Finding Forever

It took a moment for me to register what she’d said, but when the look of disgust on her face connected with the words, I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t say anything, because I didn’t blame her for taking the opportunity to take the low blow. Still, I wasn’t about to do this shit with her, so I stood up to leave.

“Avery, wait.” She waited until my hand was on the doorknob, poised to turn before she spoke. Despite being pissed, I hesitated, waiting to see what she would say. “I’m sorry. That was insensitive, and uncalled for, and … nasty. And I didn’t mean it. I’m… I’m sorry.

I ran a hand over the ridges of my waves after I brushed her apology away. “I get it, Tori. You’re pissed at me, and you have every right to be. I’m sorry to put you in this position, because I know it’s awkward. I’m doing this to get Des off my back, you have to know how she is. I need your help, Tori.”

She stared at me for a moment, probably not realizing her internal battle was playing out right on her face. Pushing out a deep sigh, Tori picked up one of the two electronic tablets on the table in front of her, placing it on her lap.

“Sit down, please. Let’s get started.”

— Tori —

After sitting in my office for nearly two hours, going my standard Matched interrogation, I was sure Avery felt like all of his secrets were laid bare for me to see and judge. I was certain he felt exposed, but it was all part of the process. The first meeting was usually the longest and most intimate one. I spent this time getting to know the client, and digging deep into what they were looking for in a partner, and from a relationship.

Full disclosure was a vital element of making sure the people I matched actually worked. I’d heard many times from clients — including Avery— they had been afraid that once I learned everything my invasive interview could tell me, they would be turned away. It never failed that people held things back, making the first few dates a little shaky, but it all eventually came out. Surprisingly, Avery was very open.

I didn’t bat an eye when he told me about his weird hobbies, and love for reality TV housewives. I didn’t think anything of the fact that he loathed carpet, and had to have hardwood floors, a little tidbit that came out during a series of questions about what — to him— made a house a home. In fact, the only thing that made me shift in my seat was the questions about his sexual proclivities, and it wasn’t because his answers were making me uncomfortable.

They were turning me on.

At first, I’d wanted him to leave. Seeing him in person only added fuel to the flame of my anger, and who gave a damn about his sad little sob story? It was no excuse for him to be rude to me, or to use something I had told him in confidence against me. Then… sympathy crept in. Now that I knew his history, and why he’d had such a strong reaction… I wasn’t mad anymore. I asked the sexual questions aloud because it helped me gauge how comfortable the client really was with certain things, including talking about sex. Avery was completely at ease. Once my anger dissipated, it was hard to sit across from him while he told me about how much he enjoyed giving oral sex without giving in to the urge to tell him that, in my personal experience, his enthusiasm showed— and was appreciated.

I was relieved when I made it through that without embarrassing myself, and handed him the tablet computer to complete his profile for my database. I left him at the couch and went to sit at my desk, where I could review the information I’d gathered. When I turned it on, I immediately received a message on the internal chat server meant for my clients.

*Tori, are you alive in there? Are you decent? You’re not screwing him are you, selfish ass? You are, aren’t you? YOU DID NOT mention that the new client was this fine! Seriously. I thought we were sisters, but I see you’re out here keeping stuff from me. Just selfish, that’s what you are. -MatchedMel *

Christina C Jones's books