Conviction (Consolation Duet #2)

“Good . . . it’ll make it less awkward when I kill you.”


I grab her hand and kiss the top. Maybe I can soothe her by being swoony. “I love you so much, sweetheart. You’re going to make me the happiest man in the world today.”


“You’re still dead.”


Or not. She squeezes my hand with herculean strength and I try to pry it away, but she just grabs harder.


“I need my hand.”


She doesn’t say anything, but I can feel her eyes burning holes into the side of my face.


We arrive at the hospital and they bring her to the room. Once she’s connected to a bunch of monitors, I start making calls. I call my command to let them know, and I’m granted immediate baby leave. I’m half tempted to tell them to forget it since I’m apparently now married to the devil. Her face turns some funky color and she hates me.


“Liam.” Her voice is suddenly sweet, and I wonder what the hell is going on.


“Yes, sweetheart?”


“I want you to promise that whatever I say in the next few hours you will forget.”


“I can do that.”


“Okay, good. Because I hate you.” Her face turns bright red and all her muscles tense as the contraction hits. I look at the monitor in amazement.


“Wow, that’s a strong one!” I look at the lines going up and down.


“You’re a fucking genius!” she says through gritted teeth.


I look at her and smile. Which probably isn’t the smartest thing in the world, but she’s kinda busy and I enjoy playing with fire.


“I’m going to pretend you don’t want me to forget that.”


The contraction passes and the nurse comes in before she can reply. I make note to buy her something pretty for saving my ass.


“You’re almost nine centimeters. It’s too late for an epidural. I’m going to get the doctor. You’re going to have this baby very soon.” I suddenly feel faint.


I rush over to Lee’s side and grab her hand and kiss her forehead. “We’re going to have our son soon. You’re so perfect, sweetheart. So amazing and perfect.”


“Liam,” she says sounding exhausted. “I love you and I’m scared.”




“What if something goes wrong?”


“I’m right here. I’ll be by your side the whole time. You can do this,” I try to reassure her, but she’s been having dreams that there will be something wrong with the baby or the birth. I can’t really argue her insanity because they’re dreams and she threatens to kill me quite often.


I do like to drive her nuts. I’ll give her that.


“I don’t want anything to be wrong.” Her lower lip trembles.


My hands hold her face and I press my forehead to hers. “If something is wrong, we’ll handle it. Don’t worry until there’s something to worry about. I’ve got you.”


I don’t know how to help her and it kills me, but I know I have to keep it together.


She nods and sucks in a deep breath.


“Are we ready, Mrs. Dempsey?” A small thrill runs through me each time I hear someone call her that. It reminds me that this woman is mine now. That she chose me, and I somehow convinced her to marry me.


“If he’s ready to come out, then I guess we are.” I squeeze her hand and then she adds on. “With no drugs.”


“Drugs are overrated.” Her eyes flash with hostility, and I put my hands up in mock surrender. “Of course, I don’t know this . . .”




“You love me.”


Natalie grunts and the doctor gives me a sympathetic look. Dr. Contreras checks her for what I don’t know. I mean, is it like a turkey that the little plastic thing pops? This whole checking her thing baffles me.


“Okay, Natalie. I need you to give me a push.”


She looks at me and they lift her legs. I don’t comment because I know it’ll end with me getting punched in the balls, so I just stay by her side. She groans and sweat breaks across her face, and I’m pretty sure my hand is now detached from my body. Where the hell does this hundred and twenty-five pound woman have this strength?


“Hand, hand, hand,” I say as it starts to turn purple.


Fucking hell.


“My vagina is on fire as I push your giant kid out. Suck it up,” Natalie says with a little too much happiness at my pain.


“Again,” the doctor orders.


I don’t even have a second before my fingers mash together as she squeezes them and pops a few out of joint. Well, not really, but it feels like it.


“The baby is crowning,” the doctor says.


“Crowning?” I ask.


“Come see.”


I head down as Natalie breathes and lays her head on the pillow. There are some things I can’t unsee, and this is one. I’m not queasy by nature, but I never can look at her * again and not think of this image. A giant, bald, nasty looking thing is stretching her, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to hurl.


Instead of freaking her out, I head back to her side. I’ll take the broken fingers before that shit.


“Is he coming?” Lee asks.


Still unable to form words, I nod and offer her my hand.

