After the Ex Games



I sat on the couch with Harry on my lap and I closed my eyes. This moment was perfect. I stared at Brandon as he kissed Katie, and I couldn’t believe that I’d ever thought about trying to bring him down. He was my father and I loved him.

I hugged Harry to me tightly. I couldn’t believe I’d ever been jealous of him. He was my little brother and I’d loved him on sight. The fact that he obviously adored me hadn’t hurt either. I was finally happy and content. I felt like every part of my life was complete. I had my family and I loved them—every single one of them. It almost made me forget about him—the one who’d broken my heart.

I knew I had college to look forward to and I knew that I had the most perfect dysfunctional family I could ask for, but I still thought about Hunter every single night. Hunter was the one I couldn’t stop thinking of. I knew my dad wouldn’t approve. Hunter wasn’t the sort of guy anyone wanted their daughter to be with, but that was part of the reason why I wanted him so badly.

“I love you, Nancy.” Harry leaned back and kissed my cheek, and I held him tight.

“I love you too, Harry,” I whispered back to him and smiled.

I was going to enjoy this moment. I was going to enjoy my family. I was going to try and forget Hunter once and for all. This was my life now and I was going to enjoy every second of it.

J.S.Cooper & Helen Cooper's books