Finally Found

It was just after 6:30pm that Neville drove the group to Adam’s apartment. And when the vehicle stopped and Adam stepped out onto the curb and recognized his surroundings, he was feeling less than buoyant. He looked at Sam a moment, trying to read his face before he spoke. “What are we doing here?” He questioned.

“Oh, I thought you might want to change that tie. You have been wearing the same three ties for weeks at the office. And since we were in the neighborhood…” Sam’s voice trailed off and he gestured as though the answer was obvious. He leaned over and helped Haley out of the car then nodded at Neville.

The three headed to the door, greeted the doorman, and made their way to the elevator. It was very nearly 7pm when Adam stuck his key in the lock and opened the door to his apartment. It was as dark as he expected. What he didn’t expect was the aroma of food, the people popping up from behind furniture and through doorways, and the shouts of ‘Surprise!’ that rang out over the clatter of his cane falling to the floor. He pasted a smile on his face. He was surprised all right. And he was dismayed. This was the last thing he wanted for his birthday.

Looking over at Haley, Adam finally spoke, “I suppose this was your idea?”

“Not entirely. Sam helped a lot,” Haley smiled shyly, clearly awaiting his approval. She was a lot more perceptive than Sam gave her credit for.

“Thank you,” he said and gave her a half hug. He meant that much. He really did appreciate her. And dammit, she meant well. Wasn’t it the thought that counts? With that, he limped into the open loft space that was his living room.

Nicole Andrews Moore's books