Her Only Desire(Sultry Summer Nights)

Chapter Seventeen

Tilly didn’t know exactly how Boone had done it, but she was grateful just the same. When he’d asked her to trust him, something inside her had given. Tears had dried. She’d nodded, relieved he wasn’t that stranger anymore: the one who’d frightened her before.

In his eyes, she saw the same confusion she felt deep inside. They should be enemies, standing on opposite sides, but both yearned to find a way to make this relationship work. For now, she’d trust he would find a way to make this right for both of them.

As natural as breathing, she’d let him lead her inside to his bedroom and strip her, raising her arms when he asked, stepping out of her clothing when the rest of it fell.

Clasping her hand, he’d led her to the bed and had her sit on the edge and watch as he undressed. She’d grown painfully aroused watching, admiring the body exercise and discipline had honed.

Then he’d bent and reached to her side, snagging a pillow and dropping it in front of where he stood.

Inside, she melted. Gratitude and some poignant, fragile emotion crept into her heart. Perhaps it was odd, but what he wanted didn’t feel like a selfish act on his part. He was making himself vulnerable to her, offering her another “lesson,” proving to her he wasn’t ready to toss her to the curb. He needed her. With her gaze lowered, she slipped to the floor, knelt in the center of the pillow, and leaned toward his cock.

As she rubbed her cheek on him and breathed in his tangy scent, she acknowledged she’d needed this reminder of how different they were—in physical form, anyway. All his strength and power were reflected in this bold, thrusting part of his male body. Satin skin cloaking a hard-as-steel rod.

There was comfort to be found in that masculine strength. Comfort he gave effortlessly, or perhaps in spite of himself. He’d given her so many gifts of delight and fantasy, he’d taught her a little about herself that she hadn’t been aware existed.

He’d asked for her trust. And she knew, deep inside, he wouldn’t have offered it if he didn’t already trust her. What to do with that trust—well, that was the big question. For now, she could return a little of what he’d given her. She’d give him submission…and pleasure.

She warmed her hands between her thighs while she nuzzled his sex, giving his cock occasional kisses as she rubbed against him like a kitten. When she was sure the chill that had kept her hands shaking earlier was gone, she slid her hands up his taut thighs, inching her fingers slowly toward his balls. Her heartbeat thudded in her chest, the anticipation driving her wild.

His feet scooted farther apart, and she smiled to herself. She cupped him in her palm and hefted, liking their weight and firmness inside his bare, velvety sac. When she leaned toward him, she heard the soft whoosh of an inhalation.

Boone might like to think he was in control, but right now he was open and vulnerable to her touch. It was a heady thought, but one that didn’t last long. She opened her mouth and sucked first one, then both hard orbs inside.

She lovingly caressed them with her tongue, following their curves then gripping them both as she gently tugged. Following her instincts to explore, she learned what pleased him by the slight tremble of his thighs or the raspy catch of his breaths.

While his arousal steadily escalated, so did hers, causing her belly to tighten, her chest to rise and fall a little faster.

Fingers dug into her scalp and pulled, and she reluctantly released him, slicking her tongue upward, tracing the veins carved on the sides of his shaft, and then lapping widely down to begin the ascent again.

A chuckle rocked him, and she opened her eyes, gave him a wink, and then gripped his shaft in her hands and eased it downward so that she could capture the soft cushiony cap in her mouth. Although the head was wider than her tongue, she found it oddly pleasurable to swirl and swirl around it. Still exploring, she teethed the cap gently and chewed, not deep enough to hurt and only on the spongy surface. With a gentle pressure of her thumbs, she widened his eyelet hole and slid the tip of her tongue inside, rocking her head shallowly forward and back as she stabbed inside. Every action felt natural, easy. As she gave him pleasure, her own increased, spiraling inside her, warming her, drugging her. Only the slight pressure of his fingers guided her, and she learned another important lesson. As his hips pumped slowly forward and back, heat pulsed through her body, centering deep in her belly.

But he was tired of play, and gripped the back of her head, pulling up to force her higher and aiming her mouth at his cock.

