Beneath Your Beautiful (Beautiful, #1)

“Is she ok?” I ask, making no attempt to hide the fact that Huntley scared the shit out of me.

Demi glares at me and then sits on the coffee table directly in front of me. “She’s fine. I gave her some pain killers for her headache and she’s sleeping now.”

I breathe a sigh of relief and rest my elbows on my knees. “Good.”

“What the hell were you thinking Grayson?” Demi asks angrily.

“Now don’t be getting involved Dem, this doesn’t concern us,” Brody intercedes before I can respond. This is not good. When these two start fighting it takes nothing short of a damn hurricane to get them to stop. I swear they’re in love and just won’t admit it.

“The hell I won’t! Did you not see what a mess we found her in?” Demi’s voice raises a few octaves and her drawl becomes more prominent the angrier she gets. “I know it wasn’t all Grayson’s fault, but that little stunt he pulled today certainly didn’t help!”

“Don’t act like Huntley’s completely innocent in this! She was there too!” Brody snaps.

I can’t deal with this. My head is already at war with itself, the last thing I need is to add Brody and Demi’s impending fight. I stand up and walk to Huntley’s bedroom. I just need to see her, make sure she’s alright, more so for myself. I push the door open quietly and walk until I’m standing next to her side of the bed. She looks peaceful, her long black eyelashes resting on her cheeks and her chest moving rhythmically.

I start thinking about what it is that draws me to her so enigmatically and I can’t help but feel like she might be as broken as I am.

I sit down, careful not to wake her, and place a feather-light kiss on her forehead. “I’m so sorry beautiful girl,” I whisper, hoping against all hopes that somehow she will hear me and feel how sorry I am. I don’t want to be the reason she breaks any further. I don’t want to be the reason her eyes are puffy and her cheeks are red.

I want to fix her.

Because deep down I know she’s going to fix me.

Chapter 10


I hear Grayson leave the room after kissing me on the forehead. I’ve been awake but decided to keep my eyes closed to avoid having to talk to him. It took everything in me not to grab him and hold on tight when he whispered “I’m so sorry beautiful girl.” I don’t want him to blame himself for the state they found me in but that means I’d have to open up about my past and I’m not quite ready for that yet. I don’t know if I ever will be.

When the pain killers Demi gave me kick in, I decide not to fight my bodies need for rest. I fall into a deep sleep only to be assaulted by a haunting memory I wish I could permanently erase.

Jake’s huge house is empty. Something immediately feels off because there’s always a party here on a Friday night. In the three years I’ve been with Jake he’s never skipped throwing a party unless his parents were home, which wasn’t often. Their business always kept them away from home for long periods of time and I’m certain that’s why Jake is the way he is.

I’m already on edge and the fact that something doesn’t feel right isn’t helping with my nerves. The doctor called me today and after rushing over there he confirmed that I’m eight weeks pregnant. It’s Jakes’. I know that because he’s the only guy I’ve slept with but I don’t know how he’s going to react. I never know how he’s going to react to anything these days and I’m convinced it has something to do with drugs and alcohol. His parents have been home less and less and that’s made him party more.

I walk into the foyer expecting Jake to walk in but he doesn’t. It’s too quiet. I put my hand on my stomach and allow myself to think about my baby. Our baby. I wonder if he will have his daddy’s dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, or if she will have my blonde hair and blue eyes. I haven’t decided what to do yet, I wanted to tell Jake first so that we could decide together. Aborting is not an option but I would consider adoption. I’m too young to be a mom, though I know my mamma will support me no matter what. Jake won’t give up his party boy lifestyle and he definitely won’t want to be saddled with a kid now.

I walk up his staircase, deciding to check his room. Big mistake.

Tamsyn Bester's books