Heart Recaptured

Lilah bowed her head like I’d just given her the world, lifted my left foot, and placed it in the warm water. Lilah’s long, platinum-blond hair touched the floor; it was that long. It was thick, and I was just dying to wrap my hands in it.

Dipping her hands in the water, Lilah began scooping the water over my feet, massaging the skin, which felt incredible. A low hum came from her mouth as she did it, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I realized after a couple of minutes that she was humming the melody of a song.

She was happy.

That familiar ache from earlier engulfed my chest and I remembered Sia’s words. I can’t believe the high and mighty Kyler Willis, at age twenty-seven, has fallen in love.

Lilah lifted my right foot into the bowl and set to wash that too. Fucking shivers ran up my body. I loved sex, loved fucking pussies. I loved licking them, pounding them, fucking fingering them until my arm was drenched with juice, but Lilah humming on the floor, covered head to toe and washing my feet, had to go down as the hottest moment of my life.

Fucking was easy. It was this intimacy between two people that destroyed your heart so you couldn’t see anything else but the bitch before you, giving you something you never knew you even needed.

Taking my feet from the bowl, Lilah placed them on the towel she’d brought out of the bathroom, then did something I really didn’t fucking understand.

Taking the ends of her hair, she began drying my feet. I watched with rapt attention and a shitload of confusion as she mopped up the water from my feet. Then I was really confused after my feet were dry when Lilah bent her head as though praying and began kissing my feet.

I couldn’t move. Couldn’t seem to breathe.

What the fuck was happening to me?

Raking my hands through Lilah’s hair, I groaned. It was as soft as I always knew it would be.

Lilah’s head lifted, and I took in every part of her bruised face. Fuck, this bitch could be cut up, shaved head, and she’d still be the best woman I’d ever seen. All that good just coming off her in waves.

Refusing to take my hands from her hair, I asked, “Baby, why you all up in my feet?”

Blushing, Lilah reached behind her and pulled out a mason jar with some oil in it. She opened the top, and I was hit with her vanilla scent. It was what she must always put on her skin. Dipping her fingers in the oil, she started rubbing it into my feet.

“Jesus once went to a Pharisee’s house for a meal,” Lilah explained quietly as I began raking my fingers through her hair. “When a woman that lived a sinful life in the village heard Jesus was there, she turned up at his house with a jar of perfume. When she saw Jesus, she was so overcome that she began crying. Her tears fell on his feet and she wiped them away with her long hair. The sinful woman then kissed his feet and anointed his skin with perfume.

“The Pharisee criticized Jesus and said that if he was truly a prophet, he would know the woman was a sinner and therefore would never let her touch him with her sinful hands.

“Jesus told the Pharisee the lesson of a moneylender who lent money to two men, one a lot and one a little. Both men could not pay back the money. The moneylender forgave them both and rid them of their debts to him.”

Lilah stopped rubbing the vanilla into my feet and looked at me. “Who will love the moneylender more?”

Shrugging, I answered, “The one with the bigger debt.” Lilah beamed a fucking beautiful smile my way.

“That is correct. Jesus therefore said that the sinful woman had many sins against her, but by forgiving those sins, she would love him more.”

Lilah smiled and said, “I love that piece of scripture.”

“Yeah, why?” I asked, my hands still in her hair.

Lilah closed her eyes and took a deep breath, only to open them again and say, “Because I am a Cursed. I am a sinful woman, an extremely sinful woman, but one day my sins will be forgiven.”

My hands stilled in her hair, and I had to talk myself down from going crazy. “Then why wash my feet, baby?”

Tillie Cole's books