A Changing Land

Luke slowed his pace.

‘I’m sorry for the recent loss of your grandmother,’ Claire offered, a little out of breath.

He thought of the emporium. ‘Well, I didn’t know her, so her passing means little.’

‘Still, she was family,’ persisted Claire.

‘There have been greater losses in my life, Claire.’ He held her eyes for just a moment, the intonation of his comment creating a bridge between them that Claire’s widening eyes acknowledged. What had possessed him to speak of his feelings? They walked on, their companionable silence replaced by awkwardness. What a fine facade this would develop into. Now they would have to continue on as if nothing were said until he left Wangallon for a new life in Ridge Gully. That was it then; clearly his subconscious had made the decision to depart.

‘You will be joining us for Christmas dinner?’ she asked stiffly.

Nicole Alexander's books