A Lover's Vow

“And it’s not you, either.”

But it could be, he thought. It could be both of us. Dalton knew now would be a good time to tell her how he felt about her, but knew she wasn’t ready to hear it. Or accept it. For one, she probably wouldn’t believe him. She would have to see his transformation gradually. He would love her forever. And only her. That was a lover’s vow. One he intended to keep.

“Have you heard from Caden?” she asked, cutting into his thoughts.

He decided to change the subject somewhat. “Yes. He called back later to tell us what happened, and I gotta say we were all stunned when we heard the news. There is a lot to process, especially for Shiloh, but Caden did assure us several times that Shiloh was okay.”

“I knew she would be,” Jules said seriously. “She just needed Caden. And she’s going to need some time to figure out what happens next, as far as her family is concerned.”

“Yes, and at some point, she’s going to have to deal with the fact that Samuel Timmons wasn’t her biological father. Personally, I’m glad he wasn’t.”

Jules shook her head. “And to think Sandra Timmons allowed her husband to believe she was having an affair with your father to safeguard her secret. And what is even sadder is that I honestly think she believes your father killed your mother.”

“That just goes to show how demented she is,” Dalton said, glancing down. He hadn’t covered their bodies, and he enjoyed seeing them lying together like this. Naked. Limbs entwined.

“She claims she and Sylvia were close friends.”

“I always thought they were. But who remains close friends with a woman who sleeps with your former lover?” He couldn’t help looking at her breasts and thinking she had the sexiest nipples.

“You have a point there. But according to Sandra Timmons, she never told your mother of her and Vance’s history. And since she hadn’t told Vance of her friendship with your mother, she forgave him for it.”

“Big heart,” Dalton said sarcastically.

“I’ll say.” She paused for a minute. “There was something else she said that I want to investigate further.”

“What’s that?” Dalton asked, feeling himself getting hard again.

“That your mother was using Vance Clayburn to gain information about his business. Why would she want to know about a computer business?”

“You got me. Let me know when you find out. But for now, all I want to do is this.” He leaned down, tightened his hold and kissed her.


The next morning Jules walked into Vance Clayburn’s office and was surprised when his secretary smiled and said, “He’s expecting you, Ms. Bradford.”

Really? This ought to be interesting. Jules followed the woman into Vance Clayburn’s office.

“Come in, Ms. Bradford. Please have a seat,” Clayburn said, offering her a chair across from his desk. “I got a call from Sandra Timmons last night. I figured after your meeting with her that you would probably have a few questions for me.”

“Thank you for seeing me, Mr. Clayburn,” she said, sitting down in the chair. “And you’re right. I do have some questions for you. Several, in fact.”

He leaned back in his seat. “Fire away. I have nothing to hide.”

Jules nodded. “Do you mind if I record our conversation? Makes it easier when I need to write up my notes.”

“I don’t have a problem with it. Like I said, I have nothing to hide.”

“That’s good to hear,” she said, starting her mini-recorder. “Now then, before we get started I just want to let you know that I am reopening the Sylvia Granger murder investigation. I have questions for several people, and my first question for you is where were you on the day Sylvia Granger was killed?”

A smooth smile touched his lips. “That’s easy enough to remember. I was with Sandra Timmons.”

“Would you care to elaborate? Where were you?”

Brenda Jackson's books