Her Only Desire(Sultry Summer Nights)

Chapter Fifteen

Boone smothered a laugh at the look of shock on Tilly’s face when they entered the dining room. He’d invited all his closest friends, men who shared his particular interests, to join them, having given them a heads-up that Tilly’s punishment would require a little extra attention. His men stood to one end of the dining room table? dressed casually in blue jeans or cargo pants. They straightened as he and Tilly entered.

“You’ve met Serge, Jonesy, and Bear,” he said, beginning the introductions and ignoring her beet-red cheeks.

No doubt she was horrified because he’d approved a very short black skirt and white halter top. More skin was exposed than she might want, especially since her nipples were still tight little beads, poking at her thin blouse. If she bent even a couple of inches, her ass cheeks would be exposed.

Boone didn’t mind the fact his closest friends might get an eyeful of Tilly’s sweet attractions, but he’d warned them against touching her, or making any sexual innuendos that might embarrass her. He’d reserved those pleasures for himself.

“You might remember Eric Thorson,” he said, gesturing toward the tall Swede, “from the first day you came here. Max…” he said, pointing to the little pug who lay quietly in a dog bed in the corner of the room, “is his. And then there’s Lincoln. You can call him Linc.”

Linc’s eyes twinkled in his dark face as he waved a hand toward Tilly. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

Tilly leaned closer to Boone, but offered the men a smile. “Nice to meet you and Eric.” Her hand sought Boone’s and squeezed hard.

He bent to her ear. “Punishment hasn’t ended.”

Her head dropped and her mouth firmed into a straight line. More important, her arms remained at her sides rather than moving forward in an attempt to hide her aroused nipples.

Boone smoothed a hand over the swell of her hips, all the approval he’d give her, but she seemed to take strength from it. Her mouth tipped up at the corner, and she gave him a sideways glance from under her lashes. Cornflower-blue eyes held his gaze for a moment.

Boone let the moment stretch, letting her know she was the center of his attention. Then he waved toward the table. “Let’s all be seated,” he said to his men. “I asked for grilled steaks tonight.”

Serge rubbed his belly. “With Cajun seasoning?”

Boone nodded. “What else?”

The men circled the table and stood behind their chairs.

Boone ushered Tilly forward with a hand pressed against the small of her back.

Her sandaled feet dragged, a hint of defiance, perhaps a reminder that he shouldn’t take her obedience for granted, but she let him guide her to the chair beside the head of the table. When he pulled it out to seat her, he bent to her ear. “As soon as they sit down, I want your skirt hiked up and your bare bottom on the upholstery.”

Her head turned slowly toward him, tilting up. Her eyes were round. “Seriously?” she whispered.

Amusement at her shock filled him. If only she knew what else he had in store…He tapped her nose. “That’s ‘Yes, sir.’” He paused, waiting for her response.

Her head dropped. “Yes, sir,” she said, but there was grit in her voice.

Boone grinned as he straightened, then flashed a warning around the table before taking his seat.

The men scraped back their chairs and sat.

Boone gave Tilly a pointed stare before turning to Serge. “Any news from down south?”

Tilly’s mouth tightened, and she shifted slowly in her chair.

He wished he was close enough he could run his hand up her thigh to make sure she was following his instructions. But the heightening color of her cheeks proved an excellent barometer of her discomfort. Tonight’s lesson would feature a gentle humiliation. If she balked, he wouldn’t press, but he was curious to see how she’d react. So far, she’d reacted as he’d predicted. Unsettled but acquiescent. For now.

“It’s been quiet,” Serge said, shooting a curious glance Tilly’s way before meeting Boone’s gaze. “Uh, Alejandro says the longer it takes for them to respond with the rest of their plan the worse it looks for those men.”

Boone nodded and swept a hand toward the table. “Tilly, all of these men are involved with the security services division of my company, but they’ve volunteered to step away and help with getting me moved in.”

She stopped wriggling in her chair, and raised her face. “It must be nice to have such loyal men surroundin’ you.”

“We’re all vested in the success of the company.”

Serge nodded. “We’ve grown wealthy together. Boone cut us in from the start. He was the man with the connections.” He lifted an arm and flexed his biceps. “We provided the brute strength and training.”

Around the table chuckles followed.

Tilly offered a little smile but was too wary to simply enjoy the conversation.

Boone moved his chair nearer to her and casually leaned an elbow on one chair arm while slouching in his chair. Now he was within reaching distance. Beneath the tablecloth, he reached for her knee and gave it a caress.

Her chest rose, and she sat up a little straighter. “So, I assume you all met in the navy?”

Linc flashed a smile, his eyebrows waggling. “We did. Not all of us came up as BUD/S at the same time. I met Boone and Serge when Boone was first assigned to Iraq. The others,” he said, waving a hand around the table, “filled in…vacancies in our team. You get tight with men when you’re having to watch each other’s backs.”

