Falling for Max (Kowalski Family, #9)

“I also need somebody who challenges me. Somebody who gets my sense of humor and pushes me out of my comfort zone.”

Somebody like her. As soon as the thought entered her mind, Tori tried to crush it. The last thing Max needed was somebody like her, with her issues and her determination not to tie her future happiness to the fleeting concept of love.

“She’s out there, Max.”

For once, she had a hard time deciphering the look he gave her. “I know she is.”


Max had a small crowd for the game on Sunday. There were usually a couple of weekends each time a new season was almost upon them that the men had to stay home and do chores. And this wouldn’t be the most exciting game on the schedule, with the Patriots so heavily favored to win nobody was even talking about it ahead of time.

Butch was there, of course. Being semi-retired, since Fran handled the money for the gas station and there wasn’t a huge call for tow trucks in Whitford, he got his honey-do list done during the week so it wouldn’t interfere with his weekends. Josh and Katie showed up, and it looked like that would be it.

Max was sorry there wouldn’t be any Swedish meatballs. Or buffalo chicken dip. He sure hoped, if Gavin did go off to pursue his culinary aspirations, he’d give somebody the recipe first.

In an unheard-of turn of events, Butch’s cell phone rang during the second quarter. He listened for a few minutes, scowling, and then shoved it back in his pocket.

“I’ve told Margie Walsh five times she needs to change the alternator in that junk she drives. I shouldn’t have to miss the game because it finally shit the bed.”

Katie gave him a stern look. “You’re not leaving Mrs. Walsh stranded until the game is over.”

With a groan, Butch shoved himself out of the recliner. “No, I’m not. But if she doesn’t let me change the alternator this time, I’m washing my hands of her.”

“It doesn’t sound like she has much choice this time,” Max pointed out.

“You’d be surprised. She’s a very stubborn woman. Even worse than Fran. You watch. Now that I’m leaving, the Pats’ll start blowing it and I’ll miss a nail-biter.”

Once he was gone, Max turned the TV down. Since Butch was losing his hearing and refused to admit it, for the first few minutes of every game, all they heard was Hey, turn that up a bit, would ya?

“So, Max,” Josh said, once it was halftime. “Nola told somebody who told somebody else who told Fran who told Rosie who told Katie who told me you went on a second date with her.”

“We did. The fish fry at the diner is really good.”

“This is probably a dumb question, but why are you dating her instead of Tori?”

Max pretended he didn’t see Katie kick Josh’s leg. “Why would I date Tori?”

“According to, well, everybody, you guys spend a lot of time together and you seem to enjoy being around each other. And maybe the fact you barely took your eyes off of her when she came over to watch the game last Sunday.”

Max stared at the remote in his hand, wondering what he was supposed to say to that. Apparently everybody in Whitford thought Tori was the right woman for him. “I’m not dating her because she doesn’t want to date me.”

“Are you sure about that?” Josh asked. “Let’s just say she wasn’t exactly ignoring you, either.”

“I know she doesn’t want to marry me.”

“Not yet, but you haven’t known each other that long.”

“No, she doesn’t want to marry anybody. Ever.”

“I’ve heard that,” Katie said in a soft voice. “She’s had some family issues, so she’s a little cynical right now. She’ll come around.”

“Maybe she will.” Max shrugged. “But Tori and I are just friends. And, actually, Nola and I will be just friends, as well.”

He supposed that was the silver lining. He had more friends now. Actually, he had enough so it was hardly remarkable anymore. He was just part of the community now, he guessed.

“Do you have a costume for the party yet?” Katie asked, probably to change the subject.

“Yes, I do.” After much anxiety, the answer to the costume problem had recently come to him at two o’clock in the morning and struck him as so amusing, he’d gotten out of bed to order it online.

“Are you going to tell us?”

He shook his head. “No, I’m not. What are you going as?”

“We’re still hashing it out,” Josh said, and he didn’t sound happy about it. “I want to go as a football player and get Katie in a cheerleader outfit, but she won’t.”

Max tried not to imagine that, since Katie’s fiancé was a good friend. And he was sitting right there. “How about Captain America and the Black Widow?”

Katie gave him a look that should have torched his eyebrows off. “Black leather bodysuit, Max? Really?”

“I’m not wearing tights, dude,” Josh added.

“I’m sure you’ll come up with something great.”