A Hard Man to Love

Cassidy nodded excitedly. “Your assistant worked with us on everything. We’ve got appointments at some of the most exclusive boutiques, and lunch and dinner plans are all set. Derrick let us use the corporate jet for the day, which means no horrible airport security lines. It’s gassed up and ready for us.”

“And here I was thinking we’d just visit some of the shops in the Atlanta area. It must be awfully expensive.”

Cassidy crossed her legs and reclined against the black leather seats. “It is, but Derrick doesn’t care, and neither should you. You’re married to my brother. Relax and enjoy the ride.”

“This is typical Derrick,” Celeste added. “He does everything with style.”

And what style it was.

They were greeted at the private airstrip by a smiling flight attendant who escorted them up the stairs into the cabin, which divided into three compartments. A small boardroom could be enclosed behind sliding doors covered in frosted glass. The second compartment was made up of tan, extra-large leather chairs that swiveled 360 degrees and reclined all the way back to accommodate sleeping. They were grouped in fours, separated by polished wood tables. This area led into a small, open lounge that contained sofas made of cushiony soft nylon in the same color as the leather chairs. In front of each were two narrow tables with space in between them to pass through to the third compartment, the bedroom. It contained a shower and queen-size bed.

Once they reached cruising altitude, they took off their seat belts, and the flight attendant served hors d’oeuvres and drinks. Individual itineraries, which had been waiting for them on the plane, listed each store and appointment. The entire day had been planned with military precision, and the excitement generated by her sisters-in-law carried over to Eva. Because the situation between her and Derrick hadn’t improved, today’s outing boosted her morale.

In New York, a car service took them to each of the appointments where personal shoppers laid out designer gowns and chic outfits befitting the wife of a multimillionaire. Eva had to admit she enjoyed all the fuss, and once she relaxed about how much the clothes cost, the day became less stressful.

It boggled her mind to think she didn’t need to look at the price tag. If she wanted it, she could have it, along with all the accessories and shoes to match. By lunch, they were ready for a break and stopped at a trendy Manhattan restaurant where they counted three celebrities seated at tables around them.

“I can’t eat another bite,” Cassidy groaned, pushing her empty dessert plate to the edge of the table.

Celeste snorted. “Now that your plate is empty, you can’t eat another bite?”

“Don’t judge me. That cheesecake was delicious.”

Eva nodded her head vigorously in agreement as the last bite of her slice melted on her tongue. “Mmmm. I may have to get one to go.”

“Me, too. And one of those chocolate cakes Celeste had. Antonio has a weakness for anything chocolate—brownies, cake, you name it. I’ll have to get one for him.”

“Is that the way you get whatever you want out of your husband?” Eva teased. “Bake him some brownies and you’re good to go, huh?”

Cassidy shook her head. “I can’t cook a thing. I even burn water.” Eva and Celeste giggled. “I’m serious. He doesn’t care about that, which is shocking, because his mom and sister, who’s my best friend, can get in the kitchen and whip up a yummy meal in two seconds flat. Lucky for me, I’ve found other ways to keep him happy.” She winked.

“Don’t start,” Celeste warned.

“Don’t start what?” Eva asked, on the verge of laughing already. Cassidy was quite a character.

“People get uncomfortable when I talk about sex,” she said, rolling her eyes. “It’s natural, and I don’t talk about it with everybody—only the people I feel comfortable discussing it with.”

“Except the people you feel comfortable discussing it with don’t want to discuss it with you.”

“Whatever.” She took a sip of her water. “Can I just say one little thing?” She leaned over the table and lowered her voice. “Sometimes, when we’re making love, he talks to me in Spanish. It’s so sexy. Ohmigod.”

Delaney Diamond's books