Forever and a Day

chapter 16

“I’m positive, and besides your not my type anyway,” - Kiyan

Kiyan was getting ready for the Knicks versus Celtics game. Brielle invited him a couple weeks ago. He didn’t know if it would be awkward between them after what went down at Shanice’s birthday party. The meeting between Brielle, Danielle and Samara was something you saw in a movie. Danielle made it known that she didn’t care for Samara from the start. However, Brielle stayed quiet about the Samara situation. Brielle engaged in conversations with the group but when it came to having private conversations with Kiyan or Samara, she always walked away.

Brielle didn’t speak to Kiyan since the birthday dinner until she texted him yesterday asking if he still wanted to go to the game with her. She volunteered to pick him up and drive to Madison Square Garden, since she had an all access pass for the event’s parking lot.

Kiyan put on his sneakers and walked into the kitchen when his phone beeped.

Brielle: Pulling up now. Can you bring me a bottle of water? :]

Kiyan: Iight. I’m coming out.

Kiyan grabbed the bottle of water, put the alarm on the house, and walked to Brielle’s car.

“Wassup,” Kiyan greeted Brielle.

“Hey Mr. Keep Secrets,” Brielle laughed.

“Here we go! I knew this was coming,” Kiyan joined in laughing.

“That’s because you knew you were wrong.” Brielle said seriously.

“I know man. I should of just told y’all” Kiyan looked ahead.

“You should have. You didn’t have to keep secrets,” Brielle preached.

“I know. I f*cked up this time,” Kiyan admitted.

“Exactly. You don’t have to lie to us. We don’t have to date her you do. Oh yeah Danielle said she is going to kick your ass,” Brielle laughed.

“Yo! She got my number from Cam and told me.” Kiyan remembered.

“She’s serious too. She wouldn’t shut up about it when we went back to my house,” Brielle told Kiy.

“Danielle went back to your crib? I thought Kris told Cam he was spending the night!” Kiy looked at Bri.

“Kris does not spend the night at my house. I won’t let him, so he lied to Cam” Brielle said seriously.

“Damn your boy was fronting for no reason,” Kiyan shook his head.

“I told you, I’m noticing he is always doing it.”

“Look, I was going to tell you but I honestly forgot I didn’t tell you about her. If I would have remembered I would of never let Sha’s birthday party be the first time you met or heard about her.”

"I thought if anything we were friends, so tell me how you just forget to tell your friend that you were dating someone"

“We are friends and I know I f*cked up. I didn’t handle that the right way.”

"Look I'm gonna be honest, finding out like that kind of threw me off because we talk about everything with each other. So I was a little confused as to why you wouldn't tell me about something like this."

"I know and I can’t take it back but if you want I can set something up between you and Mara and y'all could get to know each other."

"Only way I'll do that, is if you do the same with Kris"

"Oh well that ain't happening."

"Why not Kiy?" laughed Bri.

"First of all, this nigga is not my friend and he will never be okay with me. He stuck up and I don't like him."

"Well damn if that's how you really feel, then I have no choice but to respect that. But other than him being stuck up is there another reason why you don't like him?"

"Nawh, if he wasn't how he was, then he would be iight, but he not so I'm not interested."

“Okay that’s fair enough. But I don’t think me and what’s her name will have nothing in common so I will not even waste her time or mine.” Changing the subject before he had a chance to respond, Brielle said, “We’re here and we’re late. Are you ready to see the Knicks kick Boston ass?”

“I’m ready, let’s go.”

By the time they reached the inside, the game was in the middle of the first quarter. Brielle had courtside tickets and she was excited because the Celtics and the Knicks were NBA rivals. Brielle was all into the game when Kiyan looked over and saw Brielle jumping in and out of her seat with her Iman Shumpert jersey on. He loved how the Knicks were kicking Boston ass. The score was now 38- 20. He was about to engage in conversation with Brielle when his phone vibrated and showed a text from Samara.

Samara: Hey baby, what you doing?

Kiyan: At a basketball game with Bri.

Samara: Oh. Well tell her I said hello.

Kiyan: Ite I got you.

Samara: You coming over later?

Kiyan: I’ll pick you up for dinner later on?

Samara: :] Okay. Love you.

Kiyan: Iight.

Kiyan thought to himself how the hell did she love him when they only had been dating for a couple of weeks. He knew that if she continued to get attached too quick that he would have to hurt her feelings.


It was Wednesday morning when Brielle was at work. She was still hyped from the game on Monday that this week at work was going by quicker and quicker. She knew sooner or later she would have to come down off of her high horse. She was still unsure about her relationship with Kris. All she knew is that if he wanted to continue being in a relationship with her, some major changes would have to be made because if not they wouldn’t work.

Brielle was typing out a proposal when her phone indicted she had a text from Jaiden.

Jaiden: Wassup ma?

Brielle: What Jaiden?

Jaiden: That’s how you talk to your man?

Brielle: You’re not man and right now your aggravating me while I’m at work.

Jaiden: What did I tell you when I was at your house?

Brielle: Bye Jaiden.

Jaiden: I’m not done talking to you.

Brielle: Well I’m done talking to you. I hope you have fun talking to yourself.

Brielle put her phone back in her desk and continued to type until Keyshia barged into the office and sat on the chair in front of her.

“Girl I’m not gone tell you I seen Jaiden this pass weekend.” Keyshia said.

“I don’t really care!”

“Well girl he was telling everybody that y’all got back together.”

“That’s a lie. I’m not in a relationship with him. I’m still with Kris.”

“Well girl, speaking of relationships, how is my boo?”

“Who is your boo?”

“That cute ass Kiyan.”

“Girl Kiyan is in a relationship. He has a new girl.”

“Since when?”

“A couple of weeks ago.”

“Well it’s still new, he’ll be easy to get.”

“Do what you gotta do.”

Before they knew it Kiyan was knocking on the door. When Keyshia turned around and seen Kiyan, she lit up brighter than a Christmas tree. She was excited to see him; he hadn’t been back to the office since before she told Brielle about her plan to try to get with him.

“Wassup,” Kiyan said to Keyshia and Brielle.

“Hey Kiy,” Brielle smiled.

“Hello Kiyan,” Keyshia stood up next to him.

“What are you doing here?” Brielle asked.

“I was stopping by to talk to you for a second.”

“Okay. Keyshia could you give us a minute.”

“Sure, I’ll be right outside,” winking at Kiyan.

Kiyan walked over towards Bri desk and asked, “Ayo, did she wink at me?”

Brielle couldn’t help but laugh, “Don’t pay her no mind.”

“But aye I have a question,” Kiyan asked.

“Talk to me,” Brielle asked.

“Do you have a problem with my relationship?”

“No, why would you ask?”

“Because I was having a conversation with the boys and we thought that’s why you didn’t want to get to know her better?”

“That’s not the case. If it was that, why you don’t want to get to know Kris?”

“I’m not gone lie it is apart of the reason, but I still don’t like him as a person.”

“But why?”

“I told you he not the type of person I surround myself with.”

“Ok Kiy.”

“Iight. That’s the only reason I came. I’ll talk to you later.”


Kiyan gave Brielle a hug and walked out of her office. But before he even got a chance to walk out the building, he ran straight into Keyshia.

“How you doing Kiyan?”

“I’m good. Wassup with you?”

“I’m good trying to get to know you.”

“That sound good, but I got a girl.”

“Well your girl don’t have to know.”

“It’s nothing that she won’t know because I’m not doing nothing behind her back.”

“You sure about that?”

“I’m positive, and besides you’re not my type anyway,” Kiyan said walking out the door.

Jasmine Barber's books