A Bride for the Black Sheep Brother


Three hours later, Cooper sat at the head of the conference table and watched his dreams spiral down the drain.

The board voted no.

By a wide margin. It wasn’t even close.

Nine of the twelve board members had voted against his plan to get Flight+Risk into the hotel business. Millions could be made in an upscale resort catering specifically to snowboarders. His gut had told him this was a solid venture. But apparently the board thought his gut was “fiscally irresponsible at this juncture.”

Now, as the board members started to filter out of the hotel conference room—the votes cast, the meeting officially adjourned—they could hardly meet his gaze. Which was fine, since he feared he might lunge across the table and slam his fist into Robertson’s face. The bastard had been on the board since the company’s inception. The man—a staid, lifelong businessman in his sixties—had a background in the retail industry that had proved invaluable, but he had little to no imagination. If you couldn’t sell it at Macy’s, he wasn’t interested. He’d been an opponent of Cooper’s resort plan from the beginning, but Cooper had really thought he’d won over enough of the other board members. Clearly, he’d been wrong.

With the exception of a couple stragglers, the room cleared within two minutes. An obvious sign that the board wasn’t any more comfortable with the outcome than he was. They may have voted against him, but no one wanted to face him down. As for the part of him that wanted to beat the crap out of someone as a result? Well, that was a part that he’d worked hard to bury beneath the facade of a successful businessman.

So he’d waited quietly for the board to leave. He just sat there at the head of the table, staring blankly at the stack of pages in front of him while the rats fled the sinking ship. When he looked up, only two other people remained—Drew Davis, the only fellow snowboarder on the board, and Matt Ballard, the Chief Technology Officer of FJM, a green energy company out of the Bay Area, and a good friend of Cooper’s.

After a moment of silence, Drew said, “Man, you’re so screwed.”

“I’m not screwed.” But Cooper said it grimly and with no real conviction.

“No, you’re totally f—”

“No. I’ll convince them.”

There was too much at stake in this fight. This was his company. Flight+Risk made the best, toughest gear for winter sports. The best snowboards, the best jackets, the best thermals. All of it. He knew it was the best for two reasons: first off, because he’d designed most of it himself and demanded absolute perfection. Second, because every top snowboarder in the world wanted to use his gear. Yes, it was that good. He made sure of it himself, because inferior gear put people’s lives at risk. And profits as well, though that had always been a secondary consideration for him. Still, his perfectionism, ambition and determination had made him a legend on the half-pipe and in the business world.

So why the hell didn’t his board trust that he was right about this?

“How exactly are you going to convince them?” Matt asked, rocking back in his chair. Matt had pulled his laptop out the second the meeting was over and was typing now. He was one of those unique guys who could manage to do multiple things at once. Probably because he was freakin’ brilliant. He’d been Flight+Risk’s first private investor. In fact, he’d approached Cooper as a fan and offered him start-up money before the company had been more than a business plan and prototype board. They’d become good friends over the years.

Somehow it didn’t make Cooper feel any better that the only two members of the board who voted yes with him were his two best friends. It smacked of pity votes.

He looked first at Drew and then at Matt. “You can’t honestly tell me you agree with Robertson that investing in another manufacturing facility is a better use of our money?”

“Not better,” Drew said. “Less risky.”

“My plan isn’t risky,” Cooper said stubbornly.

“You want to invest forty million dollars in this,” Drew said. “Flight+Risk will be overextended. Of course the board is going to balk.”

“The company has stellar credit and it will only be for the next eighteen months. The location I’ve picked is perfect. There’s already a resort there—”

“A dated, crummy hotel,” Matt interjected.

“And, yes, it needs renovations, but the preliminary inspector said the building was sound.” The hotel he’d found, Beck’s Lodge, was aging and currently unprofitable, but he knew he could turn it into something amazing. “The snow out there is perfect. As soon as the resort opens, the returns on this investment will be huge. You know I’m right.”

“Yeah,” Drew said. “I think you’re right. But the board cares more about what the stock market thinks.”

