Dolce (Love at Center Court, #2)

I turned her around and backed her toward my bed, gently laying her before me, never breaking free of her mouth. When I finally releasing her lips, she fell back on my bedspread, her dark hair fanning out everywhere, and I stood to admire her.

She was soft where she was supposed to be, although a few places were softer than others, and I fucking loved it. There was a tiny scar above her eyebrow that she didn’t bother to cover up with layers of makeup, and her hip bones didn’t jab into me when I pushed against her. Cate was a woman, all woman, more woman at a mere five foot and a few than I could handle.

I sank to my knees and ripped my shirt over my head, running my hand down her thigh until it met her boot, then tugged it off and made fast work of the other. My fingers roamed back up her legs to her belly and circled her belly button. She was nothing like any other woman I’d ever been with, I thought, but were they really women or just girls?

I looked up from her navel. “God, Cate, you’re all fucking woman.”

Her eyes were glassy, and when she bit her lower lip and swallowed, her chest heaved up and down.


“Yes,” she said, but the word came out hoarse, froggy almost.

I tugged at her pants. “Lift your hips.”

She did and I slid them off, revealing a slight pair of red panties. They were snug at her * and stretched across her hips, and Christ, my dick surged to get inside them.

I smoothed a hand over the front of the satin and Cate whimpered. Her pelvis lifted off the bed, reaching for me, and that was all the invitation I needed to bend down and lick along the trim of her panties.

With the very tip of my tongue, I ran along the border between satin and skin, leaving goose bumps in my path. I took a deep breath and blew warm air, making the goose bumps more pronounced. It also made Cate’s pelvis reach higher and her whimpering louder.

I could barely register the music coming from the party over the sound of my pounding heart. My dick didn’t agree with my teasing her, but I knew I couldn’t rush this or push her. Waiting would make it better.

I slipped my hand under her, between her ass and the flimsy satin, and squeezed. She moaned, and I let my tongue linger for only a second more before I tugged her panties down.

“Okay?” I asked, and her whole body shook from her nodding.

And then, pow, my tongue made contact with the wet, silky skin inside her small bush. I lapped first one side and then the other before landing on her clit. I licked and drank from her * with a fever consuming my whole body, somewhere between an extreme state of bliss and sheer torture. My jeans were so tight against my crotch, I was pretty sure my dick wouldn’t be in one piece if and when it came time to fuck.

Or make love? Be intimate?

No, fuck.

Gone was the gentle lover. Tasting Cate did peculiar things to me, namely making me the horniest bastard alive.

She quivered under my mouth, and I begrudgingly took a quick break.

“You taste so fucking good, Cate.”

I spoke my thoughts aloud before I dived back in, reveling in every inch of her *. All too soon, she convulsed and lifted her hips into my face, coming on a scream. I licked her quiet before crawling back up her body.

“God,” she mumbled. “I never . . . God, just never.”

I kissed her then, hard and hungry, sharing her flavor with her before pulling away.

“I have to take these jeans off. My dick is going to break if I don’t,” I muttered into her ear. “No pressure, it just hurts,” I assured her.

“I’m not a virgin.”

“I’m good either way, but you’ve turned me into stone. Fuck, you’re amazing,” I said, shoving my jeans and boxer briefs down.

I fell next to Cate and began stroking myself with my leg tossed over hers. Our mouths came together again as pre-cum slipped from my tip, wetting my cock.

“Watch me,” I said. “I want you to see what you do to me. Big, bad me falling prey to little you.”

I pumped my cock, my mind on eating her as I gripped tighter and stroked harder, my lips fused with Cate’s until I broke free. “Do you see how fucking hard I am? My dick is reaching for you, all of you,” I muttered while my hand worked a furious pace.

She glanced down at her hip where my cock was leaking and jutting, my groin shifting with every sweep of my fist. Her eyes were darker than normal, her pupils dilated as she looked on, and the pulse in her neck throbbed.

“I’m so hot for you.” I breathed on her neck and bit down, careful not to leave a mark.

A whimper tumbled from her lips, and I came like a teenage boy, making a mess all over Cate’s stomach. She watched in awe, and it was the most beautiful fucking thing I’d ever seen.

I smoothed my come over her stomach and left one more closed-mouth kiss on her mouth. Then I snagged my T-shirt off the floor and cleaned her off.

“Was that good for you?”

She nodded and tucked herself into my side, her head on my chest. “Was it okay for you?”

I pulled her tight. “Absolutely and perfectly sweet.”

Rachel Blaufeld's books