Finding Forever

After a few awkward moments, he spoke. “You hungry? I can call up to the main building, have them bring something down and set it up for us on the deck.”

“Uh, that would be nice,” I agreed. I hung back, clutching his shirt around me as he carried the chaise to carry back to the villa. I explored his suite while I waited for him to finish his call to room service, and found myself lingering at the opening to the sandstone-walled flower garden, which housed the bathroom. Feeling a hand against my back, I turned to see Avery standing behind me. “I’m gonna take a shower while we wait, okay?” He stepped past me into the room, and I quickly realized he had already stripped out of his remaining clothes, and was proudly displaying every inch of his magnificent body.

Struggling to keep my eyes above his waist, I tapped out of prudence, and into my boldness reserves, using every drop to take off his shirt, which I was still wearing, and then pull my dress over my head, tossing both items to the floor. “I’ll join you,” I said, holding my head high as I walked over to the shower and turned it on, willing my hands not to shake.

“You sure this is what you want to do?” The desire in his eyes told me he didn’t want me to say no, and the wetness between my legs told me I didn’t want to say no either. “I don’t want you to have any regrets. I mean… there’s Des…”

“I know.” This could create an awkward tension in my friendship with Des, but Avery and I were adults. We knew this was about fulfilling a need, and it was something that was going to stay here in the Maldives. “But I want to do this anyway.”

Are you about to shower with a man you just met a few hours before? What are you doing? What in the world has gotten into you?

“Hey… relax,” Avery said, stepping under the light stream of the rainfall spray with me. He lifted his hands to my shoulders, kneading the tension away before he wrapped one arm around me, pulling me close. I closed my eyes, clearing my mind of everything as I relaxed back against his chest. Filling his hands with soap, he cupped my breasts, giving them a light squeeze before running his hands over the rest of my body. I did the same for him, taking my time — as he had with me— to explore his body, even shamelessly caressing his erection. It felt like the natural thing to do.

After our shower, Avery lifted me onto the smooth stone counter and wrapped my legs around his waist. With his erection pressed between us, he captured my mouth with his and slid his tongue against mine. I quickly forgot any reservations I had about being completely nude in the open air as he cupped the back of my neck with one hand, and pushed the other between my legs.

Avery pulled my bottom lip into his mouth as he gently sank his fingers inside of me, swallowing my moan with a kiss as he began to stroke, using his tongue to give my mouth the same slow, sensual torture he was giving me with his fingers.

“A-Avery,” I gasped when he pushed his fingers deeper, causing me to clench around him as I buried my face into his neck.

“What is it? You want me to stop?” He nudged me backward until the top of my back was touching the mirror, but continued working me with his hand. He lowered his mouth to one breast, using his tongue to circle my nipple before he pulled it into his mouth.

“No… no, don’t stop.”

Christina C Jones's books