Opening, she let him guide her, accepted the smooth glide of his sex as it stroked over her tongue. Lord, the taste of his skin and the milky drop of precum had her groaning, because the way he f*cked her mouth was the way she wanted him to move inside her p-ssy. She groaned and opened wider. His grip loosened and she bobbed forward of her own accord, taking him deeper and deeper, suctioning around him, lavishly stroking the sides of his shaft with her tongue, her own growing desperation fueling her sensual movements.

His hands surrounded hers, still holding his shaft, and he squeezed around them, showing her how tightly he wanted her to hold him, and then guided her hands to move in a slightly twisting fashion up and down his shaft.

When she bobbed forward far enough the tip bumped the back of her throat, he cupped her head and gently pressed her deeper. “Swallow around me, Tilly. Give my cock a sexy kiss.”

Although doubtful she could, she tried it. Her throat convulsed, closing and opening, and she understood what he’d meant when he’d called it a kiss.

“Loosen your jaw, let me stroke deeper, breathe through your nose.”

Her heartbeat quickened, but she did as he asked, widening her jaw and accepting his slow, gentle thrust, letting him come deeper than she’d thought possible. She gagged a little but breathed deeply, forcing herself to relax as he thrust again and again.

But at last he pulled away. Harsh breaths lifted his chest. He tilted his head to the side. “How is it you’ve never learned to give a blow job?”

Heat filled her cheeks. “Was I that horrible?”

“You were perfect, but, sweetheart, other than soft fondling, you weren’t familiar with much else. How can that be?”

She shrugged. “Sex before you was really pretty quick and rarely repeated.” Because she’d been left feeling used, but she wasn’t about to admit that. College boys were selfish.

“How many partners have you had?”

Her jaw dropped and her gaze skittered to the side. “That’s not any of your business.”

“Of course it is. How am I to know where you need instruction if I can’t know what you’ve learned, or haven’t, along the way?”

Irritation tightened her body. She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. “Four. Sort of. One who liked to finger me, because he didn’t consider it f*cking and so he wouldn’t go to hell. The other three came inside me. One actually seemed to care whether I came or not, although he only accomplished it once.”

His head shook slowly side to side. “Just vaginal penetration?”

“What other kind is there?” she quipped, although she wasn’t really that na?ve.

Boone pressed his lips together. “Get onto the bed, sweetheart,” he said, a little gravel coloring his tone.

She pushed off the pillow and crawled onto the mattress. When she would have rolled to her back, he held her hips still.

Her heart fluttered in her chest. So he’d take her from behind.

“Move forward.”

At his command, she crawled to the center of the bed and glanced over her shoulder, watching as he walked on his knees until he was right behind her. At the sight of the stern set of his jaw, she felt a moment’s misgiving that she was here, ready to surrender everything again. Boone was a large man, hard-bodied, capable of horrible violence. Once a SEAL, now he was her lover. And he’d already proven himself capable of giving a woman unbelievable, dazzling pleasure. He’d been gentle with her, even when he’d pushed her past her inhibitions. If she was nervous now, it was because she feared feeling too much for Boone Benoit.

His hands landed on her bottom, smoothed down to her thighs, then up again. His thumbs spread her vaginal lips.

Quickly, she faced forward, taking short breaths through pursed lips as he thrust fingers inside her, drawing down silky moisture. The waiting as he continued to stroke her moist flesh made her tremble.

Then his cock nudged into her opening.

Arousal hit and her p-ssy throbbed. Tilly gripped the sheets in her fists and went to her elbows, lifting her bottom higher, readying herself for his thrust.

But he didn’t move. Her p-ssy clasped his cap, making a sound like a lush wet kiss, but still he didn’t move. Instead, he bent and wrapped his arms around her middle and then leaned back, lifting her up.

Feeling awkward, she didn’t know where to put her hands or how to move. She clutched her thighs, wishing he’d signal what he expected. “I’m sure this would be easier if you let me back down,” she said, lifting her hands to caress his tensed forearms. Offering encouragement, when she wished she could think of how to tempt him to go a little faster.

