A Lover's Vow


Bruce studied all the computer components on the table in front of him. He had received verification that Brandy Booker’s computer had been wiped clean, as he’d suspected.

It was late, but he just couldn’t let this problem go. He was convinced things were just as he’d explained to Marcel and the Grangers earlier today. Someone had created this spyware and installed it in a set of headphones. So far, only two pair of headphones had turned up, and both had been owned by employees of Granger. Were Granger employees being targeted for some reason? But what if—and he was allowing his imagination to run wild—what if other corporations had been targeted? What if they didn’t know about it? What information was being collected and why? And who would benefit?

He picked up his phone and dialed a private number only he and one other person knew. They could connect with each other when one of them needed to bounce an idea off the other. His friend lived in DC and worked for one of those federal agencies most people didn’t even know existed.

As soon as the person came on the line, he said, “I need you to put your thinking cap on. I want to run an idea by you, and I need you to confirm whether it has merit.”


Jules let her head fall back after looking out her peephole. Dalton was standing there. There was no doubt in her mind that she would let him in, but wasn’t it just earlier that day in her office that she’d decided to stop seeing him because he was a distraction? But it was about more than being a distraction. She had fallen in love with a man who didn’t want or deserve her heart.

So why was she thinking that she would break it off with him another day? Not tonight, not when her heart was pumping fast just knowing he was standing on the other side of her door. Not when there was this deep stirring in the pit of her stomach at the thought of just what he would do once he got inside.

The latter is what had her opening the door, taking a step back and saying, “Come in, Dalton.”

His gaze raked over her as he stood there in the doorway. “Miss me?”

So now he wanted to collect, she thought. Okay, she would be honest with him. “Yes, I miss you.”

A smile spread across his lips. And it happened just the way she had known it would, just as she’d been hoping. Expecting. He slammed the door shut behind him, swept her into his arms and headed for her bedroom.


A short while later, when Dalton slid off Jules to lie beside her, he gathered her into his arms and whispered against her damp cheek, “I think you’re trying to kill me.”

Smiling ruefully, she snuggled closer to him. “I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

Dalton knew he would never, ever tire of this. A willing woman. An insatiable woman. A very beautiful woman.

A woman he loved.

“You’re not dozing off to sleep on me, are you?” he asked, leaning over and nudging her.

Her lips curled into a smile as she reopened her eyes. “While you’re in my bed with the stamina of a bull? Never.” She paused a moment and then added, “Although I did have one hell of a day.”

He tightened his arms even more around her. “So I heard. We were at the office, ending our meeting with Marcel and Bruce, when Caden got your call. It’s been years since I’ve seen him move that fast. Didn’t know he still could.”

“His wife needed him. And he came. Took charge. Swept her into his arms and saved the day.”

Dalton kissed her cheek. “Are you getting sappy and romantic on me?”

Jules shrugged. “I guess I am.” She glanced up at him. “Is that bad?”

He shook his head. “No, it’s just not you.”

Brenda Jackson's books