“Being overextended isn’t the problem,” Matt said without looking up.

Drew and Cooper both turned to look at Matt.

“What?” Drew asked.

“Then what is the problem?” Cooper asked.

“It’s a problem of perception.” Matt looked up as if surprised to be the center of the attention. “Come on. Cooper has a reputation for taking crazy risks. That incident with the model after the Olympics when you were reprimanded is a perfect example. And everyone knows Flight+Risk nearly failed in the first two years and would have if you hadn’t been pumping your own money into the company to keep it afloat.”

“You’re saying the board didn’t vote against the idea. They voted against me.”

“The media loves that stuff,” Matt said, shrugging. “It makes for great reading. But the kinds of risks you take scare the hell out of investors.”

“Those kinds of risks pay off.”


“No. Every one of the risks I’ve taken in business has paid off huge.”

“Yes. They did pay off huge. After you almost failed miserably. You’ve had a lot of success, but your winning streak is going to end someday. No one wants to catch the flak from that.”

“So you’re saying everyone just thinks it’s my time to fail.”


“But this isn’t risky. By the time I’m done with this resort, the best snowboarders in the world will be there. If I were a golfer building one of those golf communities, everyone would be clamoring to invest.”

“Maybe.” Matt shrugged and looked back down at his laptop. “But golf is different. Those guys know rich. You’re just a snowboarder.”

Just a snowboarder?

That pissed him off. Yeah, he knew Matt didn’t mean it personally, but it was hard not to take it that way.

Because even if Matt didn’t buy that argument, plenty of other people did. Never mind that Cooper had been running Flight+Risk for three times as long as he’d been a professional snowboarder. He had more money now than any one man could spend in a lifetime and had earned his money himself, unlike so many other rich bastards. And he’d never once made a business decision that hadn’t paid off. Never mind any of that.

In the end, the board was scared he didn’t have the business chops to know a great investment from a pipe dream. They’d pegged him as too much of a risk taker just because he’d left college to snowboard professionally. They thought he didn’t know the upscale market just because he’d had to work for every one of his successes. Because he’d worked hard to keep his relationship to the Cains on the down low. He’d never wanted people handing him things because of who his father was. He’d never wanted the Cain name to buy him anything. So sure, his lineage was out there for whoever dug around in his past—and reporters loved that nonsense—but he didn’t advertise it. He’d never taken the Cain name, even though he’d lived with Hollister and Caro after his mother had died. He never talked about his father or his family connections.

He would have laughed at the irony if it hadn’t pissed him off so damn much.

Would he have to put up with this kind of thing if he’d been in the habit of reminding the board who his father was? If he’d trotted out his father’s name, the board probably would have rolled right over.

Instead, he did things his own way and his ideas were labeled too risky.

It wasn’t fair.

Which was fine. His life had never been fair. He was the king of making not-fair work for him.

He looked up suddenly to realize that his two friends were exchanging worried glances. As if he’d been quiet too long and they were concerned he was plotting Robertson’s demise. Well, he was, but not in the way they were worried about.

So he smiled broadly and stood. “It’s all good.”

Drew stood also. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. It’s just time for Plan B.”

Matt raised his eyebrows. “Really? ’Cause I heard you say once that backup plans were for losers without the determination to get it right the first time.”

Yeah. That sounded like him. He shrugged. “Okay, we’ll call this Plan 2.0.”

Matt snapped his laptop closed and stood. “So what’s Plan 2.0?”

“I’m going to convince the board that this isn’t risky. I’m going to convince them that I do know this market.”

“They’ve already voted you down. Flight+Risk can’t move forward unless it comes to a vote again,” Matt pointed out.

“I got too eager and pushed the vote too soon. But by the time I’m done with them, they’ll be desperate to get Flight+Risk involved.”

“How exactly are you going to do that?” Drew asked.

“I’m going to hire an expert.”

