Beneath Your Beautiful (Beautiful, #1)

"Nothing," I reply.

He snorts. "Could've fooled me Gray. You look like you're about to pass out and vomit all over yourself." His observation isn't far off.

"I'm just nervous." Fuck, that’s an understatement.

"I haven't seen you like this over a date since -" he scratches his head. "Well, ever."

It's true. I've never been this anxious over a date and I've had my fair share of 'dates'. Something about Huntley makes this different. She's not just another girl I want to bring home. She's the kind of girl who deserves a proper date, one with romance and flowers. Admittedly, this is all very new to me, since I've never done romance and flowers before, not even for my ex-girlfriend who I dated for two years. I realize now that Huntley makes me want to give it to her, give her everything. It scares me.

"Yeah well, we're not just talking about any girl. She's different. Special."

Brody nods his head in understanding, a look of wistfulness sliding over his face and disappearing as quickly as it appeared. He's thinking about Demi. I wish I could make this easier on him but I don't know how. I've never loved someone who's with someone else.

I check my watch. It's almost six fifteen, and I told Huntley I would get her at six thirty.

"I better get going," I say, grabbing my wallet and truck keys. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah man, good luck." Brody walks down stairs and I follow behind. He's having a few of the boys over for a games night so at least he won't have the chance to wallow in self-pity.

The drive to Huntley's apartment is quicker than I expected, maybe because I spent the short ten minute drive over there thinking about what she looks like naked.


Bad idea.

Very bad idea.

I cut the ignition of my truck and take a deep breath, willing myself to get my shit together. Tonight will be perfect.

I take the elevator up to Huntley and Demi's floor. Once I'm outside their door I knock twice and wait. The door swings open and I find a grinning Demi there to greet me. "Hey Gray," she chimes. She looks excited, a naughty glimmer in her eye like she has a secret. It makes me wonder what she's up to.

"Hey Demi," I reply. I try to mask the nervousness in my voice but judging my Demi's smirk I'm unsuccessful.

"Come in," she says. She gestures for me to step inside and I do. "You look nice."

I smile. I spent over an hour trying to decide what to wear and eventually settled on my white wash jeans and grey button up shirt. Damn if it wasn't the most effort I've ever put in to getting ready for a date. "Thanks."

"Huntley will be out in a minute," she adds. She disappears down the hall and I take a minute to calm my racing heart. I haven’t even seen her yet and I'm already going insane.

Just don't picture her naked. Whatever you do, do NOT picture her naked.

Goddammit. I'm picturing her naked.


Just then her bedroom door opens. She steps into the light and all the air escapes my lungs. She looks impossibly gorgeous in a fire truck red strapless sun dress with white pumps on her feet. Her hair is straightened and held back by a head band, revealing her flawless face. I've only ever seen her with curls in her hair but the straightened style looks amazing too. The only make-up she's wearing is lipgloss and I want to kiss those plump lips until they're cherry red because of how hard I kissed her.

She steps in front of me and smiles shyly. I watch as her cheeks turn red. The way she blushes has to be one of her sexiest, unintentional habits.

"You look amazing," I blurt out. Talk about smooth.

"You don't look so bad yourself." Her eyes roam over my outfit and linger a little longer on my chest. I learned that she has a fascination with my nipple ring. I'll have to use that to my advantage the next time we're alone.

"You ready to go?"

"Hmm hmm," she nods. The grin on her face is infectious and I can't help but mirror her expression.

We say goodbye to Demi, who has fallen into a fit of laughter after watching Huntley and I gawk at each other for almost five whole minutes. It does little to appease the family of bats that have taken up residence in my belly.

I help Huntley climb into the truck, since she's a little shorter, and purposely place my hands under her tight little butt to hoist her up. She squeals and swats my hand away, but I can see the amusement shining bright in the depths of her eyes.

I chuckle as I make my way around to the drivers' side and hop in.

"Where are we going?" The curiosity in her voice resembles that of a child, brimming with excitement.

Tamsyn Bester's books