A Hard Man to Love

As the product of an extramarital affair, he understood the devastation it could cause. His parents ended their affair once it was discovered and his biological father was forced to choose between his wife and family and his mistress and illegitimate son. He chose his wife and family, but eventually, he and Derrick’s mother became involved again, the proof provided when, after the plane crash that claimed their lives, the passenger manifest showed they’d been seated next to each other.

“I never . . .” Eva’s mouth clamped shut. “Are you saying you expect this to be a normal marriage?”

His gaze didn’t waver. “In every way.”

Comprehension dawned in her eyes as the meaning of his words sunk in. They took on a slumberous quality, as no doubt the same thoughts going through his mind went through hers. She lowered her gaze to the table, but he’d already seen the heated look she tried to hide.

He knew that look. He’d drawn it from her on many occasions.

“I can’t believe you expect us to sleep together when we can barely tolerate each other at this point. I thought you’d want to continue the same as before—with the option to see other people. I have to admit, I’m surprised.” The lowered, breathy sound of her voice stirred his loins into awareness.

“I don’t see why. You didn’t end up pregnant through Immaculate Conception. Are you sure you weren’t interested in keeping your options open for yourself? Maybe you’re seeing someone?” If she was, he would insist the relationship end today.

“No. Like I said, I assumed you would—”

“You assumed wrong, and you know what they say happens when you assume.” Derrick lounged back in his chair. “Why should we deprive ourselves? Right from the beginning, it’s been good between us.”

“You have to admit, this will be a strange union.” She paused, watching him intently, weighing the next words before she said them. “What if I say I’ll need time to get used to the idea? You can’t expect us to fall back into bed with each other just like that.”

“Why not?” He lowered his gaze to the telltale pulse hammering at the base of her neck, and he shifted to alleviate the strain of an erection pressing on the fabric of his trousers. Carnal thoughts of her dark, naked body wriggling under him raced through his mind. He had to get this simmering need for her under control. The combined lure of her slender, agile body and her personality were a powerful aphrodisiac. He lifted his eyes back to her face. “I can tell you want me right now, even though you’d like to deny it.”

“That’s your ego talking.”

Amused, he whispered, “Are you sure you’ll be able to abstain? I know you, Eva. You enjoy sex too much.” What an understatement. She was a tigress in bed, uninhibited, and willing to offer pleasure in the equal amounts she took.

“You make it sound like I’m sex crazed!” she said hotly.

He smiled knowingly, which only infuriated her more, because her lips pressed together in displeasure. “I know what you sound like when you’re turned on, and I can hear a little bit of it in your voice right now.”

“Maybe you’re turned on and you’re trying to deflect your feelings off on me.” She pulled in a shaky breath. “I’m only asking for a little time. If we want this marriage to be successful, there has to be an equal amount of give-and-take on both sides.”

Derrick sat up, speaking slowly for the sake of clarity. “There’s no fifty-fifty in marriage, and you’d be a fool to try to keep score. Equality in marriage is a myth spread on talk shows and in relationship books. The truth is, husbands and wives should treat marriage like they’re running a business. It’s a negotiation, a give-and-take, yes, but not in equal amounts. Like in business, each person is always trying to get the upper hand.”

“No, that’s the world you live in, but most people see marriage as a partnership.”

He laughed and shook his head. “No, sweetheart, that’s the world we live in.” A pause. “Here’s the part where the give-and-take comes in. I’ll give you time to get used to the idea of us being married, but I’m not waiting forever.”

A guarded look filled her eyes. “How much time are you going to give me?”

“As little time as possible.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you have a heart of stone?”

Delaney Diamond's books