A Lover's Vow

“Harder, Dalton. I need you harder,” she whimpered, not believing she was requesting such a thing, but at the moment not caring as long as he delivered.

He did, holding tighter to her thighs, leaning over her, bending her body forward for deeper penetration, and making sensations erupt inside her until she couldn’t take any more. He began surging, pounding harder and faster into her like a jackhammer. And that’s when she let loose, actually saw stars flying around her, caught a glimpse of the moon falling from the sky. Had Miami just experienced an earthquake? Was that why the floor seemed to be moving? His name poured from her throat in a gurgle the same time hers flowed from his. He thrust harder just seconds before his body bucked.


She felt pleasure in every bone in her body. A delicious calm settled over every inch of her, and she felt his tongue, wet and hot, licking a zigzag path across her back while he continued to hold tight to her hips, staying lodged deeply inside her. She expected him to pull out of her, but he didn’t and seemed in no hurry to do so.

“I love the feel of being inside you, Jules,” he whispered hotly against her neck.

And as much as she didn’t want to admit it, she loved the feel of him being inside her, as well. All she had to do was close her eyes to remember the feel of being taken by him. The feel of her backside resting tight against the hairy cushion of his groin while his shaft filled her so completely. Those hard and fast thrusts, the feel of his fingers fondling her breasts while pumping inside her. The angle of his penetration had been perfect, precise, so well defined she felt shivers going up her spine with aftershocks of pleasure.

“Ready to go another round?”

His question told her in more than words it would be one of those nights. Already, she could feel him getting hard again inside her. “Sure. Why not?” His chuckle sent more sensuous shivers through her.

“I need another condom.”

It only took him a minute, and when he pulled out of her to handle that part of things, she missed the feel of him being embedded deep inside her. Moments later, he turned her around to face him. “This time I want to be looking at you when you come.”


He smiled. “I want to see what I do to you.”

His arrogance was in high gear. She decided to shift it down a little. “Just like I want to see what I do to you.”

He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around him as he pressed her back against the wall, entering her all at once, surging deep, again filling her completely. He stared at her, penetrating her gaze with the same intensity he was penetrating her body. “I have a voracious appetite. After this, I’m going to be hungry.”

That was understandable. “Did you order food for later?”

He smiled again in a way that made her toes curl. “Don’t want food. Just you. I intend to eat you, Jules.”

Jules’s mouth curved into a smile. She liked the thought of that happening.


Dalton eased to the edge of the bed, sat up and glanced over his shoulder at the woman sleeping soundly. What a night. They’d made love for hours, and she’d driven him insane with both desire and complete satisfaction. He’d had sex with plenty of women in his day, had had orgasms galore. But never before had sex left him feeling like this. Gratified. Fulfilled. So damned contented.

When did an orgasm have the ability to rip him into pieces...the same way he’d wanted to tear into her dress? They had been the most earth shattering and intense that he’d ever experienced. Orgasmic power was something he’d always controlled, but tonight, she had truly been dominating.

Brenda Jackson's books