A Hard Man to Love

Lick. Kiss.

Eva moaned, tossing her head from side to side, pressing her heels into the bed to resist the urge to crush his head between her thighs. Because even though the pleasurable sensations were too much, she felt she would die if he stopped.

Lick. Kiss. Suck.

A hoarse cry exploded from her throat as she filled with ripples of ecstasy. Her thighs trembled, her back arched, and her toes curled into tight, painful knots. Clutching his head, she undulated her hips in a fevered attempt to ride out the storm.

As her heart rate slowed, Derrick lifted his head, licking his mouth to clear her body’s dew from coating his lips. He slowly began to kiss his way up her rounded stomach, toward her breasts.

“Derrick, please, I c-can’t,” Eva whispered, begging for a short reprieve after the twister-like sensations that had just swirled through her. She was still so sensitive and emotional after that climax, but he wasn’t listening.

Derrick made his way up to Eva’s breasts, admiring the way the nipples strained up at him like perfect little chocolate berries. He curled his tongue around one dark tip and sucked it before moving to the other.

The demand for satisfaction beat through him insistently. He positioned himself at the drenched entrance to her body, cupped her hips with his long fingers, and with a slow, easy stroke, he slid into her inch by inch.

The sound of her long, low moan sent shivers down his spine. She quaked beneath him, but he took his time, using unhurried, steady movements. Canting her hips upward, he dug deeper but maintained the same slow pace, and she curled backward with her eyes closed and the hands on either side of her head curled into tight fists.

He lowered his head and kissed her breasts, flicking the walnut-colored tips with his tongue, sucking and kissing the soft underside of each one.

“Is this how you hate me?” he breathed as he moved in and out of her in slow motion. His lips migrated up to her neck. He nuzzled the sensitive spot below her ear. “I love how you hate. All hot and wet around me . . . driving me insane . . . making me lose my damn mind.”

Panting, she reached around to grab his buttocks and sink her nails into the taut flesh, encouraging him to dig deeper, prodding him to drive harder. She lifted her feet off the bed and drew her knees into her chest. “More . . . more.”

Raw need clawed up his spine at her desperate pleas, even as he struggled to contain it. He wasn’t ready to let go yet, but he could feel her internal muscles clamping down, drawing him further into the wet channel, clutching him as if she would never set him free.

He tightened the muscles of his buttocks to keep from ramming into her and prematurely ejaculating before she got her pleasure.

She constricted her internal muscles, effectively wrenching control away from him.

“Damn . . .” he groaned. “Damn . . . you . . .”

Sucking deep, shuddering breaths between his teeth, he accelerated his movements, going deeper, pounding harder. Her face contorted into lines of sensual agony as he pumped in and out of her. He loved to watch her. She held him enthralled and had complete control over his body at this moment.

He knew the exact minute she came. Her lips parted on a silent cry, and her nails dug deeper into the skin of his buttocks.

Watching her reaction and feeling her convulse around him shattered the last of his reserved strength. Finally, after months of deprivation, he released inside of her with a broken groan, his body tight as a quivering bow.

Blistering fulfillment followed, and he fell over onto his side and collapsed beside her.


Derrick reached for the remote control beside the bed and turned out the light.

Delaney Diamond's books