“When Boone decided to resign his commission,” Serge said, pausing to sip at his glass of water, “he shared his plans. Said we’d keep doing what we did best, but get paid better. As we all became eligible to leave, we stepped into jobs with Boone’s company, doing the security work ourselves. Now we train and supervise our own teams. Life’s good.”

Boone began sliding his palm higher, his fingers trailing up the inside of her thigh.

Her breath hitched. “And now you’re in the back of beyond in a swamp,” she said, her words coming in a rush.

“We’ll go wherever Boone needs us.”

Boone was glad they weren’t going where he was as he moved higher up her leg. Tilly’s thighs were clamped shut. When he was a couple of inches from her mound, her hand reached down and pushed at his.

He’d expected her reaction but wasn’t going to bend. Not now. Tilly had an important lesson to learn. Boone glanced her way, then bent the arm perched on the chair arm and crooked a finger.

Her glare could have roasted marshmallows, but she bent toward him.

“Since you’ve defied me,” he whispered, “I want you to raise your skirt in back.”

Her eyebrows lowered in a fierce frown that made him smile inside. She looked like a fierce kitten, complete with claws, which were digging into the back of his hand.

“They’ll see my ass,” she hissed.

“Only Bear, since he’s sitting next to you, and he won’t say a word.”

Just then the door from the kitchen opened. His server was another member of his team, but Boone didn’t introduce Manny Chavez. He’d let her sweat. “Now, baby. Do it. Do it because it will please me.”

Her eyes rounded. “Is this the punishment?”

“You aren’t playing by the rules. And you know there will be repercussions for every second you delay. But remember what I said—there’s pleasure in the punishment.” He gave her small smile to reassure her. “Your ass is lovely, by the way.”

“Boone…” she groaned.

For a moment, he wondered if he’d pushed her too far, if she’d refuse. Schooling his expression, Boone shook his head. “You want to walk in my world, Tilly. Act like you’re ready for it.”

Dropping her gaze again, she sat still, her mouth trembling. Color rose high in her cheeks.

Boone nearly relented at that hint of her inner turmoil. Maybe she wasn’t ready. Maybe she was too shy to ever be. He could adjust. The point wasn’t that he wanted her complete submission, but rather that he wanted her to push through her own boundaries.

But Tilly surprised him. With her fingernails still gouging the back of his hand, she began to wriggle again. Fabric rustled. From the corner of his eye, he saw the black fabric of her skirt bunch around her waist. She’d bared her bottom and a little more than he’d asked for. Slowly, she parted her thighs and let go of his hand.

For the moment, the pleasure was all his. Warmth filled his chest at her courage. He rewarded her, slipping up to dip his fingertips into the top of her folds, giving her a caress.

Her breath hitched, and then evened out.

His men didn’t miss their play. They shared glances, smiles tugging at the corners of their mouths. To the accompaniment of plates landing gently on the tabletop, the wet sounds he made, swirling on her sex, added tension to the air.

A plate slid in front of her. Then him. He glanced at Manny, dressed in dark trousers and a white dress shirt.

Manny gave him a nod. “I’ll break out the wine.”

Boone straightened, withdrawing his hand and reached into his pocket, taking out a small oval vibrator and setting it on the table between his place setting and Tilly’s. He picked up his fork. “Tilly,” he said, in a soothing tone loud enough for everyone at the table to hear, “put this inside you, then eat your meal.”

As she reached for the vibrator, her hand shook. Her head remained lowered, but she did exactly as he asked, leaning back in her chair and slipping the vibrator between her legs. When her hand came up, she wiped her fingers on her napkin then laid it on her thighs.

Through the fabric of his pants, Boone pressed the remote, and a humming sounded.

Her eyes closed, her mouth rounding. “I’m going to kill you, sir.”

Laughter rang out from his men. But Manny had already begun filling glasses.

Serge raised a glass, giving Tilly an approving glance. “Here’s to Clotille Floret, the belle of Bayou Vert. Welcome to Maison Plaisir, sugar.”

* * *

For Tilly, the toast and the praise she read in the rugged faces ringing the table filled her with a strange sense of accomplishment. For the first time since she’d entered the dining room, she relaxed. Pleasure at Serge’s gesture flushed her cheeks. “Y’all certainly know how to entertain a girl,” she drawled.

Boone flashed her a smile and lifted his own glass. “To your courage. My men appreciate that in a woman, even if she’s not theirs to enjoy.”

Warmth flooded her body. She wished she’d had enough courage to ask if she was truly his. The thought of belonging to him caused a deep yearning to tighten her chest. “I’d be flattered, but I wonder how many times this scene has played out.”

