Forever and a Day

chapter 33

You think everything is a f*cking game, somebody got hurt because you think life is a joke.” –Kiyan

“You know that we need to talk right?” Kiyan asked Brielle while lying in Brielle’s bed.

“About what?” Brielle said sliding under the comfortable.

“Aye Bri, stop trying to act clueless. About these damn notes you’ve been getting and how you’ve been keeping that shit a secret.”

“Kiyan can you please yell at me tomorrow. I have a headache and I’m really not trying to go there tonight.” Brielle said turning away from him.

“Iight cool, you call me when you ready to talk.” Kiyan said getting out the bed and putting his clothes on.

“Is it really that serious Kiy?” Brielle said sitting up.

“Yeah it is. You think everything is a f*cking game, somebody got hurt because you think life is a joke.” Kiyan said tying his boots.

“Kiyan did I say that? Don’t put words in my mouth.”

“Actions speak louder than words. You need to grow the hell up. You think your shit doesn’t stink yo, but it does. All this time you were holding this shit in, Danielle could of ended up dead because of you.”

“Don’t go there. I apologized. I know I messed up, but don’t continue to throw that shit in my face. You think I don’t feel like shit knowing that my best friend is in the hospital because of me.”

“Well obviously you don’t feel bad enough. You can’t even sit here and explain to me why the hell you couldn’t tell me. Here I am thinking we were better than that, but the truth always comes out sooner than later. You don’t care about nobody but yourself. You need to stop and stare in the mirror because you’re not who you thought you were. You don’t know shit about loyalty.” And with that he walked out of her room and her house.

After Kiyan left, Brielle felt terrible. She knew deep inside that everything Kiyan said was true. She said the same thing to herself. But it sounded worse hearing it out loud and coming from someone she loved. She knew that tonight could have ended way worse than it did. Danielle could have been dead because of her and she felt terrible.

Brielle grabbed her phone off her nightstand and dialed Kiyan’s number. After the third ring, she knew he wouldn’t pick up the phone. When he left her house, he was in a really bad mood and he had every right to be. She decided to send him a text.

Brielle: Babe, I’m sorry. Everything you said is true. Can you please come back?

After waiting twenty minutes for him to return her text, Brielle drifted off to sleep. She hoped that tomorrow Kiyan would return her phone call, but she wasn’t a hundred percent sure that he would.


Kiyan was pissed. The one thing he asked Brielle for in the beginning of not only their relationship, but also their friendship was for her to trust him. She didn’t even trust him enough to let him know that her life was being threatened.

He had seen her calling, but he didn’t answer her because he knew that it would only end in an argument that he wasn’t trying to have. Brielle was wrong and if she thought that they were going to kiss and makeup then she would be disappointed. He drove in the direction of the bar. He needed a drink. All Brielle’s extra bullshit had him in a mood that he wanted nothing to do with. He saw the text message Brielle sent him, but just turned his phone off. He definitely didn’t want to be bothered with any more drama tonight.


Danielle sat up in the bed drinking the grape soda that Shanice had bought her before the girls left. Cam had left to check on things at the studio. She hated being in the hospital; she might have hated it a lot less had she not been left alone. She just wanted to go home. She had mixed emotions on a lot of things and she felt she could handle them a lot better if she was in the comfort of her own house and bed.

Cam and the girls had told her about the details after her attack. She was shocked when they informed her about Brielle’s letters. She refused to feel any type of way about the situation. She knew there were always two sides of every story. She had heard Cam and the girls’ side and now all she needed was Brielle’s side.

“Hey,” Brielle smiled as she walked into Danielle’s hospital room with a huge teddy bear and balloons that read “Get Well Soon” on it.

“Hey mama, you just missed the girls” Danielle gave a small smile back.

“Awe really? You look pretty,” Brielle encouraged.

“That’s a damn lie. I look busted. I already saw how I look when I woke up.” Danielle said thinking about the black eye she had.

“You still look pretty. Black eye and everything.”

“I guess. This isn’t anything, it was worse yesterday. That’s why I asked for no visitors yesterday.” Danielle smiled.

“Oh I thought you just didn’t want me to come visit.” Brielle put her hand down.

Brielle wanted to come see Danielle yesterday, but she was stopped from visiting when she received a text from Danielle asking that she not come. Brielle thought that Danielle just didn’t want her around. She felt a little better knowing that Danielle stopped everyone from coming seeing here except Cam.

“So you thought I was pissed about the letters,” Danielle said bringing up the conversation Brielle was avoiding.

“Danni, I’m sorry.” Brielle started to tear up.

“Bri, just answer this. Why didn’t you tell any of us about the letters?”

“I was scared. They just kept coming. At first I thought they were jokes, but then they started getting personal. When I got the last letter, I said I was going to say something. But when I spoke to Kiyan, he told me about you getting attacked.” Brielle said crying.

