Frayed (Torn Series)

chapter 15


We boarded the luxurious five-bedroom motor yacht from the port in Piraeus at ten in the morning. It consisted of a crew of thirteen with a humorous Captain Abram Christou to take the lead. There were four men and three women onboard who were about our age. The women of course gawked at the guys. They were in awe to meet the Greek hunk, the hot stud model, but of course, they blushed and threw girly glances when Bass was introduced as Mr. Cole.

“Meester Cole, I’m Katarina. It’s good pleasuuure to meetz youu,” the brunette, green-eyed purred at Meester Bass.

When Bass shook her hand, though he was polite, I still caught his eye check her out. So, not cool, dude.

Was the bitch blind? Emma was right next to Bass. I could tell she was boiling rockets, but refrained herself from busting out something. She wouldn’t embarrass Bass like that. Although, I wanted to pull the other woman’s hair out. She was exotic with an accent. It was a big red alert. The other hot two introduced themselves as Sonia and Bridgette. Sonia, on the other hand, threw shy glances at Taylor.

Once we were led towards the salon, I caught up with Taylor and threw him a glance. “Cute brunette on board.”

“I didn’t know you swung the other way, is this a warning that I’ll be in a battle for your attention?” Taylor pulled me next to him and kissed my forehead.

I folded my arms and raised a brow at him. “Do I look like I eat pseudo raw, fishy squishy to you?”

Lindsey leaned over and kissed my cheek. “You know you once did it, babe.”

All five sets of eyes spun around to watch my reaction. I’m sure the men were interested in the damn subject. “Hey! No fair. It was spin the bottle back in my senior year in high school. Bleeh, I didn’t even like it. Shit’s nasty man.”

“I would’ve loved to have seen that!” Taylor said laughing, followed by the other four murmuring the same sentiments.

Whatever, we all did a lot of stupid stuff back in the day, so I wasn’t perturbed about their sparked interest about that particular subject.

We were all in the cream and mahogany salon eating brunch. The U-shaped all-around glass windows overlooked the beautiful Aegean Sea. In the other half of the room, the glass doors were wide open and the salty breeze wafted through, giving a nice, calm presence as we ate our meal.

Since there were five bedrooms, Emma and Bass took one, Dimitris, Lindsey, Taylor and me all had our own respective rooms. When I entered mine, I was shocked to find that the room was surrounded with twelve by twelve mirrors. Well, whoever designed this room was a total horndog. Like the color theme from the salon, this one was cream and mahogany with hints of nautical blue.

“Captain said we’re nearing Koufonisia. Who wants to go snorkeling or kayaking with me?” Bass yelled through the hallway outside our doors forty-five minutes later.

“Not me, I just want to relax,” I called out. I’d rather enjoy the view of the island and the sea from the yacht, thank you. Last night’s orgasmic events took a large toll on my body. Though sexually satiated, my body needed rest and I was more than happy to oblige that physical need.

The boys went kayaking and Lindsey was adamant about getting tanned, but she wanted to do it upfront on the deck—with the male crew about.

“You know Dimitris will not be pleased with that right? He’s Greek and them fellas are possessive with their ladylove.” I peered at her as we all took towels from the towel basket.

She rolled her eyes at me. “I’m not anyone’s woman. Who cares if he’s Greek? Greek or not, some men are just possessive. Let’s test this theory with Mister Bass Cole himself when he gets back. I can just see the dude blowing a gasket.” Lindsey was now speaking to Emma as we started to walk towards the front deck.

Emma groaned with annoyance. “I don’t care. Don’t pretend you two didn’t see that lingering onceover he gave Katarina. I confronted him about it. It’s petty, but hell jealousy totally sucks. He basically told me it was a natural reaction and I shouldn’t think any more of it. Bass is not the kind that cheats, I know that. It just sucks because I don’t have the right to be jealous, really. It’s not like we’re officially together or anything.”