* * *

In the end, Portia missed her flight to Tahoe and had to reschedule for the next day. The airline had pulled her suitcase off the flight and had held it in Denver, thank goodness, and she’d been able to find a car service to deliver her bag to her hotel. It was all far less inconvenient than it might have been. No matter how Portia tried to tell herself that she’d only lost one day and that she hadn’t gone that far out of her way, she couldn’t help feeling that the entire trip had been a huge waste of time.

For tonight, she’d checked into a hotel in Denver, not far from Flight+Risk’s corporate offices. In the morning she would see about getting another flight to Tahoe. But now, she had room service coming with a salted caramel brownie and carafe of red wine.

Yes, tomorrow she would start her vacation. She’d still get her two weeks of solitude at her parents’ summer cabin by the lake. She’d read the dozen or so books already loaded onto her Nook. She’d watch movies. Do some yoga. It would all be very relaxing.

Except she wasn’t relaxed. Her mind was still whirling with thoughts of the waitress from the Kimball Hotel, the woman she knew was Hollister’s daughter.

Part of her agreed with Cooper. She should just let it go. It wasn’t any of her business.

Honestly, she hadn’t given the Cain heiress much thought in the year since Hollister had issued the challenge. However, now that she’d met the woman, she couldn’t stop worrying about her. She knew better than anyone what a brutal man Hollister was. He was no one’s ideal father-in-law. He’d criticized her endlessly. He’d only gotten worse once her fertility problems became public knowledge.

Dalton hadn’t put up with that, of course. He’d called his father on it every time he’d witnessed it. But Dalton hadn’t been around much. Caro had stepped up to her defense, as well. That was how she and Caro had gotten so close. At first, Hollister’s behavior had hurt. She hadn’t realized he treated everyone badly. He wasn’t picking on her. He was just a jerk.

Would Ginger know that?

She’d seemed tough. Would she be able to defend herself against the likes of Hollister? Would she understand that any sign of weakness would stir up the piranhas? Would she have any defenses against the people who would pretend to be her friend and then turn on her in a second?

Yes, Cooper was right. It wasn’t Portia’s business. But that didn’t stop her from worrying about the girl. She’d been counting on Cooper to take over finding the heiress for her. The hope that some of his reward money would be funneled to Caro was just the salted caramel topping on the brownie. Now that he’d refused, she was left in the hot seat again. She had no other ideas about how to help Caro or the heiress. Unless she went to Dalton.

Still, she couldn’t shake the feeling that being found was going to change this woman’s life forever, and not necessarily in a good way. But what could she do? Not telling anyone that she’d found the heiress wasn’t an option. Damn Cooper for not agreeing to help her. Really, she’d thought better of him.

A moment later there was a knock on the door. Men may never do precisely what she expected them to do, but thank goodness for chocolate. It was there when she needed it.

But when she opened the door, it wasn’t room service with her brownie. It was Cooper.

He leaned casually against the wall right outside her hotel room, one ankle crossed over the other. He was wearing the same suit he’d had on earlier in the day, but the tie was gone and the jacket looked rumpled. Like he’d taken it off several times over the past few hours.

He looked up when she opened the door. “Hey, I need a favor.”

“You’re not a brownie,” she muttered under her breath.

He blinked, looking surprised. Then his mouth curled in a wry smile. “Not the last time I checked.”

“I ordered a brownie from room service.” God, that sounded pathetic. A woman eating a brownie alone in a hotel room? It practically screamed loser. “It has a salted caramel topping.”

Nope. That didn’t sound any less pathetic.

Thank God, she hadn’t mentioned the carafe of red wine.

He had texted her over two hours earlier saying he wanted to stop by to talk, so she’d sent him her room number, but when he never showed up, she’d assumed he’d decided against it.

Cooper ignored her babbling and asked, “Can I come in?”

Tempted though she was to demand he go find her brownie as a gesture of goodwill, she stepped aside and let him enter.