“Easier?” His breath gusted warmly in her ear. His tongue slid around the outer curve, following it down to the lobe, where he nipped it.

Her skin heated and she tilted her head to the side. “Yes, easier. You could…push into me.”

“Why not push you down onto me?”

Why was he talking? She needed him to move. “Wouldn’t that be awkward? And why waste your strength, because you know you’d have to help me move.”

“Not if you spread your thighs and straddled mine. You’d have leverage and I won’t exhaust myself.”

His breath was warm on her cheek, and there was a smile in his voice. Her mouth curved. As if sex would exhaust him—the man with a body honed for action.

“Trust me. I’ll show you how this works.”

She didn’t appreciate the delay, not when he’d been right there anyway. But she clumsily moved, with his help, until she was positioned with her thighs wide, straddling him. His cock pulsed beneath her, the shaft riding her slit.

“Now see? Everything I want to touch is open to me.” He demonstrated, molding her breasts, and then smoothing a hand down her stomach to cup her p-ssy. “Plus, I can see over your shoulder.” He gripped a breast. “I like your pretty nipples, Tilly.”

Tingles ran along her skin. She certainly liked the way he molded her with his palm. The pinch he delivered with his thumb and forefinger made her gasp. Below, she was stretched, her entrance open. Cool air wafted between her legs, teasing her hot flesh.

Again, Boone nipped her lobe. “Reach between your legs, baby. Guide me into you.”

A slight tremor in her hands, she reached down, gripped his cock, and put the head at her opening.

Boone’s sweet breath drifted past her cheek. He shifted beneath her and pushed inside her.

She realized quickly there was a problem with this position. “But…” She bit her lip.

“But what?”

“You can’t…I need you deeper.”

A chuckle rocked his chest against her back. “We have time, Tilly. The rest of the night.”

“But…” She wanted to whine, but his fingers pinched her nipple and she took that as a sign he wouldn’t appreciate any more complaints. Boone wanted what he wanted, and he’d make her wait, just because he liked to drive her crazy with desire.

Two fingers curved over her bottom lip, and he stuck them in her mouth. “Lick them.”

She swiped them with her tongue, while she wriggled her hips a bit, trying to ease down an inch or so more.

His fingers dropped between her legs and smoothed over her *. Nice. Her body melted against him. Her back rubbing against his chest. Maybe he didn’t intend to get her off by f*cking. His clever fingers could easily coax her into orgasm. She settled her shoulders against his chest and leaned as far into him as she could while he swirled on her *. Each slow circle tightened her womb, tensed her thighs and belly.

One of his hands disappeared. When it returned, he held two clips on his open palm.

Once again, her pleasure was arrested. She stared at the devices. “What are those for?”

“For your nipples. Open the clamps and attach them to the tips.”

A frown dug a line between her brows, and now she was glad he couldn’t see her expression. She swiped one off his palm, aware he peered over her shoulder, and opened the clamp, slowly letting it close around a nipple. The rubber-cloaked pinchers weren’t exactly comfortable, but they didn’t sting either. She let out the breath she’d been holding. She could handle this.

“See the screw on the side?” he said, his voice deepening. “I want you to tighten it.”

With her fingers, she held the clamp still and tightened the screw turn by turn. Blood pulsed in her breasts. When the device felt plenty snug to her, she reached for the other, but his hand shut. “Two more turns, Tilly.”

“But it’s already tight. Any tighter and it’ll hurt.”

“You can take it. Two turns.”

How strange it felt for them both to watch so intently, their heads side by side, both staring down at the cinched nipple. Her fingers shook as she gave the screw two more turns. When she’d finished, her breasts were tight and hot, the one tip filling and distending. The sting was harsh, but oddly erotic.

She glanced sideways and bumped her cheek against his. “Good enough?” she whispered.

Without speaking, he opened his palm, and she took the other, attached it to her nipple, then turned the screw until the stinging pain matched the first nipple’s.

Before she had a chance to draw a deep breath to recover her poise, Boone’s hands cupped the undersides of her breasts, lifting them. “Do you like that?”

