Forever and a Day

chapter 14

“I’m not getting over shit because at the end of the day you belong to me.”

-Jaiden “Murder”

This had been the longest two months ever. Brielle had a boyfriend, and according to Kiyan’s eyes their relationship was perfect and she was happy. They barely had their weekend outings. They still spoke everyday but whenever Kiyan tried to meet up with her, it seemed she already had plans with Kris.

At this point, Kiyan was moving on with his life. He never had a problem getting women; the problem was finding the right one. He had spent over four months trying to make Brielle change her mind about him. But he vowed that he was done. He wasn’t the type to be a sucker over a girl who didn’t want him. That’s why he was doing what he was doing now.

Kiyan was on his way out on his third date with Samara, a girl he met at the bank. Samara was a caramel complexion with a short black haircut mixed with a few red highlights. She was 5’5 and resembled a thick Meagan Good. At first sight she seemed like a good catch for Kiyan, but you never know these days. She graduated college and now she had a fulltime job as an office assistant.

Kiyan wanted to take her to the same Hibachi restaurant that he took Brielle on their first date, but he didn’t want to be reminded of his f*ck ups with Bri. So he decided that a simple date to Red Lobster would be better. He didn’t really know too much about Samara. So he thought Red Lobster would be a nice environment for them to get to know each other better.

Samara and Kiyan had been in the car for the pass twenty minutes making small talk. When his phone started singing “Sure Thing by Miguel” “Even when the sky comes falling, even when the sun don't shine. I got faith in you and I, so put your pretty little hand in mine. Even when we're down to the wire baby, even when it's do or die. We can do it baby simple and plain, Cause this love is a sure thing.” Brielle’s picture popped up and Samara saw it as soon as it began ringing.

“Excuse me while I take this,” Kiyan commented.

“Sure, do your thing,” Samara said pulling out her phone, looking the other way.

“Hello,” Kiyan said answering his phone with his Bluetooth.

“What are you doing Light Bright?”

“Driving to Red Lobster, why wassup?”

“Nothing really, I just was bored and wanted to bother you.”

“Oh really, well let me hit you back.”

“Cool, have fun at Red Lobster!”

“Iight cool, I’ll talk to you later,” Kiyan said hanging up.

“Was that your girlfriend,” Samara asked.

At this moment Kiyan couldn’t wait to see Cam and Zo. Those two put Sure Thing on his phone for Brielle’s ringtone when he lost a bet while they were at the studio. Now here he was in an awkward situation with Samara.

“Nawh, that was Brielle. She’s one of my close friends.”

“Oh really, does all of your close friends have ringtones like that?”

“Nawh, I didn’t put that as her ringtone. One of my boys did it.”

“So did you and Brielle date?”

“We went out on a date once, nothing came out of it, but a friendship.”

“Oh okay. So I have nothing to worry about?”

“Nawh, you’re good.”

“Cool because I think we could go really far if we try,” Samara smiled.

“Let’s see how this goes,” Kiyan winked and gave Samara a smile. Maybe Samara would be what he needed the most.


Brielle was sitting on the couch thinking how so much had changed over the past two months. She barely had time to keep up with her friends, she didn’t really see or speak to her mother, and she’s been miserable around Kris. All he did was aggravate her and act like he was better than everybody he came around. She remembered the day everyone went out to Dave and Busters, everyone was having fun and he sat talking and complaining to the manager at Dave and Busters about sanitary issues. He was just plain ole aggravating.

Reminiscing on the couch made Brielle miss all of her friends even more. She called Kiyan but she figured he was busy because he only kept her on the phone for three minutes and said he had to call her back because he was on his way to Red Lobster. She decided that maybe a girl’s night in would do her some good. She grabbed her phone and group texted her best friends:

Danni, Sha, Chloe, and Briya: Hey ladies! Got plans for tonight?

Briya: I’m at the shop. Nothing planned for tonight. Keem is away for the weekend :[

Chloe: I’m at the gym about to play ball. I miss y’all.

Sha: I’m at the studio with the boys. Didn’t plan on staying all night.

Danni: I’m home bullshitting around.

Brielle: I was thinking. Girl’s night in. My house?

Danni: Yay! I’m on my way.

Sha: You don’t have to tell me twice.

Chloe: I’ll be there after this game.

Briya: We might as well make it a sleepover because I know I’m not going home :]

Brielle: We can do that :]

Danni: I’m packing my bag as we speak.

Chloe: We can go shopping this weekend for Sha’s birthday dinner! I need something to wear.

Briya: Well Bri you are stuck with me for the weekend.

Brielle: Fine with me.

Brielle was excited. She would finally be able to have some fun with her friends. Her aggravation period with Kris was put on pause because she wouldn’t have to be bothered with his boring dates this weekend. She was having a girl’s weekend, which means she would have no time to entertain Kris. She got up off the couch and turned on the CD player. Chrisette Michele’s lyrics blasted out of the speakers. Brielle sung the words and thought this was exactly how she felt. Here's the thing, I need you to stop treatin me as if I'm simple or naive. As if I don't know nothing bout the world. I understand you think you protecting me, but I could use a little room to breathe. And the respect you give a woman not a girl. Here's the thing, I appreciate all the love. The constant catering kisses and hugs. But lately I'm wondering what you do it for. If the reason you act all over sweet is cause you want to keep me on a leash. I have no choice but to show you the door. If you want to cradle me like a little girl and lock me down, I'm not your possession. I'm a full-grown woman I am not your porcelain doll.

