Beneath Your Beautiful (Beautiful, #1)

She shakes her head and burrows further into my chest. “I’m so sorry,” she mumbles. I left her chin so that I can look into her gorgeous blue eyes.

“It’s fine baby. Demi told me you’ve been sick. Are you feeling better?”

“Much better now that you’re here.”

Part of me believes her but the other part isn’t so sure. She looks tired and slightly pale. I’m glad Demi was here to look after her, but a small twinge of guilt settles in my stomach because I wasn’t here to do it.

“Can I get you anything? Are you hungry?”

She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and starts to nibble on it. The small action makes my blood warm and travel south. Her lips are one of the things I love most about her body. They’re soft, and full, and lightest shade of pink. I clench my jaw to stop myself from crashing my lips to hers. Her eyes roam my face and land on my lips. I swallow audibly.



“Kiss me.” Her words come out a breathy whisper and her hand slides up my chest, gripping my neck.

My head lowers as if it’s the most natural thing to do and my mouth gently connects with hers. Our tongues collide in slow, leisurely strokes, taking time to become reacquainted after our short time apart. It will always be like this with us, and it brings me an inner peace like no other. I will never grow tired of these timeless stolen moments with her wrapped up in my arms, wrapped up in me, wrapped up in us.

I pull away gasping for air even though our kiss wasn’t heated or passionate. I’ve come to accept that no matter how we spend time together, whether it’s intimately or not, the fire inside me will ignite and burn fiercely. Just for her.

She pouts and I can’t help the shit-eating grin that covers my face. “Why’d you stop?”

“Because there can’t be any hanky panky until you’re better.”

“Did you just say ‘hanky panky’?”

“Yes, what’s wrong with that?”

She giggles and her cheeks flush. “It just sounds so….conservative.”

I smirk. “I’m nothing if not a gentleman.”

Her lips brush my ear and I can’t hide my shiver when her hot breath hits my skin. “I don’t want you to be a gentleman,” she almost growls, “I like it rough.”

I blink. And then I blink again. She’s coming onto me and I want nothing more than to show her how rough I can be. But she needs to get well again and get some of her strength back. The light bags under her eyes convey her weariness, even if she denies it.

“You don’t play fair,” I kiss her under her ear and lick the sensitive skin until I feel the goosebumps rise. “But I know exactly how to fix it.”

I feel her heart start to race and smile smugly.

“Really?” she breathes, unable to contain her pulse. “How’s that?”

I pull away quickly and jump off the bed, leaving her wanting. “A bath.”

Her mouth shifts into a full on pout and I struggle not to laugh at how silly she looks. She huffs and crosses her arms over her chest.

“You jerk.”

I feign hurt and place my hand over my heart. “You wound me.”

“Good, serves you right for getting me all hot and bothered and then leaving me hanging. Looks like I’ll just have to schedule a date with my B.O.B later.”

She climbs off the bed and struts to the bathroom, swaying her hips and distracting me with her butt.

I follow after her. “A B.O.B? What the hell is that?”

“A Battery Operated Boyfriend.”

What the…?

Oh fuck.

“You mean a vibrator?”

She bends down over the tub and turns the water on before turning to face me again. “Yes,” she states matter-of-factly, “A big one.”

My eyes bulge out of their sockets. I don’t know whether to be turned on or pissed. Images of Huntley using a toy to pleasure to herself are both fascinating and arousing. It’s stupid to be jealous of a toy but oddly, I am. I don’t take kindly to sharing, especially not with something made to resemble a…a…a penis.

I shake my head, willing the images to disappear.

“You’re not threatened are you?”

I close the distance between us in two quick strides and grip her hips. “Be careful baby, I might just ask you for a demonstration later.”

Her face drops and I know I’ve caught her. I lean down until my mouth is next to her ear. “That’s what I thought. Now get in that bath so we can get cleaned up and get some food.”

She spins on her heals and angrily starts pulling off her clothes. I chuckle. She looks hotter than Hell when she’s mad.

Tamsyn Bester's books