Say what? “Uh, dude. What are you talking about? You and Bass are so on.” I immediately spouted out.

Lindsey stopped walking and spun around with a big frown on her face. “Not officially together? What the hell are you guys? F*ck buddies? Cause it sure doesn’t look like that to me.”

Emma bit her lip, her indicator when she was confused or not sure about something. “We started all of this with an agreement. We’re exclusive here in Greece and until we’re done filming, but we haven’t really spoken about any of it. It’s fine. I mean we still have a couple more months to go until the real world.”

If she was trying to convince herself, then she had a long way to go. Emma was obviously bothered by it, but she hadn’t brought the subject up to Bass. I wondered why. More importantly, I wondered if Carter had to do with her staying mum on the subject.

“You and Bass will be good, don’t worry. He’s crazy about you, Boo. Now come on, let’s get some sun and get drunk.” Lindsey gave her a bright smile before dragging us both to the deck.

After we climbed the short steps, the large, white polished expanse of the spot made the perfect location to sunbathe. “Sweet. I can actually see the guys from here.” I looked out onto the sea. The red kayaks looked like small dots from the deck.

“Will you stop checking out your stud muffin and lay out your towel already?” Lindsey yelled from behind me. “We get that you got laid woman, but being cock-struck is so not you.”

Emma laughed and smacked Lindsey’s ass with her bunched towel. “Oh, shut up, look who’s talking. I knocked on your door earlier, but you were too busy in the bathroom. I’m sure you spent more time scrubbing the tiles with your back than washing the dirt away.”

Lindsey busted out with a loud, high-pitched laugh. “Shit, fine I’m not even going to play embarrassed here. Trista and I forgot to tell you, though, that we saw you and Bass as he plowed you hard. That man’s ass was mighty fine.”

Emma was stunned, cheeks inflamed. Her blue eyes popped out of its sockets. “You didn’t! Oh my God! You guys are insane!”

“Oh, please! It’s great to know that the guy my friend is with is pretty talented. You like that nasty talk while you guys are doing the deed?” Lindsey glanced at her as she rolled her towel, both Emma and I followed in the opposite sides.

“Are you kidding me? That’s one of the hottest parts. Bass is insatiable. I think the day that he doesn’t touch me will clearly tell me that he’s done with me.” Emma looked out at the sea with a frown.

The girls were talking as my thoughts reverted back to last night. I was still in shock how Taylor and I progressed, but I wasn’t complaining. Monster Boss was pure dynamite.

“Seeing you look all dreamy and shit, so how is Taylor in the sack? The guy looks like he can throw down some serious punch.” Lindsey wiggled her eyebrows, grinning like an idiot.

“Let’s just say pretty boy is now Monster Boss. It’s that huge. Shit, I felt like I was being attacked and I was trapped. Like a true damsel, I had to surrender to it, you know.”

Emma stood up and sat next to me. “Good for you. What other way to go have fun with a guy like Taylor. Bass tells me that he’s a good guy. He also tells me that he takes women seriously. So, you’re in good hands.”

Good stud, I wanted to add, but we were distracted by multiple beeping sounds coming from Lindsey’s iPad. We both focused on Lindsey as she went through her messages. “What? Facebook and Twitter. I had to update about where we are, duh! Let’s pose and make Plastic Tits jealous.”

Cece, who else? “I f*cking hate that skank,” Emma hissed at the mention of the woman who messed up her love life with Carter. Well, one of five, anyway.

Lindsey sat in between us and pointed the camera above us. “Come on. One, two, three say monster boss!” She took a few shots before she checked them out. “Damn, Emma’s boobies are huge and so are yours, Tris. Mine look off. It sucks that I’m in the land of big bosoms. Anyway, we look hot shizzle. I’m going to put a header like ‘New actress Emma Anderson sunbathing with her sexy tatertots.’ Okay, now there it goes.” Lindsey announced as she flipped the cover back and stashed it on the side.