“I’m not sure,” she murmured.

He touched the tips of her nipples, just a soft side-to-side toggle, and she hissed between her teeth. Now engorged, her nipples were growing more sensitive.

“Just something else to think about while I’m not f*cking you the way you want.”

The more he toggled, the more she liked the sting. However, she caught the edge of his not-so-subtle criticism in his wry tone. She snorted. “I wasn’t complainin’, honest.”

“But you wanted to. That’s okay.” Hands clamped the notches of her hips, lifting her.

Her hands went to his forearms to balance herself. Her heart leapt, because she hoped now he’d give her the release she craved.

His beard rasping against her shoulder, Boone let her fall, and at the same time he pushed upward.

His cock was deeper, spreading her folds. Not as deep as she craved, but pleasant.

“Spread wider, Tilly.”

“I’m not a gymnast,” she muttered, but she leaned a little forward and forced her thighs wider.

With nothing to hold on to now, she relied on his strong grip balancing her, controlling her movements up and down. She sank blissfully deeper than before, her p-ssy growing juicier, coating Boone’s dick, and making lush, wet sounds. Greedy now, she wanted more—more of his thick, long cock, a bite of pleasure to push her over the edge. She toggled her nipples, slid a finger into the tops of her folds. He might be enjoying it, but he was moving so slowly she knew he wasn’t going to allow her to peak any time soon.

He dropped her one last time, then wound his arms around her belly. “Am I boring you?”

Because there was a hint of laughter in his voice, she didn’t worry about any hurt feelings. She eased her fingers from her *. “I’m not bored,” she said, unable to mask the petulance in her voice, “but I am frustrated.”

“Are you questioning my prowess?”

She turned slightly, eyeing his expression. Secretly thrilled he was teasing her—even if she was teetering on the edge and annoyed he’d stopped her cold once more. “Am I allowed to question?”

His face tautened, his brows lowered. “If your master doesn’t please you, you have every right to let him know.”

Master. A word that in any other context would have had her back stiffening in rejection, but here…with him…she could imagine bowing at his feet or leaping to serve or service him. A crook of his finger, when she was this tightly wound, could make her crawl. And her body tightened even more. She nibbled her lip. “Is this some sort of punishment, Boone?”

The edges of his jaw and cheeks hardened. “Do you deserve punishment, Tilly?”

With a slow movement, she nodded, knowing she’d reminded him of everything she’d wanted him to forget while they were together like this. More than anything, she wanted the world and all their worries to recede, for at least as long as it might take for them to find pleasure in each other’s arms.

“Well, this isn’t punishment,” he said, his voice even. “I actually intend to pleasure you. Because we both need it. And after what you told me about your previous lovers—”

Her body tensed. “I wouldn’t exactly call them that. They were hookups. I know that makes me sound really cheap, but until I bought my first vibrator, I thought I needed them.”

A finger pressed against her lips. “I wanted you aroused, but also frustrated.”

With her mouth, she pushed his finger away. “And that’s not punishment?”

Two fingers pinched her lips together.

Relief that he could let go of that little flare of anger again to tease her, and so quickly, kept her still.

“Shush. I wanted you pliable.”

She couldn’t help it; she bristled at the word. Wasn’t she already? Hadn’t she done everything he’d ever asked of her? She waited until he released her, then couldn’t resist asking, “Why’s that?”

His chest tightened against her back. Hands glided over her belly to the undersides of her breasts. “Because I’m going to introduce you to another form of penetration.”

At that one word, a picture flashed into her mind. Tilly swallowed, shock widening her eyes, but liquid oozed from inside her. A slick of heat that quickened as her p-ssy clenched around him. She cupped the backs of his hands and gave them a squeeze. “Oh,” she said in a small voice. “If what I’m thinking is what you’re going to do, can I say I think it’s really, really nasty?”

His cheek rubbed the side of hers, the bristles of his beard chafing deliciously. “Do we need to institute the rules again?”

“Only if you want to,” she muttered.

