Heart Recaptured

“Pin her down!” a faint voice ordered, and my arms and legs suddenly felt leaden. A leaf flowing downstream on the river caught my eye, skipping by rocks and boulders. For some strange reason, I could not pull my attention away. It looked so simple, so free, on its own journey into the unknown.

“You got it, Jep?” a low voice asked. The man above me grunted in response as the leaf kept floating southward.

Rough hands gripped my cheeks, and he wrenched my head upright. Something was placed over my mouth, smothering me, but I was too dazed to fight it off. Its smell was strong; the more I breathed in, the sleepier I became.

“She out yet?” someone asked from my left, and I rolled my head toward the sound. A pair of black boots were near my head, but all I saw was that solitary leaf in the river, drifting peacefully around the bend and out of sight.

I never did find out the fate of that leaf, for the world around me began to turn black. As deep panic ripped through my body, one final image rushed to the forefront of my mind, bringing me an overwhelming sense of peace: Ky. Ky’s beautiful face. His blue eyes shining, his sumptuous mouth smiling, his long blond hair messy and unkempt. Best of all, he gazed upon me with pure adoration and love. My Ky’s kind face kept me safe as I was pulled down to an abyss.

He always kept me safe.

He would forever have my heart… even if I could never have his.

Chapter Fifteen


“I say we load up everything we fuckin’ have and storm that motherfuckin’ ranch. Bring a fuckin’ Blitzkrieg on those pointy-hooded fascist cunts!” Viking spat out and hammered his fist on the table to emphasize his words.

Tank shook his head. “This ain’t the same Klan we were dealing with a few months back, Vike. Johnny Landry is out. He’s organized, a fuckin’ genius. He’ll be expecting us.” Tank looked away from Viking and focused on Styx. “Him coming here tonight, blowing the front gate and taking out sluts and hang-arounds but none of the brothers, is fuckin’ weird. If he’d wanted us gone to Hades, he might not have got all of us, but his aim with a gun is second to none. We’re all still here, living and breathing another day—this shit was planned.”

Styx’s expression darkened. “That fucker knocked my woman out, made me insane when I thought it was worse. For that alone he’s gonna meet the boatman… slowly, after I carve a fuckin’ H in his chest and gift him a permanent smile.” I verbalized Styx’s words to Tank, but my mind was elsewhere… back in my room with Li, my cock buried deep in her tight *, watching that fuckin’ stunning face of hers beneath me—eyes closed, mouth slightly open as she moaned my name in her cock-teasing breathless voice.

Ky… I love you… Ky… Ky…

“Ky!” someone shouted, ripping me from staring off into fuckin’ space, daydreaming.

I followed the voice to find Bull and his fully Maori-tattooed face glaring at me, his pumped arms crossed over his chest. He flicked his head in Styx’s direction. When I faced my best friend, he was fuckin’ murdering me with his eyes. They were suspicious too, and my stomach dropped. He was gonna cut off my dick with a blunt blade when he found out I’d fucked Lilah.

Tank coughed and said, “Like I was saying, something bigger is going down. That IED at the gate was a distraction.”

Styx clicked his fingers, and I followed his hands. “You’ve done this shit with them when you were with the brotherhood. What would they be up to? And what the fuck would they want from us? Thought Landry didn’t want revenge for taking out their men a few months back?”

Tank shook his head. “Don’t think he does. Those assholes were collateral, lower level soldiers. Landry won’t give two shits that we sent them to Hades, you heard as much back at the rally. Fucker probably thinks we saved him a job. He’s cleaned out the Klan, as far as my contact says. Getting rid of all the dumbfuck rednecks and recruiting the true soldiers.”

Tillie Cole's books