Heart Recaptured

We were on our way to the country, to my ranch. I hadn’t taken anyone out there before. No one knew I even owned it, apart from Styx, of course. There was a good reason. A reason Lilah would learn about in about forty fucking minutes.

Lilah was silent most of the journey, her head pressed against the passenger door window. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, her face all bruised and her back in another long, gray dress. Her headdress was tightly covering her hair, and I couldn’t do shit to make things better.

She’d just been attacked because of me. I weren’t sure I could be redeemed in her eyes. It was driving me insane that I didn’t know what she was thinking.

Flicking from one rock station to the next, I left it on Judas Priest and asked, “You good, Li?”

“Yes, thank you,” she replied without turning her head.

Hands tightening on the wheel, I gritted my teeth, pressed on the gas, and got us to the ranch as quickly as I could.

Thirty miles later, I saw the sign for High Ranch and turned onto the dirt road. Lilah looked forward and shuffled to the end of the seat, her eyes drinking in the wooden barn, the surrounding fields, and the stables to the left of the log house.

I loved this place.

The lights were on in the log cabin, and I pulled the truck to a stop next to an old beat-up Chevy.

Lilah turned to me. “This is your cabin?”

I opened my mouth to answer, when the front door opened and Elysia stepped onto the porch, her blond curly hair trailing down her back in a braid. She was in her usual jeans and plaid shirt. I jumped outta the truck and ran to the porch, watching her face light up as she saw me.

Swinging an arm around her shoulder, I pulled her to my chest and kissed her head. “How’re you, Sia?”

Squeezing her arms around my waist, she replied, “I’m good. Bonnie delivered a foal last night, so running low on sleep.”

Pulling back, Sia went to speak but stopped and frowned at something over my shoulder. “Erm… Ky?” Sia pointed behind me and raised a questioning brow.

Turning, I saw Lilah was illuminated in the cab light, her face blank but her eyes huge as she watched me with Sia. She was probably terrified that I’d brought in another strange woman.

I waved my hand, signaling for Lilah to come over, but her face dropped and she didn’t move. I could see the fear written all over her face. Sighing, I turned to Sia, who was watching me real fucking weird, and I walked over to Lilah, leaning in the door.

“Lilah, baby, come out. I got someone I want you to meet.”

“Is that your wife?” Lilah asked me nervously. “Or another of your women?”

I almost balked at that but instead, burst out laughing. “No, sweet cheeks, she ain’t my fuckin’ wife. Now come on,” I threw her a wink, “get your blond ass outta the truck.”

Taking my hand, Lilah nervously edged out and I had to drag her over to Sia, whose gaze was glued to our joined hands.

As we stepped onto the porch, I put my hands on Lilah’s shoulders, feeling her stiffen. Bending down to place my mouth at her ear, I said, “Lilah, meet my baby sister, Elysia.”

Lilah sucked in a breath and said, “Sister?” She looked back at me in confusion. “You never mentioned you had a sister.”

“Not many people know. Now you do,” I replied.

Stepping forward, Elysia held out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Lilah.”

Lilah stared at Sia’s outstretched hand and timidly raised her hand, placing it in Sia’s, obviously unaware of what to do.

Sia smiled and shook it lightly, risking a confused glance to me.

I shook my head, telling her not to go there right now.

“Nice to meet you too,” Lilah said quietly, taking back her hand and staring at her palm like Sia had burned it.

“Why don’t we all go inside?” Sia said and headed for the door.

“You go with Sia. I gotta get the bags,” I ordered and, nervously, Lilah joined Sia to walk into the cabin.

I hadn’t told Sia about Lilah, had no idea how to tell her anyway.

Tillie Cole's books