A Hard Man to Love

Eva whimpered softly, splaying her hands across Derrick’s back, delighting in the velvety softness of his skin over the rigid muscles of steel. Her hands drifted lower and loosened the towel, discarding it to the floor so she could drag her nails up his hair-dusted thighs, feeling the muscles tense beneath her touch. He groaned and shoved one hand into her hair to anchor her mouth even harder to his. Slowly, she moved her hands higher up the back of his legs to grip his tight buttocks.

Tearing his mouth away, he lowered his head and dropped kisses down her neck—sucking the sensitive flesh there—and moved across her collarbone, then to her breasts covered by the sheer material.

The pressure of his lips made her ache unbearably. It had been so long since he’d touched her, since she’d felt his mouth on her body, that she grabbed him by the back of his head and pulled his head tight to her breast, forgoing gentleness and silently making her demands. His mouth opened over the turgid peak of one nipple and sucked it through the peach-colored satin, the sharp pain of pleasure landing like a lightning bolt between her thighs.

He soaked the material with his fervent sucking, and her knees buckled, so that the only reason she stood upright was because of her arms entwined around his neck. Her fingers combed through the curls at his nape, holding him tight, her voice vibrating with need as she whispered, “Yes, yes.”

When he lifted his head, she greedily sought his mouth to tug on his lower lip, then nibbled his chin and rubbed her nose along the crook in his neck. His heavy pants matched her own.

“Take off your panties.”

The rough texture of his voice as he whispered the command almost made her come right then. What could she do but obey? Primed as she was, they were of little use to her now, soaked with the evidence of her voracious need for him.

She slipped the underwear past her hips, stepping out of them as he gathered the end of the gown and proceeded to pull it over her head. Once she was naked, they reached for each other at the same time, their mouths fusing in a hungry kiss. He backed her across the room until her thighs hit the edge of the bed.

When he released her lips, he gave her direction without saying a word by turning her around and then patting her bottom to urge her up onto the bed. She climbed up and crawled to the middle on her knees. Eyes closed, she felt the mattress depress as he joined her. Anticipation raced through her body, and she bit her lip to stop from begging him to hurry.

He edged closer, and she wobbled in her position on all fours. One hand smoothed over her right butt cheek, and his moist lips pressed a kiss to the hot flesh. Biting down harder on her bottom lip, Eva lowered her shoulders and arched her back, pushing her bottom toward his mouth.

He sucked his breath between his teeth and swore softly. “Look at you.”

He treated the outer edge of the crack of her backside to the slow, intimate trail of his tongue, all the way up to the base of her spine, where he pressed a solitary kiss. She couldn’t take much more, certain she’d lose her mind if he didn’t hurry and enter her soon.

The palm of his hand landed on her butt cheek. “On your back. I have something else in mind for you first.”

Eva rolled onto her back.

“Now open those pretty legs for me, sweetheart.”

Her legs fell apart immediately. She watched him through half-closed eyes, anxiously awaiting his next move.

The breath hitched in her throat when he lowered his head between her legs and became reacquainted with her in the most intimate way. With her legs opened the span of his powerful shoulders, he had unrestricted access. His tongue stroked across the sensitive flesh, pulling her closer to heaven on earth. With each lick, more moisture oozed from her body, coating his tongue and mouth. The rumbling sound of his groans confirmed the pleasure he took in the carnal act.

His hand glided up the heated flesh of her stomach to cup one breast. He stroked and caressed, adding to the inferno of pleasure that threatened to explode within her at any moment.

Lick. Kiss.

All of a sudden, the strokes grew firmer. His tongue lashed across the damp, aching folds, his lips pressed hard between her legs as if he’d suddenly grown angry he’d been denied for so long.

Delaney Diamond's books