“Do you need them, sweetheart?”

With her p-ssy clamping hard, and her nipples tingling, she couldn’t suppress the quiver that shook her body at the sexy rumble of his voice. “I think I might,” she whispered.

“Then no more speaking—unless I ask you a question. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

He leaned away from her, removing his delicious heat. She heard the silky slide of fabric and then he straightened.

A purple scarf entered her vision. “Close your eyes.”

He was blindfolding her. Intrigued, she complied, waiting patiently while he tied it around her head.

“Can you see anything?”

“No, sir,” she said, her breaths shortening as she grew more excited. Without sight, his voice and hands would be her only anchor. She felt as though she’d relinquished power, placed her trust more fully in his hands, which was silly because she knew all she had to do was reach up and shift the scarf to take a peek. Something her curiosity wouldn’t allow, not now. What was he up to?

“Good. Now, I want you on your hands and knees again, your ass raised for me. Do it now.”

Although she cringed inside, at the evenness of his voice and for her modesty’s sake, she leaned forward, bending at the waist. She caught her fall with her hands and crawled off his cock and lap. She halted in what she hoped was the middle of the bed and held still.

The mattress dipped and rose. His footsteps padded away, not far. To the bedside table. A drawer slid open. Something rattled, and then he was back, his weight once again shifting the mattress. A warm hand landed on her bottom. Fingers spread her cheeks. Although she tightened her ass in rejection, her p-ssy moistened. Good Lord, she hoped he’d be quick about whatever he was going to do, because once again, he’d embarrassed her.

Something cold touched her back entrance and she sucked in a breath.

“Just lubricant, sweetheart. And this is only an introduction, so don’t worry I’ll go farther than you’re comfortable with.”

Only because she was following rules did she resist a nervous quip. There wasn’t any part of this forbidden act that was comfortable.

A firm finger rubbed the gel around and around her sensitive orifice. Oddly sensual, given she’d never understood the appeal. But something inside her told her Boone did. And she trusted he knew better after scores and scores of size twos. So she held silent and still, allowing herself to relax enough to enjoy the soft circling motions.

Fingers prodded her p-ssy. Two slid inside, twisting as they sank.

Her breath left in a whoosh. As his fingers penetrated deeper and deeper, she relaxed, her inhalations slowing, her chest expanding. Ripples of pleasure teased along her inner channel.

Until a fingertip pressed against her anus, and she couldn’t help that her muscles contracted, trying to prevent his entry.

“You have to keep breathing, Tilly. Take a couple deep ones. Relax.”

Breathe? Relax? Was he f*cking kidding? But all she said was, “Yes, sir.” Dragging deeper breaths through her pursed lips, she willed the tiny muscles to ease.

The thick digit entered her. Not very far, but the intrusion caused her body to shudder and her p-ssy to clamp tightly around his plunging fingers. Pleasure and unease blended, shredding her breaths, and soon, she didn’t care which feeling eclipsed, because her stinging breasts swayed beneath her as her body moved forward and back, distracting her, and soon she was pushing backward, silently begging to be filled. She dropped her chest to the comforter and rubbed the exposed tips against the cool cotton for relief.

The finger in her ass pulled out, then sank again, twisting inside, this time deeper, causing her tissues to burn, but not in an unpleasant way. Startling. Perhaps even delicious, if she weren’t so embarrassed.

His finger plunged and held. The ones curled into her p-ssy withdrew. Then the fat head of his cock pressed against her entrance and slowly slid inside.

Tilly gave a desperate groan. Everything clamped down—the mouth of her vagina, her tiny a*shole. She pressed her face against the bedding, loving everything he was doing, but so shy she didn’t know how she’d ever look him in the eyes again.

“Up on your arms, baby.”

Her body stilled and she shook her head.

Finger and cock withdrew.

And she knew, her refusal had consequences because they were still playing. Something she’d forgotten while she’d been so engrossed in the turmoil swirling inside her.

