Beneath Your Beautiful (Beautiful, #1)

Before I can overanalyze it all, my eyes drift closed and sleep takes me under. My dreams are flooded with image after image, and one in particular stays with me.

A little boy with dark chocolate colored hair, with bright green eyes and dimples is running around giggling.

He looks just like Grayson.

Chapter 20


Our bus finally comes to a stop in the parking lot outside the football stadium. I shake Brody’s shoulder, jarring him from his sleepy state. How he managed to get any rest on the bus I will never understand. I’ve barely been able to keep my eyes shut for longer than ten minutes. Somehow I think that has more to do with seeing Huntley than spending six hours on this bus with a group of rowdy guys.

As we step off the bus and grab our bags, my eyes search the parking lot for Huntley’s face. When I can’t find her I frown. She is supposed to be here.

I take out my phone and dial her number. When it goes straight to voicemail, a feeling of unease settles into my stomach. I dial Demi’s number next and after the third ring she finally answers.

“Hello?” her voice is scratchy, like she’s just woken up.

“Hey Dem. Where are you girls?”

I hear a ‘oh shit’ and some shuffling in the background. After a minute she’s back on the line. “Hi Gray. I totally overslept and forgot to let you know Huntley won’t be there to get you.”

“Is she ok? Is something wrong? Did something happen?” The questions fly out of my mouth rapidly and I’m not even sure if she heard anything more than an incoherent mumble.

“Grayson, she’s fine, there’s no need to get your thong all twisted.”

“Then why isn’t she answering her phone? Can I talk to her?”

“She’s been sick since yesterday Gray. I turned her phone off after a while so that she could get some sleep. She’s been sleeping all day. Do you boys need me to come get you?”

I look over at Brody and see that he has his truck here. “No, I’ll get a ride with Brody. We’ll be there in ten minutes.”

“Gray, stop worrying. She’s fine. We think it’s just a flu virus or something that’s got her stomach out of sorts.”

“Alright Dem. Thanks for taking care of her. We’ll see y’all in a little bit.”

“Ok Gray, see you boys soon.”

I end the call and walk to where Brody is parked.

“Mind if I get a ride home with you bro? Huntley’s sick, that’s why she isn’t here.”

“Of course Gray, hop in. Might as well see Demi anyway, she’ll have my balls if I don’t see her before heading to our place.”

I chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” He looks at me and frowns, which only adds to my amusement.

“You are so far gone not even Columbus will find you.”

“Oh yeah? Well you’re right alongside me then dickwad. At least I don’t get that starry eyed look the way you do when Huntley is around.”

I punch him the arm. “I do not get that look.”

He throws his head back and laughs a full belly laugh. “Oh hell yes you do! You’re eyes sparkle and shit!”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. “If you think you look at Demi any differently then you are sadly mistaken.”

He sighs. “I can’t disagree with you there man. That girl drives me crazy. But I can’t imagine my life without her next to me.”

“I get it.”

Brody laughs again. “I used to make fun of guys like us.”

I look at him quizzically. “Guys like what?”

“Pussy whipped.”

I laugh with him. “Yeah, who knew right?”

We both sit silently, caught up in our own thoughts. A few minutes pass and we come to a stop outside Huntley and Demi’s apartment building. When we reach the door, Demi swings it open before we can knock and jumps straight to Brody’s arms. When her legs lock around his waist and she starts kissing him passionately, I take that as my cue to leave and walk down the passage to Huntley’s room. I creak open the door and slip my shoes off so that my footsteps don’t wake her.

She’s curled into a ball in the middle of the bed with her hair splayed out on the pillow. We’ve been apart for just over forty eight hours but my body yearns for her touch, and the feel of her soft skin. I pull the covers away and slip in behind her, careful not to move her. My arm wraps around her middle and instinctively pulls her closer. Her vanilla and strawberries scent assaults my nose and I get lost in the familiarity of it. She feels like home.

I feel her stir and turn to face me. She blinks a few times, trying to rid the sleep from her eyes, and then smiles timidly at me.

“Hey beautiful girl,” I whisper.

“Hi baby,” her voice is unintentionally husky and I can’t help my physical reaction to her. “When did you get back?”

“A few minutes a go.”

Her face falls slightly and she frowns. “Oh no! I totally forgot I was supposed to meet you at the stadium. I’m so sorry Gray.”

I hug her tighter. “It’s fine, I got a ride from Brody.”

Tamsyn Bester's books