Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)

“You’re mine now!” Alex yells, and she laughs harder.

Catching her around the waist, he pulls her to him, lifting her feet off the ground. Laughing, she leans against his body, his arms wrapping securely around her. They remain this way while their laughter begins to calm. Something in this feels familiar to Lisa, but she’s not able to figure out what it is. It’s like a lost dream, like deja vu. Alex lowers her down to the floor, but his arms remain around her waist, his mouth close to her ear. “It’s getting late.” Reluctantly, she nods.

“Stay just a while longer?” She turns in his arms to face him. Her hands move up to his chest. “Is that okay?”

“Of course.”

They smile at one another. Lisa parts her lips slightly, her eyes focused on him. Moving his hands from her body, he raises them to brush the stray hairs. Cupping her face, he tilts her head up. Her heart races, his lips moving closer until they brush softly against hers. His breath fans across her lips, and his forehead rests against hers. She hears him swallow hard, as if he’s struggling with something.

“Alex?” she whispers.

He pulls away from her. “Let’s have a seat on the couch.” She sighs and nods, looking down at the floor. “Hey, now, none of that.” He tilts her face up and looks into her eyes. “I’m in no rush here.” He smiles. “Okay?”

She smiles and nods, feeling a sense of relief and, at the same time, frustration. Alex is so sexy, sensuous, and kind. It’s been a long while since a man has treated her this way. He whispers, “It’s okay, I promise.”

She nods, tilting her head. “Slow is good.”

Alex smiles as they settle into the couch. As the movie continues to play, sleepiness begins to take hold of her and she yawns. Her head nods a few times and Alex lays her head down on his lap. He begins to move his fingers gently in her hair, sending her into a hypnotic state of unconsciousness. Before she realizes it, she’s dozed off.

Looking down at her, Alex raises his brows as he gently tilts her head, seeing her eyes closed. He gently lifts her head and moves out from underneath her. Laying her head back down, he runs his arms underneath her slender frame, pulling her into his arms. She naturally rolls into his chest, her head on his shoulder. “You smell nice,” she mumbles.

He smiles as he walks towards her bedroom. He pushes the door open with his backside, then steps into her bedroom. He walks over to her bed and lays her down on her black comforter. “Thank-you,” she mumbles. Smiling, he leans over her bed and pulls the comforter across her body, covering her up.

Leaning down, he whispers, “You’re welcome,” then kisses her cheek. “Sleep well, my Lisa.”

She smiles softly and pulls the comforter closer. Alex takes a few steps back and leaves the room. Turning off the TV, he places the pillows back on her couch. Walking out the door, he locks it behind him. Checking the handle, he heads down the hallway towards his condo. Pulling out his keys, he opens his door and enters, closing the door behind him.


As she sleeps, Lisa moves onto her back, the comforter shifting off of her body. The bedspread begins to move underneath her and a wave ripples. Fingers shape and begin massaging her legs gently. She shifts, enjoying the touch. Two hands morph from the black comforter and they push through, like hands pushing out of a grave. Grasping her bed, the body pulls itself upwards. A shadow of a man begins to appear and takes shape, hovering over Lisa’s body. His red eyes glow and lightly illuminate her bedroom. Sitting between Lisa’s ankles, his hands touch her bare skin and move up the inside of her legs, gently pressing them apart.

Lisa whimpers softly as his touch sends sensations through her body, releasing heat between her thighs, taut nipples pressing against her clothing. His hands move up the inside of her thighs, squeezing them gently. His velvet lips press against her flesh and his fingers move over her mound. Her back arches lightly as his fingers move inside her shorts. Running lightly over her folds, his finger lightly grazes her clit, then moves inside her. Lisa moans softly, her head moving on her pillow.

Moving the material of her shorts aside, exposing her to him, he leans in and swipes his tongue across her. Lisa gasps and he leans in again, licking her once more. She lets out a whimper and spreads her legs wider, wanting more. Separating her lips with his tongue, he runs the length of her folds, tasting her. He growls and is ready to take what’s his.

Julie Morgan's books