Disappointed in herself, she lowered her bottom and curled on her side to face him. When the weight on the mattress shifted, lightening, she worried that she’d displeased him even more than she realized. And why had she refused him? Something so simple. The fact her arms were shaking was hardly excuse enough. But she’d wanted to resist something, anything after she’d allowed him the dirtiest of intimacies, just to demonstrate a little free will and hold on to her pride.

Blindfolded and lying nude in the center of a sumptuous bed, waiting for a billionaire player wasn’t something she’d ever prepared for. The fact she’d done her best to remain unimpressed with the trappings Boone brought had been a major feat, although she really hadn’t had to try that hard. Since the beginning, he’d purposefully kept her on shaky ground. Too off-kilter to regroup.

Which was exactly where she was now, only the feeling was amplified by the fact she couldn’t see him.

She followed sounds as he moved around the bedroom. The opening of a door, but not his bedroom door. The bathroom perhaps? Drawers slid open then closed.

“I’m a patient man,” Boone said.

His voice was close and she jerked because she hadn’t realized he’d returned. Had he come on tiptoe deliberately? The thought almost made her smile. Almost, but then she thought about what he’d said.

Was he out of patience? What might the consequences be? He’d been firm about the fact he wasn’t letting her go, but would he care less? Would his desire for her diminish if she didn’t give him exactly what he wanted?

Part of her hated how much that thought disturbed her, because it meant she really was falling hard for this man, and she couldn’t protect herself from the hurt that would surely come when their affair ended. Already, the thought pressed against her chest, making it hard to breathe.

A hand smoothed over her shoulder and down her arm. A finger gently rubbed a swollen nipple. Small caresses, but enough—her thoughts stopped whirling.

“I think,” Boone said softly, “and you’re free to disagree, that you defy me for the express purpose of earning punishment.”

Good Lord, was she that transparent? She shook her head, defiance once again swelling inside her. “That wasn’t what I was thinking at all.”

“Really? Then what did go through your mind?”

She sniffed. “That my arms were shaking.”

“And that’s all?”

Tilly didn’t want to go there, but she sensed Boone wouldn’t let her shy away from the truth. She turned her head, pressing her cheek into the mattress, wishing he didn’t have a full view of her expression. “After what you did…what I’d allowed you to do, I wanted…”

“To take back a little control?”

Lord, she hated the fact he knew her better than she did. “Yes,” she said in a small voice.

His hand glided up, stopping to cup her cheek. “Tilly, I don’t want you to act against your nature or your instincts, ever. But will you agree, that sometimes, you don’t act in your own best interests? That you make things harder on yourself?”

Was he thinking about the box or her refusal? She didn’t know how to answer. Inside, she felt as shaky as her arms had. “I think…right now, I’m deserving of punishment.”

He chuckled. “But you didn’t answer my question.”

“I don’t know how, sir.”

“I’ll show you the answer you’re seeking, sweet little sub. Trust me a little longer?”

She nodded. But only because he was using the voice again. The way he’d said sweet little sub in his dark, rumbling voice felt like a caress. Impossible to resist.

“Since your arms are so weakened,” he said, his tone wry, “I want you draped over the edge of the mattress, feet on the floor, your ass pointed toward me.”

Did he have a thing for asses? What about her p-ssy? The part of her that was swollen and wet and aching to be filled? But she didn’t dare hesitate for more than a second, because she was done with introspection and needful of what she knew he would give her in the end. She just had to be strong enough to let him mold her however he wanted, and he’d reward her. So she slid backward toward the edge of the mattress, and then lay facedown, her hips bent over the edge, her ass pointing toward him, her toes touching the floor.

“Since you’re so feeble, I’m using something to hold your legs spread. I don’t want you exerting yourself.”

“My legs are fine,” she blurted, suddenly breathless because the humor in his voice held a bite. He was planning something, preparing to surprise her—no doubt, to push her further than he already had. She drew a deep breath and waited.

“This isn’t for you, Tilly. It’s something I want. Will you tell me no?”

She bit her lip, but then shook her head. She’d do whatever he asked, and not just for the reward at the end, but to prove to him she was no wilting lily. “No, sir.”

