Beneath Your Beautiful (Beautiful, #1)

“Grayson, you can’t just barge in like that!” Demi yells from outside the bathroom.

Grayson shuts the door in her face and stalks towards the shower. I’m momentarily captivated by the way he walks. His stride is strong and oozes a confidence easily mistaken for arrogance. He walks with the kind of prowess that isn’t customary for someone his age. It’s primal, and such a turn on. The sight of him stalking me like prey has a heady effect on my body.

He opens my shower door and it takes me a split second to remember I’m completely naked. Enough sense returns for me to open my mouth. “Grayson, what are you doing? You can’t be in here!”

He doesn’t respond but his actions speak volumes. He steps into the shower, allowing the door to swing closed, encasing us in the small space. The water drenches his clothes, yet he shows no sign of concern for that. His eyes are dilated, leaving only a thin circle of Jade surrounding his pupils. I hold my breath when his hand cups the side of my face. The current that I felt the first time we met comes to life and thrums between our bodies.

“What are you doing?” I whisper. My voice comes out breathy and lacks any kind of strength.

“I needed to see you.” His voice is husky and low. Too sexy a combination for the precarious position I’m in – naked and wet. In a shower. With Grayson.

“And you couldn’t wait for me to be done? You had to storm into my bathroom like a…caveman!”

“It couldn’t wait,” he whispers. His eyes haven’t left mine but the shallow rise and fall of his chest tells me he isn’t unaffected.

“What couldn’t wait?” I do little to hide the annoyance in my voice. I was never good at riddles and I don’t like playing games, especially when I’m inappropriately dressed. Or in this particular case, not dressed at all.

“I’m sorry,” he says, “I should’ve come to see you after you got back from the hospital but I…I…” The water cascades down his face and the urge to lick the droplets off his luscious lips is marginally eclipsed by his intrusion.

“Are you kidding me right now Grayson? You’re standing in my damn shower telling me you’re sorry?” I shake my head.

“It couldn’t wait.” At least he has the decency to look embarrassed.

“Yeah, you said that already.”

“I’m a little distracted.” He looks down and gives my body a slow, excruciating perusal. I squirm, feeling my cheeks flush. Instinctively my arms cross over my bare breasts. There’s nothing more I can do to cover my other girly bits so he better get an eye full while he has the chance. I’m silently grateful for my stellar grooming habits – who knew being freshly waxed down south would prove to be advantageous, even as a single girl.

“You definitely got the better end of the deal because you have clothes on.”

He smirks. “We can change that.”

For a moment I consider it. I’ve been dreaming about his naked chest and that sexy nipple ring since our encounter in the locker room.

“That is a terrible idea. I think you should leave.”

His smirk drops. He looks hurt.

“So that’s it?” he asks. “You’re not going to hear me out?”

It’s his turn to squirm and as much I want to stand here and make him suffer, I know we need to talk. Just not here. And preferably not naked.

“Wait for me in my room. I’d like to at least be semi-covered when we talk.”

His shoulders visibly relax and he leaves, grabbing a towel for himself. I take the chance to admire his backside while he walks out and like he knows I’m staring he turns back to look at me, that smirk reappearing before he closes the door.


I lean against the shower wall and still my heartbeat. It took some serious self-restraint not to grab him.

I turn the water off, hop out and wrap a fluffy white towel around myself. When I walk into my bedroom Graysons’ shirtless back is to me and he’s busy drying himself.

This should be interesting.

“So,” I say, deciding not to waste any time. “What is it that you wanted to talk about.”

He spins around and drops the towel on the floor. He doesn’t make a move and neither do I. The atmosphere changes quickly, becoming thick with energy and sexual tension.

He clears is throat. “Like I said, I came to apologize. I should’ve come to see you when you got home on Sunday, make sure you were ok.”

“Is that all you want to apologize for?” I ask.

He frowns. “Is there something else I should apologize for?”

You’ve got to be shitting me.

“Yeah, you’ve been nothing but a jerk lately. Don’t you think you should apologize for that?” My anger is simmering, just below the surface.

“I’ve been a jerk? After taking you to the hospital on Saturday night, I’m being a jerk?”

Tamsyn Bester's books