Eclipse of the Heart

chapter 23

Later that day, when she'd reached her own apartment, Amanda got a text from Logan saying he'd flown to Hong Kong. He didn't mention the previous night and she figured he'd already forgotten it. He'd gotten some hot sex and was moving on with his life. She'd be smart to do the same.

The next three weeks passed in a blur of late nights and constant work. She spent a week in Texas working on the Dallas Robotics deal. Under the circumstances, she was unable to shake off the effects of her illness. Although her throat was better, and she knew the antibiotics had to have knocked out the infection, she was tired and lacking in energy.

When Logan called her into his office for a meeting on Monday morning, she approached him with a mix of dread and anticipation. Between his trip and hers, she hadn't seen him since she'd stayed in his home.

She couldn't be sure if his silence was due to disinterest, the press of business, or manipulation. Mostly, she feared it was disinterest, but she knew she had to be grateful for that. If he stopped pursuing her sexually, but maintained the business relationship, she still had a good chance of winning the Daily Eats job.

"Good morning," she said.

He raised his cool eyes. "Come in, Amanda."

"How's the deal going for the public offering?" She slid into a chair in front of his desk. "I was surprised to hear you were taking your company public." Best to keep the conversation business-related.

"You remember Billy Kane?" he asked, leaning back in his big office chair, and subtly stretching his back and shoulders.

Amanda nodded, while trying not to stare at his crisp blue shirt tightening over his chest. Billy was the groom at the wedding she'd attended back before Christmas. Although she'd only had a chance to speak briefly with him, she knew he was one of Logan's childhood friends.

"Billy's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet," Logan said, settling back in his chair. "But he's not the best at managing money. He's gotten himself in some serious financial difficulties, and he needs to cash out his limited partnership share in my company. The only way I can pay him that kind of money is through a sale of shares to the public." He shrugged. "I wouldn't have chosen to do it right now, but I'll still retain a majority stake so it won't kill me."

"You're very loyal to your friends."

"I owe him. He invested in my business when I needed the funds. Most of his inheritance, in fact. Now it's my turn to help him."

Amanda turned over his words in her mind. Logan spoke almost as if he thought of their friendship in terms of a barter. Billy had provided funds when Logan needed them. Now it was Logan's turn to return the favor.

Was that a male thing? Or was it a Logan thing to put all interpersonal transactions on a financial footing?

Logan interrupted her thoughts. "I wanted to ask you about the Daily Eats deal. How's it going?"

Wouldn't you know he'd ask about the one deal that was not going well? "I really need to go to Philadelphia," she said. "The due diligence people are making progress, but the Molloys have gone dark on us."

"They aren't happy with the price. We know that. If the numbers look good, I may offer a little more. But, for now, I want you to focus on Dallas Robotics until that deal is completed. That's a big acquisition that can provide a bounce to the stock price once it's finalized. "

"Fine. I may have to return to Dallas."

"No problem. In the meantime, are you free this weekend? I thought we might go out to dinner and the theater."

"Expensive booty call."

His lips tightened with annoyance. "I don't enjoy verbal darts," he said. "I've tried to be honest with you. That's the best I can do."

She replayed his words from their last night together in her mind. It's just sex. Don't make more of it because I can't give you more. She had to accept that he meant the words. Whatever crisis had caused him to retreat behind a cold shell long before she met him was a crisis she couldn't fix or undo. She could only protect herself.

"Here's some honesty for you," she said. "I can't eliminate emotions from my interactions with people. So, you and I are an unworkable combination."

His cool gaze frosted her. "Holding out for marriage, are you?"

A surprised laugh burst out of her. For which she was eternally grateful. Just as quickly, fury blazed through her. How dare he?

But she had to keep her eye on the prize. She still wanted that Daily Eats position.

She paused to collect her thoughts before speaking. "Let's leave that silly comment unanswered. I don't want to call you either paranoid or arrogant." She stood. "I'm quite happy with our professional relationship. I hope we can maintain that."

"As you wish." She could feel his eyes on her as she headed out of the room.

"Oh, and Amanda?" Logan called to her just before she was out of earshot. She turned back, stopping in the doorway.

"I've been using Josh to handle the public offering. He's doing an excellent job. The markets are unsettled right now, and I need to get a good price for the shares."

She nodded. "Josh is smart, and a hard worker."

Logan leaned over his desk, spearing her with his gaze. "Are you still seeing him?"

She stiffened. It was none of Logan's business how she spent her private time. With an effort, she managed to bite back the retort that sprang to her lips. It would be stupid of her to jeopardize Josh's prospects at the company merely to discomfit Logan.

"No," she said. "We're friends, but nothing more."

"Good." Logan smiled. "The public offering is scheduled for next Friday. I'd like you to attend the dinner I'm having Friday night to celebrate." He paused, gave her his half-smile, and then said, "Strictly business."

"Sure," she said. "I'd like that." Why didn't she feel happier that he'd accepted her terms?

Her worries were misplaced.

Because, on Friday morning, everything blew up.

Carly Carson's books