Beneath Your Beautiful (Beautiful, #1)

“That’s where you’re wrong. I know him better than anyone and I’m telling you it meant something to him.”

Despite what Brody is telling me, I don’t want to get caught up with these feelings. He could be right, maybe it did mean something to Grayson, but I can’t wait for him to figure it out for himself. I have to take care of my heart and Grayson Carter is no good for me.

Brody surprises me and pulls me in to his chest. Nothing about the embrace is intimate or sexual. Instead it radiates a brotherly type of affection, like he wants to comfort me and protect me in one breath. “Please be patient with him,” he whispers into my hair. “He cares about you more than he’s ready to admit.”

He looks down at me and offers a small smile. It’s reassuring but doesn’t ease my embarrassment. I watch as he walks back into the cafeteria before I start heading towards my apartment building across campus. My phone beeps alerting me to a text and I pull it out.

Demi: Are you ok girl? Need to chat?

I quickly type my response.

No. Need a male stripper and a lifetime supply of Tequila.

Two seconds later she replies.

I’ll be there in thirty minutes. With alcohol. I’ll be your stripper.

Her quirky response makes me laugh. But I still want to cry.

** ** ** ** ** **

“He did WHAT?” Demi shrieks. She’s sitting on my couch with her feet tucked under her butt and some fruity alcoholic beverage in her hand. Her eyes are completely popped out of their sockets as she stares me down.

“He kissed me,” I say again, failing miserably to hide the blush that skims across my face and settles on my cheeks. I’ve spent the last hour telling her about everything that happened at my Uncle Alex and Aunt Emma’s house last night. I knew Grayson and his parents would be there. However, judging by the look on Graysons’ face when he opened the door, he was more than surprised to see me.

Demi shakes her head, her wild brown curls bouncing with the movement. “Are you kiddin’ me? He kissed you?” She looks at me incredulously and I nod. She sounds as surprised as I felt. I think back to the moment our lips touched, the moment I felt like it was game over. When he walked away I knew I would never be the same again. All because of a stupid kiss.

“Yeah, but it doesn’t matter now,” I add quietly, trying to disguise my disappointment.

“Why the hell not?”

“You saw what happened in the cafeteria Demi. What else am I supposed to think?” I don’t mention the conversation with Brody. Demi hates talking about him.

“Are you talking about that Rebecca bitch?”

I nod but I don’t look up. I’m afraid of what will Demi will see if I look at her. I’ve never been good at hiding my emotions.

“You have it all wrong baby girl,” she takes a sip of her fruity alcoholic beverage and then continues. “Psycho Barbie all but mauled Grayson while we were sitting at the table having lunch. He didn’t stand a chance when she pounced on him and started sucking his face.” She shivers at the recollection and the sight makes me want to giggle.

“Anyway,” she resumes, taking another sip of her beverage, “What was it like?”

I frown. “What was what like?”

She rolls her eyes at me. “The kiss dummy!”


I was hoping she wouldn’t ask me. There no words captivating enough to describe how it felt the moment Graysons’ lips touched mine. Time stood still for what I thought could’ve been an eternity and if the Earth set fire and exploded, I wouldn’t have noticed.

“It was, um,” I pause, searching the entirety of my English vocabulary for one word suitable enough to describe the most explosive moment to ever collide with both my body and my mind. “It was indescribable.”

I look down at my tangled fingers and feel the heat crawl over my neck and face again. I have revealed more to Demi than I have to anyone else. Ever. But the feeling is oddly liberating, being able to say how I feel without reservation. She doesn’t judge me.

“It’s ok to admit that you like him,” she says. “Grayson just needs a little time to pull his head out of his ass.” She smiles at me and I return it. Maybe Brody wasn’t talking complete rubbish after all. But this only leaves me even more confused. Before talking to Demi I was determined to have nothing to do with Grayson or his games. I hate to admit that the prospect of doing just that is far less appealing.

“There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about,” I say, desperate to change the subject.


“I was wondering,” I hesitate, almost second guessing my decision.

“Well spit it out girl, I don’t like waiting.”

“I wanted to know if you’d like to move in with me.”

Tamsyn Bester's books