Conviction (Consolation Duet #2)

Her smile spreads and I fight back the emotions overwhelming me. “I know our lives met by chance, but you’re family to me. No matter where the Navy takes us, you’ll always be in my heart.”


Catherine peeks her head in, “I hate to interrupt, but it’s time. Mark is taking this minister thing a little too far, by the way. Just to warn you.” She laughs and dips her head back out.


“Okay, Aara,” I put my hand out. Her small hand wraps around my fingers and we head out the door.


This morning was a little misty out, but the sun is shining through now. We walk down the beach, and Aara and I stand and wait. I wish I had my parents here, but they said they couldn’t make it back so soon after their last visit. My father hasn’t been feeling so well and the travel is hard. Plus, we sprung it on them quickly. Still, I wish my daddy were here to give me away.


“I’m going to head down, and whenever you and Aara are ready . . .” Rea smiles and kisses my cheek.


I squat as best as I can by my daughter and hold her hands in mine. “Oh, Aara. So much has happened in your short, little life, but love has never been missing. Liam will love you, and your daddy will too. You’ll have twice the amount that most little girls have. I love you.”


She plays with the flower on her dress and I smile. Aara looks up and I pucker for a kiss. She leans in and then I pull her close.


“You look beautiful, darling.” I gasp and turn my head only to see my father standing there in his suit.


“Daddy!” I call out and he helps me stand. “You came!” I wrap my arms around him and want to cry.


He laughs in his rich voice that I’d know anywhere. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Liam called after we spoke and bought us plane tickets. He was very adamant and was willing to come down and drive us if he had to,” he laughs again and pulls me back. “Quite a guy you got there.”


“He really is special.”


“So are you,” he taps my nose. “And so are you! Hello, my gorgeous princess.” My father lifts Aara and holds her in one arm. He loops his arm and I circle my hand through. “Let’s go and see that man of yours.”


“Okay.” My voice shakes, but I’m not nervous. It’s quite the opposite. I’m eager and ready. I want to see him. I want to say our vows and start our life together.


We begin the walk and I keep my eyes down so I don’t trip. When I look up, I can hardly breathe. Liam stands with Quinn and Jackson behind him. Reanell and Catherine on my side and Mark stands in between. There’s an archway with white tulle and red flowers all around. A few chairs sit on the side for my parents and Aidan. But it’s the look on Liam’s face that fills me.


His smile is bright and tears fall from his eyes. I walk toward him and he moves forward. My father chuckles as Liam seems to stop himself.


When we reach him, the sun shines from behind him, and his blue eyes pierce through me. “Hi,” I say and wipe a tear from my eyes.


“Hi,” he says and using the pad of his thumb wipes the other.


Aarabelle wiggles from my father’s arms. “Mama!” she yells and Liam crouches down with his arms open. She rushes to him and he scoops her up.


“No one forgot you,” he laughs and holds her on his side.


I press my one hand on his chest and another on Aarabelle’s back. Right here the world is right.


“Dearly, beloved,” Mark begins, and I look at him for the first time.


“You’re kidding me,” I say laughing. “You got a robe?”


“I’m a man of the cloth, my child. Now, simmer down and let my mercy and love come down upon this marriage.”


“Idiot,” I hear Jackson mutter under his breath.


“We are gathered here today to witness Sparkles and Dreamboat create a new world.”


Liam and I both burst out laughing and then Jackson moves forward and slaps Mark on the back of the head.


This is the perfect wedding. Surrounded by our friends who are family, in a setting where we really fell in love, solidifying our union.


“Anyway,” Mark straightens himself. “We are here to see two people I care about deeply get married. Liam and Natalie asked for a traditional ceremony, but well, I don’t think there’s much traditional here. So let’s do this how they are . . . perfect.”


I look at Mark and his eyes soften. We smile and Aarabelle starts to tug on Liam’s face. He’s right . . . there’s nothing traditional here.