During her relationship with Jaiden she felt like he always wanted to parade her around his friends, but then when she showed that she was independent he would always make it seem like she was the one who needed him around. In the beginning of their relationship it barely showed but in the end, it was all you could see. Brielle was interrupted when her doorbell started to ring. She looked out the door and saw Jaiden at door.

Jaiden was six feet, built, brown skin with hazel eyes. He kept a fresh cut and he body was covered in tattoos. He always reminded everyone he came in contact with of an older looking Bow Wow. He had on a blue pair of Levi jeans, a black V-neck shirt, a Blue and yellow Ralph Lauren polo hoodie. His ears were covered with black diamond earrings and his wrist had the black diamond bracelet that Brielle bought him as a birthday gift last year. As Brielle opened the door, he gave her a smile showing his sometime dimples that she once loved.

“Wassup Ma, can I come in?” Murder asked.

“Sure Jaiden,” Brielle said stepping to the side.

“Jaiden why are you here?” Brielle questioned.

“I came to talk. We’re still friends right?”

“I guess.”

“So friends can talk, right?”

“I guess, what are we talking about?”

“Where did we go wrong?” Jaiden looked up at Brielle from the couch.

“We didn’t go wrong Jaiden. You went wrong,” Brielle said as she sat next to him on the couch.

“What do you mean? I didn’t do anything major to make you break up with me.”

“Jaiden, you can’t be serious. You cheated on me. Lord knows how many times,” Brielle, stated the obvious.

“Okay Bri. I f*cked up, but I changed over these last couple months.”

“That’s great that you changed. But you changing had nothing to do with me. I told you that if anything all we could be was friends. Nothing has changed since then,” Brielle said.

“So you’re not going to give me another chance Bri? I’m openly admitting to you that I f*cked up, all I’m asking is for is a start over.”

“Look Jaiden, I already told you there would never be an us again. When you had me, you didn’t do anything but wonder off with other people and now that you lost me, you want to be all in my face. It’s not going to happen.”

“Those other chicks didn’t mean shit to me. I been told you that. So why do you keep throwing that in my face. You know you’re the only woman I ever loved. I don’t get how you’re just gone throw what we have away like that.” Jaiden said trying to put the blame on Brielle.

"You will not blame me for your f*ck ups. I was the best girlfriend ever to you. I didn't stress you over little things. I told you from the jump that if you were going to be with me, then the hoes you use to entertain had to go. But that went in one ear and out the other! Us not being together is on you. You did it, now you have to live with it."

“You know what ma, I’ll take that. Everything is my fault. I messed up and I’m owning up to it but as far as us being over, that will never be. Ain’t no way in hell another nigga gone get what belongs to me.”

“Jaiden, you are talking crazy. I already moved on and I suggest you do the same,” Brielle said while standing up.

“You did what? Moved on with who? That punk ass dude from the mall? Nawh see that’s where you got me f*cked up, I’m not trying to hear none of this bullshit you spitting out. Ain’t no way in hell you moved on because we’re not f*cking over,” Murder said as he stood up and moved closer to Brielle.

"It's time to go." Brielle said.

"So now you putting me out?" Murder laughed.

"Just Go."

"I'll leave when I feel like it and I don't think this conversation is over."

“There is nothing you could possibly say to me. We’re over. I don’t want you any more. Get over it.”

“I’m not getting over shit because at the end of the day you belong to me.”

“You talking crazy with your dumb ass. You don’t own nothing over her.”

“Yeah iight, I hear you talking but you better listen to what the f*ck I’m saying.”

"Jaiden get out before I call the police on your crazy ass."

"You aint calling shit."

"Is there a problem," Danielle said walking in the door.

“Wassup Danni. Long time no see. Give a nigga a hug.” Murder said.

“Boy bye. I don’t even like your ass so gone with all that,” Danielle rolled her eyes.

“So it’s like that?”

“It’s been like that. Don’t act brand new. But I asked if there was a problem.”

“Nawh, no problems over here. My girl and me were just having a conversation. That’s it. But I’m gone leave since she got company.” Murder said to Danielle.

“But aye Bri, please believe this isn’t over. We will finish this talk,” Murder added.

“If you don’t get your ass out, It’s going to be a problem,” Danielle said.

“Yo ain’t nobody talking to your stuck up ass. That’s why I don’t like you now.”

“Nigga I never asked you to like me. You can kick rocks for all I care,” Danielle yelled.

“Jaiden get out.” Brielle intervened.

“I’ll go. But we’ll be seeing each other real soon Bri. Oh yeah remember what I said. Nothing that belongs to me will ever be touched by another.” With that being said Jaiden walked out the house.

“What the hell was that about?” Danielle asked.

“It’s a long story.” Brielle said as she sat down on the couch and sighed.

Jasmine Barber's books