“Funny you should use that word,” Serge murmured, raising his eyebrows.

She didn’t understand his meaning, but the amusement the men shared was a palpable thing. Just as their tension radiated from their thick chests and arms. Lord, a woman could drown in the testosterone floatin’ in this room.

She didn’t realize she’d said her thought aloud until Bear choked beside her. Reaching behind him, she patted his shoulder. “Are you okay?”

He cleared his throat and threw her a scowl. “I’m fine, ma’am.”

“Since I’m callin’ you all by your first names, and you’ve been starin’ at my ass, don’t you think you should just call me Tilly?”

“Boone, you unleashed a monster,” Linc said, his voice thick with laughter.

Tilly shook her head and picked up her knife, cutting a slice off the succulent steak in front of her. “Just tryin’ to get into the swing of things. This is a very strange meal.”

When the humming grew louder and the vibrations more insistent, she was given a hint of just how strange it was to become. She put down her knife and fork and curled her fingers against the tablecloth. “Boone?”

“Rules, sweetheart. It’s time to play by them.”


“The moment you start to come, the meal ends. Let the men finish their steaks.”

She shook her head, her gaze slashing around the table. Everyone’s head was bent as they ate, but they were certainly taking their time. She didn’t know how she was going to hold on. Her p-ssy was juicy and hot. Still a little raw from Boone’s lovemaking of the previous night and her own manipulations not an hour earlier. And she was past caring that her expression had to be showing every bit of her dismay and arousal.

While they talked amongst themselves and shoveled food into their mouths, she tried to hold still, tried to think of something else other than the metal egg pulsing inside her, but the shiny gadget was striking just the right spot and shivering so hard she felt it vibrate through her belly and p-ssy. She closed her thighs, trying to trap the sound as well as stem the pulses beginning up and down her channel. With her breaths coming faster, she was sure someone was going to have to clean the wet spot growing beneath her on the chair.

Then the vibrations ratcheted up a little more. Her inner walls clenched around it, making it feel as though it was getting bigger, but it was only the swelling of her tender tissues as her arousal built. Her thighs slithered together, opening and closing. She let her head fall against the back of the chair and couldn’t resist turning it side to side—the sensation was so delicious, and cutting through the last of her inhibitions. She closed her eyes.

“Very nearly done,” Serge said, his voice demonically smooth.

“Thank you,” she muttered.

He chuckled. “You’re lovely when you come undone.”

Boone cleared his throat with a rough rasp.

“Right, boss. We’re not supposed to make any sexual comments.”

“I don’t know how you can refrain,” she bit out, gasping against the tightness centering in her vagina.

“Might be easier if you didn’t make those little moans,” he said.

“I’m not…” But she was. She let another claw its way from her throat. And then she couldn’t hold still another moment. She began rocking in her chair, forward and back, the motions soothing because her vaginal lips rubbed on the fabric. “Oh God, I’ll never be able to look you all in the eyes again.”

A large hand lifted her hair and cupped the back of her neck, massaging it. By the direction of the fingers, not Boone’s. Her eyes shot open and she turned to Boone, who watched her, his expression blank.

Bear’s fingers deepened their caress.

Another hand, Boone’s this time, slipped into the top of her blouse and cupped her bare breast. He tweaked her nipple.

With an indrawn breath, she glanced up from her chest to meet his steady gaze.

“We’re done eating,” he said, giving her a little nod.

Tilly kicked off her sandals under the table and curled her toes into the Persian carpet. Locked with Boone’s gaze, watching his eyelids lower and his nostrils flare, she leaned into Bear’s caress, widened her thighs and ground down into the chair, pressing her p-ssy hard, causing the quickening vibrations to rumble through her p-ssy to her bottom. She cried out, chest jerking forward, her pleasure spiraling inside her. She forgot to breathe. Dropping her hands to the chair’s arms, she rocked and rocked until at last she exploded.

When she opened her eyes, Bear withdrew his hand from her neck.

Boone pushed back his chair and came close, kneeling beside her. He cupped her head and pressed her face against his shoulder. “You’ll understand if I ask you all to leave now.”

Chairs scraped. Dishes rattled. Footsteps padded away.

Boone kissed her hair and scooted back her chair. Then he lifted her and laid her on the table, notably free of dinnerware.

With her legs dangling over the edge, her skirt around her waist, she didn’t glance around, not caring whether Manny was still there, dutifully cleaning the table. She watched, fixed on the sight of Boone’s ruddy cheeks. His hands tended to unbuttoning his trousers and sliding down his zipper, then lowering his garment past his hips.

Now, her attention was fixed on his thick, straight cock.

He lifted her knees into the crooks of his elbows and nudged her sex.

“Remove the vibrator then guide me into you, sweetness.”