Lindsey started cussing when her cellphone started shrilling. Emma and I stared at her while she picked up the call, pissed off. “What? I’m still alive and breathing. I haven’t been kidnapped.” She rolled her eyes. “Where am I? If you must know, I’m taking a major shit at the moment, with the runs and all.” Her face broke out with a grin and started laughing. “Seriously, you shouldn’t be watching movies like Taken if it turns you into a paranoid man.” She frowned again as she studied her nails. “I’m in Greece, not Turkey. Well I’m somewhere in the Aegean Sea on a yacht rented out by Bass.” Lindsey sighed. “Yes, she is. No, no. Come on! Dude! Fine, fine. But I think it’s completely stupid. Okay, gosh seriously, okay.” She then handed her phone to Emma, who looked stricken. “Carter.”

Emma’s neck muscles came out as she stared at the phone, frozen in time. She then looked at me and then to Lindsey.

Ah, shiznits. “You don’t have to…” I trailed off, knowing she had a lot of questions for Carter at the moment.

Well, I was caught by surprise when she actually took the phone and strode towards the tipping point of the deck before she finally took the call. Her back was to us, giving us a nice show of her electric blue bikini-clad body. Lindsey and I sat quietly, but we could barely hear anything from her. After five minutes, she finally walked back to us.

“What do I do with your brother, Lindsey?” Emma voiced out as she handed her phone back to her.

Lindsey sighed, shrugging. “He’s in love, apparently. I don’t know why he had to f*ck up big time for him to realize just how much you meant to him. I told him that you’d moved on, Em, but he’s not listening. From what I’ve seen and heard, he’s not even screwing or seeing anyone. Now, that’s shocking. Guess he’s serious about this whole idea of winning you back.”

Emma shook her head and went to her towel. She sat there brooding.

If Lindsey ever found out how serious, I think she’d be shocked. That sapphire ring sealed the commitment aspect for me. If I were Emma, I’d be all messed up by now. Okay, Carter f*cked-up, but when they were together, they were great, too. He was crazy about his Emma. The bigger question was how could a woman ever let go of someone like Bass? It didn’t matter if both men were still in that heart of hers because Bass clearly had to step-up and f*cking claim her before they got back to LA, before Carter got a chance to weave his way in and break that barrier she had against him.

Lindsey was looking at her with concern. “He still affects you.” She concluded as a statement, a fact, not a question. “Shit!”

I suddenly came to Emma’s defense. “They were together for a while and in love at that. Even if they broke up after that boathouse incident, they still made out a few times afterwards. That was what? Five weeks ago? I don’t blame her being affected by Carter. It’s natural to feel like that towards someone you love.”

Lindsey shook her head as she placed her sunglasses on. “I don’t know. We had this similar conversation before you went back to my brother, remember? You chose him over Bass. I want you to be happy, that’s all I care about. If you do think about it, just know that a man like Bass Cole will not take second rejection lightly. In a sense, Bass and I are alike in that department. I could just tell by the way he talks, his beliefs and how he treats people. He’s a great man, but he has limitations, Em. No matter how crazy you are about a person, without trust, that’s shit goes downhill pretty fast. Just be careful, okay?”

Emma nodded before responding. “Yeah, I will.”

Was that what happened with Brody? Must be. Lindsey seriously forbade us from ever speaking his name while on vacation. Yes, we were on a yacht on vacation and yet we were all so depressed. “Right, now that we got the bad doo-doo out of the way, can we have some fun now?” I threw my sunglasses at Lindsey.

She stuck a tongue at me and handed her iPad over. “Here, bust out some good beats while I go get those guys to make us some drinks and cater to us.”

I arched my brow at Emma when Lindsey left us. Emma simply smiled and started to untie the string from her back. She was on her chest with her eyes closed. “Good music, please,” she mumbled.

“Yes, missy.” The playlist I chose had Kesha, Maroon 5, Rihanna, LMFAO among others. We certainly needed upbeat songs to lift Emma’s spirits.

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