Love Redeemed (Book #4)

“Oh, yeah?” she asks, now directly in my face. “I got a call from April last night. She tells me she spoke to Britni about that leaked tape, trying once again to get answers. Well, Britni tells her about an evening after a Trey Songz concert when she and Spin were approached by a woman who claimed to have had a beef with Azmir’s girlfriend. What a coincidence that so did Spin. The three of them got together and planned how to embarrass Rayna and humiliate Azmir at the same time. Of course, Britni didn’t describe this woman to April, but she did mention this woman said she worked with Azmir and had enough access to hurt him.”

There’s complete silence for what seems like hours. I’m trying to process it all. I had no fucking clue of Dawn’s trickeries, but can’t deny her being capable of them. I’ve always known she’s a like a cat ready to pounce. However, I thought her ideal pouncing was a sexual relationship with me, and as long as I made sure there was no way that would happen we were fine. I see I’ve underestimated her. So many thoughts are running through my mind. I need to know how I’ll get my wife out of this situation unscathed. I also need to contact my attorneys and Shayna Bacote. I’m getting the fuck out of the contract. This requires no further consideration.

“Still don’t believe me? Fine!” Rayna’s yelling snaps me out of my own head.

I don’t want to fight. She doesn’t need another punching bag. I have work to do before going to this event this evening. And my wife needs food and rest. If she doesn’t eat, she’s certainly going to rest. I stand from my seat and immediately tower her.

“No need to get tight. I never said I didn’t believe you.” I take her at the small of her back and gently push her into the bedroom. “You said you’re not hungry, but you will sleep.”

I tuck Rayna in bed and turn down the shades to darken the room.

“I need to get a few things done. Let me know if you need anything,” I offer before leaving the room.

Damn, this isn’t how I thought I’d be putting her ass out this weekend!


For the past week or so, I’ve been able to effectively rid my life of Dawn Taylor. Chesney presented her with Britni’s story that quickly quieted her threats of pressing charges against Rayna. I’ve given my parting words to Shayna. It’s unfortunate that she’s caught in this shit, but it’s only business to me. I assured her that if she ever decides to part with Dawn, I’d give her a reference.

Things have also begun to heat up with the defendants of the sex video scandal. I relayed to Chesney that I want their asses prosecuted to the highest extent of the law bearing in mind the damage they were attempting to ensue on Rayna, and not to mention the memory of her best friend who is now deceased and unable to defend herself. Announcements of lawsuits went out last Monday morning, and by lunchtime, Chesney had heard back from the radio station that owned Lady Spin’s show and I received a call from Spin herself.

Though tactful, she tried to go the journalist route by using the excuse of reporting a story without bias. Conversely, I wasn’t enthused; she fucking violated my lady to spite me. Rayna was devastated and justifiably. Michelle’s daughter could one day get a hold of that footage. I was advised not to speak directly to her. Beyond that, I could only tolerate a minute and a half of Spin’s cries of indignation. I now know the truth of the matter wasn’t that I’d stopped fucking her; she had said she was going back to Dalvin. Hell, she’s still with the dude! But it was because I found someone that stole my attention from casual relationships entirely. That’s the typical selfish and malicious move of a woman who wants to be Queen B to a man she never belonged to in the first place.

Rayna has gotten calls from Britni and April. And just like me, Rayna had to dismiss Britni’s call per the advice of counsel. Rayna is still shaken by the web of lies and conspiracy that took place underneath our noses. Who would’ve thought Dawn would be so keen to connect all of those women that night and hatch such a plan. She had to be damn convincing and thorough, as she never knew about such a recording. What a crafty one she is. According to April, Britni said Tara had declined Dawn’s offer. I’m sure that was because I’d been throwing her money at that time and she didn’t want to compromise that.

I decided to take Rayna away the following weekend to help get her mind off all that estrogenic bullshit. We jumped on a flight to San Francisco for the weekend.

It’s been too short for me, and against my preference of going farther for a longer amount of time, but Rayna has to work. I couldn’t help but feel like so soon into our marriage we need regrouping and can use a change in scenery, and arranged this trip. We’ve had a relaxing time, doing the tourist thing. We rode the cable car, something she was adamant about doing the first evening we arrived. We also toured Chinatown and explored Pier 39.

Love Belvin's books