She wondered if the men had fled to the room where the security monitors were. Whether they were watching. But she didn’t really care. If she were more truthful with herself, she hoped they watched. Because Boone, standing as he was, with his cock poised to plunge inside her, was the epitome of masculine strength and determination.

And, at least for this moment, he was hers.

She reached down with both hands, spread her lips and delved inside for the vibrator, which she tossed away. Then she lovingly gripped his thick, hot shaft. Without breaking his gaze, she placed him at her entrance, rubbing the tip of his penis in her wet folds to moisten it, and then fed him slowly inside her as he pushed forward. “I love the way you feel,” she breathed. “I didn’t think I could take you, you’re so large. But when you thrust inside me, I feel powerful too.”

Boone hefted her thighs higher, pulling her bottom off the table and straightening his back. “Punishment’s over.”

She gave him a coy smile. “Am I free to play?”

Gaze sparkling with heat, he nodded.

Reaching behind her neck, she released the fastening of her blouse, then pulled down the front to expose her breasts. “Are they watching?”

“Probably,” he muttered, pulsing inside her in shallow, circular movements.

She affected a shocked expression with gaping mouth and widened eyes. “What, you didn’t give them detailed instructions?”

“No time. I was winging it.” His hips delivered a delicious swirl. “When I went to your cottage, I had already asked them to dinner, but wasn’t sure how far I’d take this.” He circled again.

Her breath hitched. “I get it now.”


“Why they call this screwing.”

Boone pushed all the way inside her, then paused. “Shall I demonstrate banging?”

She giggled. “Only if it pleases you, sir.”

He growled and juggled her thighs, snuggling his groin against hers. “Okay, sweet sub, show me again how you play with your *.”

The door whooshed closed.

“Did your server just leave?”

“Uh-huh. Quit stalling.”

“But they’ll see,” she said with a little playful whine.

“You’ll get used to that.”

The thought that he might want them to continue their relationship thrilled her. She pouted her lips. “I suppose you’ll have me parading nude around them before too long.”

“Only if it brings you pleasure.”

“I think I like pleasing you.”

“Then I’ll command you to strip. Maybe I’ll eat you out on the table while they actually finish a meal.”

His suggestion sounded so decadent, but not beyond her imagination. At least not now that he’d begun powering inside her. She’d do anything to make him this wild.

She sighed. “I like this system of punishment and reward.”

“You still haven’t given me what I asked, Tilly.”

“Oh.” She gave him an impish smile and licked two fingers, then reached down and pulled up the top of her folds, liking how stretched they felt with his cock filling her hungry passage. She toggled her *, working slowly at first while he glided in and out, his movements steady and controlled, until she began to wriggle, because her * was already hard, already distended, and her fingertips were flicking faster. “Sir?”

“Not until I say,” he gritted out.

She liked the surly undertones, and liked the tension he displayed, his face darkening, his jaw and cheeks looking like carved granite.

Dropping her eyelids halfway, she continued to watch him as his gaze fell to her p-ssy and her quickening movements. Her * was molten hot with friction, her vagina soaking wet and making moist sounds that would have made her cringe before she’d learned he liked her sopping wet—for him.

Boone’s motions grew shorter, sharper, his arms extended at his sides, widening her thighs. His gaze was on his cock sliding in and out of her body, and she wished she could see it through his eyes, know what they looked like, coming together. But she felt every inch invading her. Felt her body stretching wide, his groin crashing against her, his deep, targeted thrusts cramming his thick cock inside as he pushed and pulled.

And she could think those raw anatomical names without cringing either, because he made this something more than sex. Becoming his plaything wasn’t just about this glorious culmination. Wasn’t something she could feel ashamed about coming to crave. It was about surrender—of herself, of her inhibitions.

Boone pounded harder, sweat dripping from his hair and streaking down his cheeks. His lips were pulling back from his teeth. “Now, Tilly.”

“Jesus,” she groaned, and pinched her *, twisting it slightly and arching her back off the table. She let loose a shout, knowing his men could hear whether they had their ears pressed against the door or were watching through their monitors. The issue wasn’t about her not caring. She was proud of this moment, of the overwhelming release, of her capitulation. In this moment, she didn’t belong to herself, but to Boone, just as they did.

Boone gave a muffled shout, and the sound made her smile. While he continued to pump inside her, spurts of hot cum filling her, she hugged her breasts and thrashed her head, panting so hard she felt light-headed.

When he slowed, she felt a moment’s disappointment the moment was ending. Then Boone dropped her knees and bent over her, sliding his hands beneath her back and lifting her.

Bodies still connected, her thighs wrapping around his hips, he walked her to the door.

Wearily, she smiled, glad they weren’t finished. Hoping they never would be.

Delilah Devlin's books