“That’s better.” Then he was behind her. A hand patted her rump, then smoothed down her inner thigh. Something was wrapped around her thigh, just above her knee. A band? She heard the metallic clink of a buckle as it tightened. He moved to her other thigh and fastened another band. Pushing apart her legs, he attached something else. Only when he moved away and she tried to close her legs did she understand its purpose. Her legs were held spread apart. Impossible for her to close. Now she lay, clutching the sheets, her feet completely off the ground and her most intimate bits vulnerable.

This time, there was no embarrassment warming her cheeks. Excitement heightened the tension in her body.

“Can’t have you sliding off the bed when those weak hands let go of the sheets.”

She heard him circle. Heard two somethings drop on the mattress beside her shoulders. Tempted to reach out a hand and touch, she didn’t have to bother. He gripped her wrist and wrapped it, closing it with a scratchy Velcro fastening. He repeated the action, leaving both hands bound. Not until he pulled and she was gently forced to stretch out her arms did she figure out he’d somehow tied her to the bed.

Her chest tightened. Tilly wasn’t sure she liked this. He could do anything he pleased. Or nothing at all. Her helplessness caused her a moment’s panic, but then she reminded herself, this was Boone. He’d promised he wouldn’t ask more of her than she could give. She took deep, calming breaths and relaxed into the restraints.

He came around the bed and patted her bottom again. “Very nice. Just one thing missing.” He climbed onto the bed, straddling her waist but not dropping down his weight, and slid his hands around her face. “Open your mouth. I’m going to slip something inside. It’s called a ball gag. And at first, it’s not very comfortable. Don’t fight it. Relax your jaws, Tilly. Don’t hold them wide. Let the ball do the work.”

Alarm shot through her. “Why do I need a gag?”

“Tilly, I know you, sweetheart. You’ll try to protest what I do next. You’ll beg me for release. Maybe even curse and rail, but only for your pride’s sake. Let me set you free.”

Heart pounding, she tensed her arms and tried to shake loose the bonds on her wrist. “Boone, this is a little—”

“Scary?” His hands massaged her bottom, thumbs digging into the small of her back. “Baby, this is just the beginning. I’ll admit, I’m chafing at the bit to push you along. I shouldn’t be this eager. I could slow down…”

The soothing motions relaxed her, and she slumped on the bed. The way he talked, he intended this to be a long exploration. Like maybe he wanted her around for a while. When his hands slid beneath her and massaged her breasts, she knew she wanted to experience everything with him. She gave a little moan and tightened her breasts, all the movement she could manage to show him how much she loved the way his hands gently cradled her. She hadn’t thought about the future. But now that he’d put the idea in her mind, she wanted to be along for that long ride.

Tilly turned her head. “This all so new, Boone,” she whispered, ready at last to accept his lead. “I’m not sure what’s expected.”

He leaned over her, kissing her cheek. “You don’t have to think. I’ll do that for you.”

“That sounds a little arrogant.” She wrinkled her nose. “Like I’m clay for you to mold. Like I shouldn’t have my own expectations.”

He bit her earlobe. “Try me, sweetheart. Let me guide you. After we play, we’ll review.”

“Now you sound like a coach for a football team.”

“I am a coach.” He leaned away and his hand caressed her lower back. “But I’m also your lover. And I’m the one with experience.”

Tilly released a deep breath. “This is pleasurable for you? Teaching a newbie, know-nothing?”

“More than you can understand.”

She girded herself to ask the question she hoped wouldn’t make her sound too insecure. But he was so much more experienced than her. “And if I disappoint you?” She held her breath.

A kiss landed on top of her spine. “You can’t. The fact you’ve let me take you this far in so little time…It’s what tells me you’re ready for more.”

She released the breath, somehow reassured by his confidence in her. “What are you going to do?”

“You don’t want to be surprised?” he asked, that smile back in his voice.

“I’d rather be prepared,” she muttered softly.

Boone chuckled and then smoothed his large hard palm over her ass. His hand stopped and squeezed. “Baby, I’m going to flog you.”

Delilah Devlin's books