A Hard Man to Love

“Maybe he had reason not to.”

The comment came out before she could censor it, but in all honesty, she didn’t want to. This woman had no right to approach her with this type of conversation. It was insulting, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to let her or anyone else make her feel guilty or embarrassed about something she didn’t do.

Johnnie stopped admiring herself in the mirror and faced Eva head-on. She placed one hand on her hip and smiled like someone who relished knowing a secret no one else was privy to. “It doesn’t seem like I’m the one he had to worry about, now does it?”

Somehow Eva restrained herself from slapping the smirk off of Johnnie’s face.

The bathroom door opened, and in walked Cassidy.

Johnnie smiled. “Hi, Cassidy. Good to see you again.”

“The pleasure’s all yours,” Cassidy said loud enough to be heard as Johnnie took leave of the bathroom. She walked over to Eva. “What did that catty bitch want? I saw her come in after you and thought she might be up to something.”

Instead of answering, Eva asked, “How do you know her?”

Cassidy sighed. “She’s someone from Derrick’s past and the daughter of one of Phineas’s old business associates. No one important.

“Our family got together for New Year’s, and he brought her with him. I didn’t like her in the first place, but then she got drunk and tried to seduce Roarke. Believe me, it created major problems. We didn’t see her again after New Year’s Eve. I guess he got rid of her.” She touched Eva’s arm. “Hey, whatever she said, don’t let it get to you. She’s probably jealous. Derrick has a really good business sense—I guess that’s why Phineas left him everything—but he didn’t have the best judgment when it came to women. We’re all trying to figure out how he ended up with someone like you. You’re so normal.”

Eva laughed shortly. “Yeah, I’m normal.”

Apparently, normal didn’t cut it for Derrick. Even though Johnnie may not have been liked by his family, she was the one he chose to introduce to them.

Not her.

Chapter Nine

Eva refused to let the unexpected conversation after lunch spoil her day out. Growing up as an only child, she’d always longed to have siblings. By marrying Derrick, she felt as if she’d gained two new sisters and intended to enjoy the time in their company.

Their trip ended on a positive note when they entered FAO Schwarz and shopped for items for the baby. Eva bought a few stuffed animals and other toys. She picked up items for Arianna, too, and insisted Celeste accept the gifts when she tried to protest.

Just after seven, they were on the plane and being served a gourmet meal. They then migrated over to the lounge after dinner.

Cassidy lay down on one sofa, using a cushion as a pillow. She yawned. “I ate too much, I need a nap, and my feet hurt. I wish my hubby was here to rub my feet for me.”

Celeste curled her legs up under her. “We’ll get there soon enough.”

“I’m so spoiled, aren’t I? He’s so good to me.”

Eva felt a pang of jealousy—a common occurrence throughout the day. Celeste and Cassidy were so happy in their marriages, with husbands who loved them and whom they loved. All day she’d listened to their cute stories and had nothing to contribute because she and Derrick didn’t have the same kind of relationship.

He seemed further away now than ever before, even though in reality he slept only a few feet from her. He was giving her what she’d said she wanted, but she didn’t really want this. She wanted to feel special, the way Antonio made Cassidy feel.

Delaney Diamond's books