A Lover's Vow

When he’d seen her enter the club, he had been shocked one second and then totally captivated the next. She was being watched, ogled and desired by a number of men, and the thought of any man approaching her for any reason made him rabid.

Her very short, scandalous, erection-making dress looked as if someone had taken a razor to it, deliberately slashing and slicing it in certain key stimulating places. Like the stomach area, where her navel was clearly displayed. But nothing could compete with the firm and shapely breasts clearly in view. If getting attention had been her intent, then she had reached her goal. There hadn’t been a man in the place who hadn’t checked out both her and her outfit. And then on top of the dress—or below it—she had the nerve to wear stilettos on those gorgeous legs. She evidently had planned to take care of some serious business tonight.

They rounded a corner with only a few steps left to go to the private room. He picked up his pace, and so did she. The first thing he intended to do when they got behind closed doors was to shred the rest of that dress off her. Since she obviously enjoyed showing her body, he intended for her to show a lot of it tonight...for an audience of one. They reached the door, and he pushed it open. “Have you had dinner?” he asked, standing aside to let her enter.

She gave him a smile that almost turned his brains to mush, and when she licked her lips and said in a sultry voice, “Umm, not yet,” he felt a deep throb in his groin.

With anticipation rippling down his spine and rushing fast and furious through his veins, he followed her into the room and locked the door behind them.


Jules’s heart thumped like crazy in her chest the moment she heard the lock click in place. And when Dalton reached out for her, she was ready. But she intended to do things her way, in her own time. Instead of falling into his arms, like she figured he expected, she took a step back and glanced around the room. “Nice room, Dalton. So just what do you do for a living?”

He held her gaze, and even with the distance separating them, she saw heat and desire churning in his eyes and felt it emanating from his body. He was staring hard at her, particularly her outfit. “Dalton?” As much as she wanted to feel him deep inside her, they had agreed to pretend, and they would do so...for now. She wanted to test his restraint to see just how far she could entice him before his control snapped.

“Do you really want to know?” he asked, removing his jacket and tossing it on a chair.

She shrugged. “Why not? We can hold a nice conversation while waiting for the live entertainment to begin. We can even stand at the window and watch the waves wash ashore.”

He lifted a brow as he removed the cuff links from his shirt. “Hold a nice conversation?”


A throaty growl that was meant to be a laugh permeated the air. “Are you deliberately trying to drive me insane, Jules?” he asked, his attention focused solely on her.

“Why would I do that when we just met and—”

His movement was swift, quicker than she thought, and she found her body wrapped in his, her backside nestled snug against his crotch. “Are you trying to manhandle me, Dalton?” she asked in a tone of faux indignation when they both knew he had her just where she wanted to be. His erection was pressed hard against her backside, causing tingling sensations to travel up through her spine.

“Manhandle you?”


“Now why would I do that?” he asked, easing her dress up over her thighs.

Her ears perked up. Was that the sound of his zipper lowering? She tried looking over her shoulder and couldn’t because he had leaned down to place a kiss on the back of her neck. The feel of his lips against her skin had blood rushing through her veins.

“I don’t know. You tell me. Are you admitting this game of pretense was just that? A game, to get me in here alone with you?”

Brenda Jackson's books