Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)


Returning home later that evening, Lisa yawns and Alex unlocks her door. He stands behind her, his hands on her shoulders as he massages her lightly. Relaxing under his touch, she smiles softly and pushes her door open. “Do you want to come in for a while?” Alex pulls his hands down, then steps over the threshold.

“Sure.” He closes the door behind him, locking it. Lisa sets her purse down, glancing over at Alex and smiling. Looking back down, she slips her shoes off. Following suit, Alex removes his and stands in his socks.

Thoughts are running through her mind. They’re alone. Do they make out? Do they watch TV? Lisa looks over at him and wants nothing more than to run her fingers underneath his shirt to feel his abs and chest. Feeling a blush touch her cheeks, she quickly turns away and heads towards the den. Nervousness and excitement flutter through her. Alex moves close behind her and his hands move up to her shoulders. She feels him inhale close to her neck. Chills run through her body and she inhales sharply. Closing her eyes, she feels his nose touch her ear. Shifting, she turns her face slightly towards him. “Let me go change. I’ll be right back.” Her voice is soft and Alex nods.

His hands move from her shoulders and she takes a few steps forward, creating a space between them. Inhaling deeply and letting it out, she continues walking towards her bedroom. Grasping her bedroom door, she turns to look at him, making eye contact. His gaze is soft, but intense. His head tilts down just slightly. Looking into his eyes is like looking into his soul. She finds herself shaking slightly as the intensity of his gaze grows. Looking down, she closes the door, then turns and leans against it.

Closing her eyes, her heart beats against her chest and she smiles. She pulls her top off, pulls down her skirt, then removes her panties and bra. Tossing them into her dirty clothes hamper, she opens her dresser drawer and looks at her pajamas. She pulls out lingerie, and whispers, “If I wear this, I’ll look easy.” Setting it down, she pulls out a light green tank top and loose red boxer shorts. “This is better.” She takes out a white sports bra and pulls it on, then slips on the tank top and the boxer shorts. Grabbing a hair tie, she pulls her hair back in a loose ponytail. Approaching her door, she inhales, then lets it go, opening the door.

Alex turns to face her as he stands up from the couch. His hand moves up around to the back of his neck and he smiles. “Well, don’t you look like Christmas morning?”

Lisa looks down at herself. She laughs, then looks back up. “I planned it.”

“Sure you did.” He chuckles, stepping towards her.

Lisa pulls the bedroom door, but doesn’t close it. She steps closer to him and they stand in front of each other. She’s not sure if she should wrap her arms around his waist, or if she should let him go home to change and then come back. Changing her mind about both, she smiles.

“You look sexy in this, just so you know,” he says.

Lisa’s taken aback, not expecting the compliment, and she smiles bigger. “Well, then, I planned that, too.”

He chuckles, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Leading her back to the couch, they take a seat. Lisa leans into him and tucks her legs underneath her. Grabbing the remote, she turns on the TV and settles on a romantic comedy. Breathing him in, she leans her head on his shoulder, his arm tightening around her waist. She lifts her face up and places a soft kiss on his jaw line. She feels Alex tense up slightly. “Is this okay?” She kisses him again. He nods, as his fingers tighten into her side and he pulls her closer. Her hand moves around to cup the side of his face, turning him to face her.

Alex looks down into her eyes, then at her lips. She wants to kiss him, she wants to embrace him, she wants her breathing to become difficult, she wants her heart to race out of control. She can feel the heat building, her heart beating faster. Alex’s lips part as his stare becomes intense. He begins to lean in when she suddenly feels a whack. Stunned, she pulls back and glares at him. “Did you seriously just hit me with a pillow?” She sees the mischief play across his features, and she can’t help but smile.

“I did. What will you do about it?” His eyes turn icy, but playful.

Reaching behind her, she grabs a pillow and sits on her knees. Her smile turns into a mischievous grin as she pulls it above her head. “This.” She laughs, bringing it down on his chest. At the same time, Alex whacks her side. She laughs and jumps to her feet, backing up a few steps and swinging her pillow again, hitting his arms. He chuckles as he stands up and races towards her with his ammunition ready. She squeals and runs around the couch, Alex chasing her. Their laughter fills the condo and she attempts to throw her pillow, but it misses.

Julie Morgan's books