Heart Recaptured

Styx leaned back in his chair and sighed, eyes to the ceiling. The brothers and I watched him, waiting for instruction. Finally, he sat forward, elbows on the table.

“Tank, get in touch with your skinhead brother and find out why the hell we got no front gate and three fuckin’ corpses on our hands. We wait, work out the end game, and then take these bastards out. Yeah?”

“Aye,” I pledged, along with all the brothers, going around the table one by one.

“Tonight we take shifts protecting the compound. Get your bitches to the club. We’re on lockdown until we know where we stand. AK, Cowboy, Vike, and Hush, you take first shift. Flame.” Styx paused and Flame shook his head slowly. Styx sighed. “You keep watch over Maddie.” Flame relaxed and stared at the door. The brother was itching to get back to stand guard outside Styx’s apartment.

Styx hammered the gavel down on the table and the brothers moved out, Tank with his cell to his ear, calling for intel. I jumped from my chair as quick as possible and turned for the door, but Styx’s hands grabbed at my cut from behind and I was hurled up against the wall.

“What the fuck!” I shouted.

Styx was crazy fuckin’ pissed, his eyes insane. “I-I-I t-told y-you to st-st-st-stay the f-f-fuck outta her c-c-cunt! Y-you m-m-made her your f-f-fuckin’ wh-whore!”

Whore? This time rage swept through me, and I shoved on Styx’s chest, knocking him back against the table. In seconds, I was on him, my hands gripping the edge of his cut.

“Brother or not, best friend or not… prez or fuckin’ not, you ever speak about Lilah like that again and I’ll stab you through your fuckin’ heart!”

Styx stared at me, and I braced myself for a fight, but then a shit-eating grin spread on his face and I reared back in confusion.

“What the fuck you smiling at? And what the fuck was all that about, you prick!” I snapped.

Styx picked himself up and came to stand right before me. “Y-you fuckin’ l-love the b-b-bitch.”

“Shut the fuck up, Styx,” I replied, my chest as tight as virgin’s *.

Styx laughed. “Sh-shit. Y-you d-do. N-never thought I’d s-see this f-fuckin’ d-day.”

Walking back, I rested my back against the wall, arms crossed over my chest. I looked up to Styx, who was looking at me like I was a damn freak. “Fine, I fuckin’ love the pilgrim bitch. You happy? Can’t get her outta my head. Can’t see anyone but her.” I laughed in disbelief and ran my hand down my beard. “She’s fuckin’ brainwashed, no doubt loves Jesus more than me. Randomly throws herself on the ground, wailing some religious shit I can’t ever work out. She dresses and speaks like she just got off the motherfuckin’ Mayflower. But that bitch shines so fuckin’ bright to me I can’t snuff her out. She’s under my skin, prez. I’m so fuckin’ gone for the bitch I go insane if I ain’t near her. And now that I’ve been inside her, I’m sunk.”

Styx raised his eyebrows and dropped the grin. “Sh-she l-love y-you?”

“Yeah,” I breathed and raked my hand through my hair, laughing. “Yeah, she fuckin’ does. Fuck… she loves me.”

Styx nodded and laid a hand on my shoulder. I met his gaze. “How the fuck did this happen? I love her, Styx. She fuckin’ owns me. Me! My old man will be turning in his cold grave.”

“M-Mae owns me, b-brother. F-Fuck wh-what our f-fathers said or d-did. I wouldn’t ch-change being with M-Mae for sh-shit.”

Tipping back my head, I sighed and said, “In love with a bitch so removed from this life it ain’t funny. How she ever gonna be an old lady? We’re the damned, Styx; she’s looking to be saved. She ain’t gonna find no salvation with Hades.”

“M-Mae’s d-does. B-Better with us th-than with th-that c-cult. Sh-She’ll c-cope w-with it.”

Tillie Cole's books