All He Ever Dreamed (Kowalski Family, #6)

“When do I get to unwrap you?” he asked in a low, husky voice.

“We’re taking turns. It’s still my turn.” Her voice was barely above a whisper because she couldn’t seem to turn off the awareness they were in the living room. All she could do was keep it quiet and hope her mother didn’t choose this night to get back out of bed and, for the first time, miss the squeaky floorboard at the top of the stairs.

When she’d gotten her fill of touching his chest, she popped the button on his jeans. His stomach muscles tightened and they twitched as she slowly, carefully, lowered his zipper.

“I must have been a very good girl this year,” she said, leaning forward to kiss her way from his Adam’s apple to his navel.

His hands fisted in her hair. “You’re definitely on the naughty list now.”

Katie pulled at his jeans, working them over the hard length of his erection and his hips. She had to get off him in order to grab the hems and pull them all the way off, along with his socks, and then she ran her hands back up his legs.

But when she reached for the waistband of his boxer briefs, he caught her hands and, after pulling her flat on top of him, rolled so she was pinned under his body.

“It’s my turn now.”

She shuddered when he slid his hand up her thigh and under the hem of the dress, biting back a moan. She’d been waiting years for him to touch her like this and she intended to savor every second of it.

“I like this dress on you.” He lifted himself off her so he could bunch the fabric in his hands. “But I think I’ll like it even more balled up on the floor.”

Katie lifted her hips and then sat up so he could peel the dress off and toss it away. He lowered her back to the floor, his gaze raking over every inch of her body.

“I thought I loved the dress, but I really love this bra,” he said.

“I have to make a confession. It’s Hailey’s.”

“Tell her you lost it. You’re not giving it back.”

Damn right she wasn’t. Not when it got at least partial credit for getting an almost-naked Josh under the Christmas tree.

He bent his head and his mouth blazed the same trail hers had, from the base of her throat to the elastic waistband of her panties. Then he stretched out and lowered his body to hers. The delicious weight of him sent warmth curling through her, and she ran her hands over his back. The muscles twitched under her touch as she stroked the broad expanse of flesh.

This time when he kissed her, it was demanding and she buried her hands in his hair so he couldn’t stop. Their breath mingled and his tongue danced over hers until her awareness centered around his mouth. She lifted her hips, rubbing against the length of his erection through cotton and his body jerked as his breath hissed against her lips.

Josh slid his hands under her back and she felt the bra’s clasp give way. Seconds later, he pulled the black straps down her arms and closed his mouth over her nipple. She arched her back, biting her lip to keep from making any sound. He sucked harder and she dug her nails into his shoulders.

His hips pressed down on hers, holding her still against the floor while he turned his attention to her other breast. She whimpered, unable to stop the sound, and finally, he peeled her underwear off and tossed them onto the dress. He grabbed his jeans and pulled a condom out of the change pocket before stepping out of his boxer briefs.

Her breath caught in her throat as he knelt over her, his gaze hot in the twinkling lights as he rolled on the condom.

When he moved between her parted legs, Katie caught herself holding her breath and forced herself to breathe.

“I can’t wait anymore,” he said. “I’ve waited too long already.”

He’d waited too long? She almost laughed. He’d waited all of a week and a half. But then he reached between their bodies and guided himself into her and everything left her mind but that delicious sensation. She lifted her hips as he pressed into her, withdrew slightly, then pushed a little more. It was excruciating and she put her hands on his hips, trying to pull him deeper.

But Josh refused to be rushed. With small, teasing strokes, he slowly filled her completely, and then he stopped. He looked down at her, his eyes full of heat and tenderness, and she lifted her head to kiss him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned against his lips as he began to move again.

With stroke after stroke, he pushed her closer to the edge, and she tucked her hands behind her knees, lifting her legs. Deeper and faster he filled her, until her back arched and she bit down on the side of her hand to keep from crying out.

Josh groaned against her neck and his body jerked as he came, thrusting again and again through the orgasm.

Katie held on to him until the tremors passed, stroking his hair as his breath came in hot, rapid puffs against her cheek.

“Merry Christmas,” he whispered, and she had to stifle a laugh. “Beats the hell out of coal in my stocking.”