Dolce (Love at Center Court, #2)

“Come on,” I said, and wrapped my arm around her on the way to the building.

We rushed through the outer door and I guided her to the staircase. When loud music filled our ears as we reached my floor, I stopped in my tracks.

“Shit,” I murmured. “Looks like my pad became party central while I was out.”

“That’s cool,” she said. “Do you still want me to come in?”


I couldn’t help it, I backed her into the wall and leaned my large frame into hers, revealing just how much I wanted her to come in.

“It’s everyone else that I want to go,” I whispered into her ear, my breath lingering over her lobe. I also couldn’t control leaning in and sucking on that lobe.

Cate’s back arched and her pelvis reached for mine.


We ground into each other while I tasted her, plundering her mouth. I knew I should stop. She seemed to be into it, asking for more with her body, but what if she second-guessed herself like last time? My cock could only take so many blows, not to mention my ego.

I pulled back as if I’d been punched in the gut. “Is this okay?”

There I went again with the considerate me. What the hell?

Apparently, I wore “gentleman” well, because she nodded.

“Say it, please,” I begged her. “I need to hear that you want my mouth on you, so I know you won’t worry there’s something wrong with what we’re doing.”

I leaned back a few inches, giving her room while she decided. A couple of seconds ticked by as she looked up at me, and I fought the urge to adjust myself again. My dick was at war with the zipper in my jeans, trying to fight its way out.

“Yes, I do. I want this.”

Cate kept her eyes on me, unashamed and full of desire, and I didn’t hesitate. I went back in for more of her luscious mouth and her firm tits pressing against my chest.

“Whoa, boy!” someone called out from down the hall. “Look who the cat dragged in . . . or should I say, the *?”

Reluctantly, I pulled away from Cate’s mouth. When I rested my forehead against hers, she mumbled, “Is that who I think it is?”

I nodded, and we both turned our heads to the side.

“Cute Catie!” Sonny bellowed in the hall, holding my apartment door open to let the hip-hop pour out of my place. “Are you ready to come back to me? Who knew that in a few short weeks, the audience would miss you.”

“Good to see you too, Sonny,” Cate said dryly.

“Guess you’re pretty fucking glad Mr. Boots here let your boyfriend out of his bargain so he could pursue you.” When I shook my head, he flicked his gaze to me. “Don’t be shaking your head, pretty boy. You owe me a championship and a replacement shock jock. This Johnny asshole is shit.”

He approached and flicked my sweatband at the end of his rant, and then turned his focus back to Cate. “So, what do you say, Catie?”

I hadn’t even spoken one word, and the fuck-face was taking over my date.

Cate snorted. “I say don’t refer to yourself in the third person, and I’ll think about it.”

“Really?” Shocked, I turned to Cate.

“Yeah,” she mumbled.

I grinned like a fool. “Great! Now that’s all settled, Sonny, you can run along and go wherever you were going.” Giving him a pointed glare, I added, “And leave Cate all to me.”

“Talk soon.” Sonny gave me a mock salute and walked off, yelling over his shoulder, “And, Catie, make sure he has enough energy left to win the trophy.”

His laughter trailed behind him until he slammed my apartment door. The hallway was quiet other than Jay Z’s rapping.

“Come on.” I took Cate’s hand and led her to my place, a little nervous about what we might discover behind the door. But we’d already survived Sonny, so it couldn’t be that bad, right?

“Ho! Look who it is!” Ashton yelled from the couch, game controller in one hand and a beer in the other.

“And look who else.” Alex strode over to us, grabbing Cate’s hip and pretending to grind up on her.

“Cool it, White.”

I shoved him off my date and took her hand. We walked into the common area, which was crawling with ball babies and players. Mo sat in the corner with his lady on his lap, D had some girl cornered in the back of the room, and everyone else was jamming and drinking as Ashton played his video game.

“Want something to drink?”

“Water?” Cate asked me with a wary look in her eyes.

“I’ll be right back.” I squeezed her hand and made my way to the kitchen for some bottled water.

When I got back, Alex was cozied up next to Cate and they were laughing. Fury burned through me, but I tamped it down. This was all new for her, and he was probably just being welcoming. Of course, he also probably wanted to get in her pants.

Fat fucking chance.

“Thanks for keeping Cate occupied, White, but I’ll take it from here.” I slapped him on the shoulder and passed Cate a bottle of water after cracking the cap for her.

Rachel Blaufeld's books