Beneath Your Beautiful (Beautiful, #1)

Brody frowns at me. “What happened?”

“I accused her of cheating.” I berate myself all over again. Hearing it from my mouth makes me realize how ridiculous it really sounds.

His eyebrows shoot up and he lets out a low whistle. “Why would you do that?”

“We saw her ex’s car in the parking lot yesterday, and after seeing Haley last night I lost it. I told her about Emilie.”

“That’s huge,” Brody exhales. “How did she react?”

“She surprised me in every way. I expected her to run like hell after I told her everything about my past, but she just listened and when I woke up this morning she was still there.” Her ability to forgive me, after being the worlds’ biggest douchebag, has me completely stumped.

Brody looks away thoughtfully for a moment and then turns his discerning gaze back on to me. “Gray, you have to realize she’s not Haley. If she chooses to stick around even after hearing about all the shit that has messed you up then that should tell you something.”

I stare at my best friend in bemusement. “I’ve never heard you say something so,” I pause, searching for the right word. “Insightful.”

He laughs, “Screw you!”

“Should I phone Demi and thank her?” I joke.

His expression changes and I see it. I see the love and adoration he has for Demi written all over his face, and he does nothing to hide it. “What can I say,” he smiles, “I’ve found the girl who puts up with my shit constantly, and still loves me anyway. We fight about the dumbest things and she pushes every one of my damn buttons. But when I think about what my life would be like without her, it kills me. I can’t do it.”

This time I’m speechless. My only response to what he said is understanding. Because I get it.

** ** ** ** **

I spend the rest of the day trapped in my own thoughts. My lack of focus doesn’t go unnoticed during football practice and I decide to leave early. I contemplate going back to my place instead of Huntley’s, recognizing my need for some space. But before I know what I’m doing, I’m walking into Huntley’s apartment. I can’t stand the idea of being away from her, not for a single night. It’s unhealthy to need someone so much but I right now I don’t care. My need to be near her, to feel her, to hold her, overshadows everything else.

Huntley’s apartment is quiet. Usually she’ll be playing her guitar or listening to music, but when I walk into her bedroom, she’s curled up and fast asleep. I quietly undress and decide to take a shower. The hot water and steam relax my body and the tension in my muscles fades. My mind goes blank and I take a chance to enjoy the respite from the mental punishment I inflicted on myself all day.

I don’t hear the bathroom door open, or the shower door. But I feel her. Her hands snake around my waist and her fingers trace every groove in my abdomen. My breathing deepens, like I’m breathing her in. Maybe I am. I turn around slowly, stopping when our bare chests are crushed together. The way she’s looking at me makes me want to cry, because I don’t deserve it. It sears my soul and leaves an imprint of her that will never go away. The mark she’s left on me is invisible, but no less permanent than if it was a tattoo. I feel her nipples pebble and my cock hardens, and as much as I want to make love to her right here in this shower, the way we’re touching now is more than I can handle. How we’re looking at each other is more than I can handle.

“Are you ok?” she whispers. Her sweet voice crawls over my skin and embeds itself into my memory. I will subconsciously compare every voice to hers and then won’t be surprised when they come up short.

I shake my head no and lower my head down to hers until our lips touch. Hers are soft and wet from the water. They move with mine and she opens up to me completely when my tongue swipes her bottom lip delicately. When her nails dig into my shoulder muscles, pulling us until we’re one body, I shiver. My hands slide down her back until they come to rest on her hips and I feel her suck in a breath when my hard length pulses between our bellies. My mouth leaves hers, soliciting a whimper when I lick down her neck. I suck and nibble until we’re both shaking. I rest my forehead on her shoulder and wait for my breathing to even out. The last thing I want Huntley to think is that sex will ‘fix’ all the cracks inside me. Only her love will do that.

“Why did you stay?” my voice vibrates against her skin before I look into her worldly eyes. Her eyebrows dip in confusion and her eyes probe me. “Last night, when I told you about Haley and Emilie, you stayed. Why?”

“Because nothing can make me run from you. We all have a past, some darker than others, but being broken doesn’t mean you can’t be loved. It just means there are more pieces of you for me to love.”

Tamsyn Bester's books