After the Ex Games

Chapter 5


I watched them as they sat at the table waiting for me to show up. The power I felt as I observed them both had been expected. The sorrow I felt about the potential devastation I was going to inflict hadn’t. It felt odd staring at them, these men who were so handsome and collected, so calm and cool. I was about to shake things up a bit. I was about to bring a hurricane into their lives. And I didn’t care if there were any tragedies. Brandon and Greyson didn’t deserve happily ever afters, and I was going to ensure that neither of them got one, no matter what the little voice in me tried to tell me. I was out for bloodshed, and I was going to enjoy watching each one crumble with every move I made.

My heart broke as I stared at him. He was so tall and so confident. It was weird looking at him, not really knowing him, but knowing everything about him. He was my father. My father. It felt weird even thinking it. It didn’t make sense to me. First, I discovered the truth about my mother, and then I found out about my father.

When I’d received the email from Greyson, I’d been scared. I hadn’t expected the letter to work or to scare them. How could a letter scare men as powerful as they were? I stood in the shadows, waiting, watching. I couldn’t keep my eyes off Greyson. He looked so handsome, so dignified. I understood why someone could love him so much. I understood why someone could lose her head over him. He was that kind of man, had that kind of charisma and character.

I was about to step out of the alleyway and go and join them when my phone rang.


“Don’t meet them,” she hissed into the phone at me. “You need to leave.”

“What? Why?”

“Just leave. Now is not the time to reveal yourself.”

“But I thought this is what we want.”

“It’s not enough.” Her voice was angry. “They need to pay.”

“I thought my coming out and telling the world I was his daughter was enough? It would destroy his relationship and the backlash to everything that went on would ruin their lives? I thought that’s what you wanted?” I spoke quietly, my eyes never leaving the table. I wanted to go over and speak to him. I wanted to say hello.

“That’s not enough.” She shook her head. “He didn’t care then and he won’t care now. There needs to be a greater retribution.”

“I don’t understand.”

“They did more than take our kids from us. They are murderers. They made people murderers.”

“What?” My heart dropped at her words. I didn’t understand what she was saying.

“When everything is taken from you, you are left with nothing.”

“You have me now,” I whispered, scared and unsure. None of this was feeling right anymore.

“They have to pay,” she spoke into the phone, but I could tell her mind wasn’t with it. “They will pay.” She hung up then and I stood there for a few minutes with tears streaming down my face.

I had to listen to her. She was the one who had told me the truth. I watched as the two men waited for me, both of them looking stressed. I ran my hands across my temple and then walked back down the alleyway, my stomach feeling empty. Today was not going to be the day I revealed myself to my father. I felt incredibly sad and relieved at the same time.

J.S.Cooper & Helen Cooper's books