“Stop crying Brielle.” Danielle said leaning over to her friend.

“I can’t. You could of died because of me Danni.”

“But I didn’t die, so don’t worry about could of because it didn’t happen.”

“Danielle how can you forgive me so easily?” Brielle asked.

“First, you’re my best friend and I highly doubt you would put me or any of the other girls in danger on purpose. Everybody makes mistakes. You made yours so we have to move on. What ever happened is already over and done with. We can’t change the past, we can only move forward.” Danielle said sincerely.

“Awe Danni. I love you so much and I know you don’t want to hear me say it, but I’m really sorry for keeping things from y’all.” Brielle hugged her friend.

“I know you are. But let me say this to you, if you ever keep another secret like this ever again, I will personally kick your ass. You got me?” Danielle joked but was very serious.

“I got you. Thanks for being a great friend to me. At least, I have one friend now.”

“You have plenty of friends. The girls aren’t mad at you.”

“Well that’s good to know. I know I’m not Cam’s favorite person right now. “

“Cam is Cam. You know that boy don’t hold grudges. Shit one minute he mad at me and the next minute its, are you staying with me? You are okay. Cam loves you.”

“If only Kiyan was the same way.” Brielle sighed.

“What’s going on with y’all two?” Danielle was curious.

“I think we broke up. I’m not sure. He hasn’t answered any of my phone calls since the night you’ve been here. He was suppose to spend the night with me, but he left after we had an argument and I haven’t heard from him since.”

“Brielle, you have to understand where he is coming from. A lot could have been prevented had you only trusted him enough to let him help you. Everybody that knows him knows that boy loves you beyond a doubt.”

“I know, but I miss him. I just want to tell him I’m sorry and I love him.” Brielle almost began crying again.

“You told him,” Danielle said pointing towards the door at Cam and Kiyan standing there.

“Danielle, how long have they been standing there?” Brielle tried to whisper.

“Don’t whisper now,” Cam laughed walking to give Brielle a hug.

“I’m sorry Cam.” Brielle apologized.

“I know. It’s cool. But had something worse happened to her, I wouldn’t be so forgiving.” Cam smirked.

“Boy hush and leave her alone.” Danielle played with Cam.

“Wassup Danni, how you feeling?” Kiyan said giving Danielle a hug.

“I’m better. I can walk.” Danielle said.

“That’s wassup. Wassup with you?” Kiyan said kissing Brielle’s forehead.

“I can’t complain. How have you been?” Brielle asked.

“I’m good, you acting like you haven’t spoken to me in years. It’s only been a day.” Kiyan smirked.

“I know, but still.” Brielle looked down.

“Let me talk to you outside for a minute.” Kiyan said grabbing her hand.

“Okay.” Brielle said grabbing her purse.

“You got something to say to me?” Kiyan asked Brielle once the got in the waiting room.

“I apologize.” Brielle started.

“I don’t want to hear you say it anymore. You apologized more than Ruben Studdard did in 2004.” Kiyan joked.

“You are the worse.” Brielle laughed.

“I’ve been told that a few times before.”

“But seriously, I only wanted to tell you I was sorry.”

“So we’re lying to each other now?” Kiyan asked.

“What do you mean?”

“You told Danni you wanted to tell me you missed and loved me, but now all you’re trying to do is apologize to me,” Kiyan said.

“I do miss you Kiy.” Brielle said.

“Really?” Kiyan joked.

“Yes, really.”

“I missed you too.”

“Then how come you haven’t returned any of my calls or texts?” Brielle wanted to know.

“Just because I missed you didn’t mean I wasn’t mad. You hurt me Bri,” Kiyan said.


“You didn’t trust me enough to tell me about your problems. I thought before anything we were friends, but your actions showed you didn’t give a f*ck.”

“I know and I’m sorry. I really do trust you. My pride got in the way of me asking for help. If I could go back, I would ask you for help.” Brielle began to tear up.

“Stop crying. Damn you a crybaby with your emotional ass.” Kiyan laughed.

“Don’t judge me. Do you forgive me?” Brielle laughed then asked.

“I forgive you, but don’t try that shit again.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Too much if you ask.” Kiyan looked at Brielle.

“There’s no such thing of loving me too much because I love you more than anything.” Brielle said kissing Kiyan.

“Let’s get out of here before we go to jail.” Kiyan said grabbing Brielle’s hand.

“What do you mean?” Brielle asked confused.

“You don’t say shit like that and don’t think I’m not ready to rip your clothes off. But nawh forreal, let’s go eat. Dinner is on you since you the one f*cking up these days,” Kiyan joked.

“What am I going to do with you?” Brielle laughed.

“Continue to love me. Forever.” Kiyan said.

“And a day.” Brielle said walking with the love of her life out of the hospital.

Jasmine Barber's books