A Knight of Passion

chapter Three

Bryant stared down at the woman in his bed. So the duchess was up to her old tricks. Every knight in the king’s service knew that the Duchess of Arundel began her bargaining with her whore. But what reason could she have for sending the wench to his bed? The small keep that Sir Andrew Murray had given him to the north was respectable, but certainly not enough to have captured the duchess’ notice. Bryant’s participation in the recent victory at Culblean had garnered him enough attention that Sir Dunbar had suggested Bryant accompany him to Arundel.

If the duchess was as canny as believed, she might recognise Bryant’s intention—and ability—to acquire more land, and was trying to secure his allegiance. She made no efforts to veil her tactics, and few men were stupid enough be swayed by a night between the legs of the vixen lying beside him—despite the fact that her beauty lived up to its reputation. But neither did a man turn away from such an enticing opening move. Bryant was no exception—until he had learnt that the woman the duchess was using was Lady Riana Ellis, the daughter of John Ellis, Baron of Burkes.

The Baron had perished at Dupplin Moore six years past, and Riana’s husband followed three years later, leaving her, her sister, and their mother with Castle Fyvie, and the four hundred hectares of unprotected land that butted up against the Duke of Arundel’s land. At the behest of the duke, the baroness remarried, and the two daughters had been given to him as wards, though all knew it was his lust for their land—and their bodies—that had granted the boon, and not a desire to see the two sisters well married.

Bryant had had his share of whores, but never one who was owned, and certainly not one who should be sitting before her own hearth, awaiting the return of her husband. When he’d seen her earlier, he’d decided he would seek her out, taste of her sweet body, but only if she was willing.

Her fingers tightened on his arm. Dark eyes pleaded with him.

“All is well, Lady,” he whispered. “You need not fear that I will complain. You are free to go.”

She tugged the sheet from their bodies, and he thought she was going to leave. Instead, she spread her thighs, and he couldn’t halt the downward slide of his eyes along delectable curves that led to dark curls, stark against creamy flesh. He glimpsed moist folds and his cock jerked. His mouth went dry. He had imagined tasting of her sweet juices, but to have her so close now, ready, willing—he jarred from the thought. She was not willing. She was only here at the command of her mistress.

She reached between them and he remained frozen when she wrapped her fingers around his cock. She squeezed. He gritted his teeth against the intense pleasure. Her slim, white fingers gripping his girth sent the blood pounding through his veins. He wanted her from the moment he’d laid eyes on her in the great hall, even knowing what she was. Dark hair that hung nearly to her waist, dark eyes, and breasts so full they begged for a man’s touch…his mouth. He took in a ragged breath, desperate for control. His cock hardened more. Lust swamped him.

She tightened her hand on his neck and pulled his head downwards. Bryant felt himself stepping over the edge, then he plummeted when her full breasts crushed beneath his chest. She threw a leg over his hip and arched against his rod. Soft curls tickled his flesh.

“Lady,” he rasped as her soft mouth melted beneath his.

He thrust his tongue against her lips. As before, she opened without hesitation. He swept inside. Her hand fell away from his cock, but she pressed her mound against the hard length. He groaned and thrust against her. She rocked, and his shaft slid through her curls. If he pulled back, he could thrust inside her in one easy move. She was surely wet and ready.

He pulled back, breathing hard. “I will not force you.”

“I am yours to do with as you please.”

“You offer yourself only because—”

She pulled him close, his ear against her lips again. “I beg you, do not leave until the sun rises.”

She emphasised the plea by rubbing her sex against him. He groaned at feel of her slick folds gliding down his thigh, but forced himself to pull away. She flattened a palm on her belly and his gaze followed the downward skim of her fingers until they brushed her curls then dipped into the glistening folds. Slowly, she opened her cunt lips, baring herself to him. She shifted and his breath caught when she cupped a full breast and brought the hardened nipple to her mouth. He watched, unable to move, as she suckled the tip.

The breast slipped from her mouth and he jarred from the trance. She cupped the back of his neck and brought his mouth down to the stiff, rosy peak. He greedily sucked it into his mouth, hungry for the taste of her, all of her. He was a fool to have thought he could walk away from this woman. She grasped his rod and rubbed the mushroom tip against her nub. Blood pounded in his ears. How long could he take this sweet torture before he gave in and possessed her?

He let the nipple slip from his mouth and blazed a trail along the flat surface of her stomach to the dark curls below. Her scent filled his nostrils. He shifted between her legs and breathed deep of her juices. Slowly, he dipped his tongue into her heat. The tang of her cream burst across his tongue. Bryant pulled her legs over his shoulders and lapped at her sex. She pulsed against his tongue. Yes. He would make her come so hard, she wouldn’t soon forget this night. He thrust his tongue inside her channel, tasting deep of her.

She moaned. When he sucked her into his mouth, she writhed. He sucked harder, flicking his tongue against the sensitive nub, then sucked again, until she bowed off the bed with pleasure. He kept his mouth locked against her cunt as juices gushed from her channel and pleasure shook her legs. He sucked harder still through a second, more powerful spasm that locked her legs around his head until her thighs trembled and finally went limp.

Bryant straightened, heart racing, and stared down at her. She stared back, eyes glazed with pleasure. Had other men made her come as hard as he had? Had she responded to them as she had to him? Anger flared. She was a skilled lover. Had she played him for a fool? No. No woman could feign that sort of satisfaction. Bryant lowered himself onto her. His rod nestled against her warm belly He had to have her. He lifted up and braced himself on his hands as he fitted the tip of his cock into her opening.

