beaming Yazmine and Samantha just beyond her.


“And here’s the birthday girl.” I extend my arm while supplying an overcompensating smile. I can’t stand because I’ll expose my raging erection.

By the time Yazmine moves to sit and Samantha moves up to embrace me, I’m in the safe zone. You don’t maintain an erection while touching your mother and mother-in-law. They put your shit on ice.

“Where’s my daughter?” Yazmine asks with excitement. She’s never referred to Rayna as an in-law. I guess not having a daughter will cause you to promote someone into that position with ease.

“Yeah, where is my baby girl?” Samantha gleams.

“Rayna should be here any minute. She had to pick up Erin, who will be joining us,” I offer.

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