Finding Forever

I wrinkled my nose, giving him an apologetic shake of my head. “Unfortunately….”

“Yeah, I thought so,” he chuckled. “In that case… let the shopping begin.”

— & —

“Please tell me this is over,” Avery groaned as he stepped out of the dressing room, back in his normal clothes. Shopping was apparently not his idea of a good time, but I was having a blast sending him in and out of dressing rooms with arms full of clothes to try on and watch him model— if it could be called that. I could tell Avery was suffering through this trip, but it was a necessary part of the Matched process. He would thank me when he impressed his date without having to wear a tailored suit. However, seeing him this morning, looking like hot sex in basketball clothes, Avery looked impressive in anything.

I gave him my most sympathetic smile as we exited the store, heading back to the front of the mall. “Yeah, we can call it a day, since you’re gonna be a baby about it.”

“Whoa now. I’m being a baby?” he asked, scowling.

“Yeah, you kinda are,” I nodded. “You’ve been huffing and puffing for the last hour.” I shook my head, smirking as I dug in my purse for my phone.

“So you’re not gonna mention that I was a good sport for the first three hours of this trip? You’ve had me out here hopping from store to store since 9AM!”

I shrugged. “But you’re gonna look great for your dates. Don’t you feel good that we accomplished what we set out to do?”

He lifted an eyebrow at me before letting out a heavy sigh. “I guess. What are you doing?” He asked, peering at the screen of my phone, which I was tapping in frustration.

“I’m trying to pull up my contacts so I can call a car, but my screen is being stupid.”

“What are you calling a car for, you didn’t drive up here to meet me?”

I shook my head as I tossed the phone back into my purse. “No, something is wrong with my car, and I haven’t had a chance to get it looked at yet. Can I use your phone?”

He placed a protective hand over his pocket as if he thought I might force him to give up his phone as we walked out of the mall. “Tori… I can give you a ride home. That’s not a problem.”

The hell it isn’t.

This shopping trip, with plenty of people around was one thing. Being alone in a confined space with him was something else entirely. “I appreciate that, Avery, but no. I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way when I can get a cab or something.”

Shaking his head, he nodded in the direction of his car. “I already said it wasn’t a problem. Come on.” Without waiting for a response, he started walking away. After a few steps, he glanced back, presumably to make sure I was following him. “Tori, come on. It’s not a problem.”

Before I could think of a rebuttal, the weather made my decision for me. Out of nowhere, it began to rain. It was a light sprinkle, but more than I wanted to wait around in, so I quickly followed him to his car.

“Can you grab the keys for me?” He asked, squinting against the drizzle as he indicated the pocket of his shorts. His hands were full of shopping bags, and I knew he didn’t want to put them on the now wet ground, but I didn’t want to put my hands anywhere near— “Tori? Did you hear me? Can you grab the keys please?”

With a deep breath, I quickly got my hand in and out of his pocket to retrieve the keys, and pressed the button on the key fob to open the trunk and unlock the doors. I climbed into the passenger side and strapped myself in with my purse clutched close to my stomach, trying to take up as little space as possible.

Avery did a little double take when he got in on his side, lifting an eyebrow at what I’m sure was an awkward sight. “Uhh… are you okay? You look… uncomfortable.”

“I’m fine,” I assured him. “Just got a bit soaked, so I’m cold.”

Christina C Jones's books