Riana splayed her hands on his chest, fingers digging into his flesh. Satisfaction shot though him. Touching him pleased her. He eased inside. Her tight walls closed around him, until he was sheathed to the hilt. Bryant lowered himself onto her. The feel of her soft breasts flattened beneath him was an aphrodisiac far beyond any he’d ever experienced.

He pulled out, the tip of his rod playing at her entrance before finally easing back inside in a slow, agonising thrust that nearly drove him out of his mind. He pulled out again and she arched into the thrust this time, forcing him deeper. Bryant groaned. He would spend himself in moments. In, then out again, pressure built. Her hands slid around his back and down to his arse. She squeezed his cheeks as he entered her again. She groaned and pleasure ricocheted through him.

“By God,” he rasped. “You are a witch.”

She abruptly shoved him back. He rolled off her, dazed. His heart pounded. She slid from the bed. Surely she wasn’t leaving. No yet, not before he’d fully possessed her.

She dropped to her knees and levelled her dark eyes on him. “A witch must have her talisman.”

His heart galloped. Her head bobbed out of sight for an instant before she stood, a small wooden box in hand. His cock throbbed, the need to feel her walls around it nearly driving him mad. But his curiosity was piqued and he forced patience as she set the box on the foot of the bed, opened the lid, and produced a life-sized, lacquered wood version of a man’s cock.

Sir Bryant stared. He’d heard of such instruments, but had scarcely believed in their existence. What in God’s name did the wench intend to do with the thing?

She set the box on the floor then, the phallus in hand, crawled onto the bed beside him. She bent her head and kissed him, soft and slow as if she knew full well she was driving him out of his mind. Bryant grasped her shoulders and yanked her to him, deepening the kiss. She sighed against his lips, then allowed his tongue inside again, sparring, but holding back just enough to drive him closer to the edge.

Riana pulled away. His head swam and, when she tugged him into a sitting position at the foot of the bed, then sidled up to him arse first, he flinched. She reached back and spread her arse cheeks, then positioned herself so that his cock fitted into the crack as she carefully released her cheeks around him. The pressure closed in around the sensitive underside of his shaft and Bryant grasped her hips, thrusting upwards into the crack. He slid downwards and, when the crown reached the lower edge, she shifted. The tip of his cock entered the tiny rosette.

Bryant froze. By God, she didn’t mean to—Riana reached back and grasped his shaft at the root. Slowly, she eased back onto him, stretching the opening against the intrusion of his engorged cock. She gasped, and all thought was shoved aside by the lust that flooded him. He couldn’t move as she inched him inside, numbing his senses to all but the exquisite feel of her tight arse around him. At last, she settled hilt-deep onto him and took a deep breath he felt clear to his balls.

She didn’t move, and he started to ask what was wrong then realised her attention was on the painting hanging over the bed. He started to look up, but his gaze snagged on her fingers as they closed around the phallus on the bed beside them. His heart raced. Sweet Mary, she didn’t intend… The phallus disappeared in front of her and he leaned his chest against her slim back to look over her shoulder. A jolt went through him at sight of her rubbing the wooden tip against her sex. She shifted and he grasped her waist as she pulsed in several quick bursts that rocked her against his root in agonising pleasure. A growl rumbled from his chest.

He watched the phallus slide through the slick folds, then disappear inside her channel. She gasped and he pictured the thick wood buried hilt-deep inside her cream-filled sheath. His cock hardened to near pain. Bryant gritted his teeth when she shifted, and he realised she was easing the wooden rod out. She lifted and fell. Her speed increased as she jammed the device in and out.

Desire streaked through him. By God, the wench was f*cking her cunt—while he f*cked her arse. His balls tightened. With skilled precision, she rocked forward, easing away from his shaft. Bryant’s squeezed her hips convulsively as she stopped just short of his cock slipping out. When she rocked back onto him, he drove deep.

“My lord,” she breathed, and his belly tightened with the knowledge that his thrust had driven the phallus deeper.

Forward, then back, he started a rhythm. Lust shot through him at the mental picture of the thick rod reappearing then disappearing within her sheath each time he rammed his cock into her. Her head fell back and gooseflesh tightened his chest muscles where her hair tickled his taut skin. She undulated against his thrusts, allowing him deeper, longer access and, with her forward motion, he knew the wooden cock was being stuffed ever deeper. She cupped a breast, and he could stand it no longer. He quickened his thrusts, unable to halt the need that built like a raging storm.

Bryant wrapped one arm around her waist, grasped the phallus, and knelt up. He forced her forward onto all fours and thrust, keeping the wicked toy steady as he drove it deeper. She cried out. He quickened his thrusts. His gaze caught on the picture hanging over the bed. There was something strange about the eyes. Pleasure burst across his senses. He held the slick length of lacquered wood rigid as Riana’s cunt lips slammed against the edge of his palm.

Overwhelming need throbbed through his cock and tightened his balls. His cum spurted into her arse as she spasmed around the phallic device. Her cry of pleasure sent a message straight to his shaft, and the convulsion shook his body. She rocked against the false cock, milking the last vestiges of satisfaction as he groaned through a final, long thrust and they collapsed onto the bed.

His gaze caught on the painting, and understanding of the oddity he’d noticed earlier penetrated his desire-clouded brain. Someone watched from behind the picture. But who—? Then he remembered the rumours, and knew. The duchess had been watching him f*ck Riana.

Tarah Scott's books