He walked into the room and shut the door behind him. Her hotel was one that catered to businesspeople, so her room was a minisuite, with a small living area and kitchen. Before the knock, she’d been about to settle onto the sofa and watch a movie she’d bought on pay-per-view. A sappy romantic drama she’d already seen. The title of the movie was splashed across the screen in pause mode. She clicked the TV off, feeling strangely ashamed of her choice. Next time she was picking an action movie. Or one of those comedies with all the frat-boy humor.

She glanced back over to see Cooper studying her. “What?” she asked self-consciously.

“Nothing.” His full lips curved into a smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you looking...” His words trailed off like he didn’t have the faintest idea how to describe her appearance.

She glanced down. Her yoga pants and hoodie were about the least glamorous things she owned. “I’m not going to apologize for not being better dressed. It’s late. You came to me. You’re the one who texted and said you want to talk.”

“I’m not criticizing. It’s adorable.”

There was a gleam of amusement in his gaze. Amusement and something else, as well. Something that made her belly flutter around a bit.

God, he was good-looking. Attractive in a way that completely disarmed her. There was no polish to him. He had no smooth edges. He was rugged and rough-hewn, like the harsh landscapes he snowboarded. But there was an innate humor to him also. A lightness—the way the sun could still shine on a bitterly cold day on the slopes.

Not many men she knew managed to pull that off—his unique combination of tough and disarming. But he did. He wielded his charisma like a surgeon’s knife, and if she wasn’t careful, he’d lure her in and slice away at her defenses.

She rolled her eyes. “Stop trying to charm me. Just tell me what you want so I can eat my brownie in peace.”

“You don’t have your brownie yet,” he pointed out.

“Exactly. Which gives you from now until whenever the brownie arrives to convince me not to kick you out.”

“Then I better talk fast.”

And he did. Fast and passionately. She clocked him. For two straight minutes he talked about his plan to buy and renovate some resort in Southern Utah. He waxed poetic about the perfect powder and the lack of true luxury hotels in the area. He talked about the untapped market. Thirty seconds in, she sank to the sofa and tucked her legs up under her, exhausted just watching him pace the tiny length of the room. He was still talking when there was a knock on the door.

She stood and gestured toward the door. “My brow—”

He stopped right in front of her and grabbed her arm. “Wait. I’m not done.”

“But my—”

“You said I had until the brownie arrived.” He grinned. “It’s not in the room, yet. Give me thirty more seconds.”

Cooper on a full tear was an impressive thing. “Look, I’m sorry your board didn’t agree. I think it sounds like a great idea. But I don’t see what this has to do with me.”

“Maybe the board is right. Maybe I don’t know that high-end luxury market well enough. I’m just a kid from Denver who happens to be good on a snowboard. But you do know that market. I want you to visit the hotel. See if you agree that it can be turned into a playground for the rich.”

“I don’t know anything about the hotel business.”

“I don’t, either. I’m not asking you to run the hotel. I just want your opinion. You grew up with money and—”

“Cooper, you grew up with money,” she protested.

“No. I grew up with money during the summers. For two miserable years I lived with the Cains in high school. That’s not the same and you know it. I never fit in. You said yourself that I was the perfect person to find the Cain heiress because I know what it’s like to be an outsider. But you were born to this life. And you have the best taste of anyone I’ve ever met. And—”

There was another knock on the door and he held out his hand as if to stall for more time.

“Do you really think keeping me from my brownie is going to help your argument?”

A few minutes later, after the waiter had come and gone, she turned back to find Cooper watching her with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Maybe getting that brownie hadn’t been a good idea. Clearly, it had bought him just enough time to concoct some scheme.

“If you help me convince the board to buy Beck’s Lodge, then I’ll help you find my sister. I’ll clear a whole week from my calendar to help her get settled. No, a whole month.” He raised his eyebrows. “What do you think?”

“I help you, you’ll help me?”


Her heart rate ticked up a notch. Wasn’t that what she wanted? His help with the heiress?

But helping him would mean staying here—or wherever this lodge of his was—at least for a few more days. Maybe more. It would mean spending a lot of time in Cooper’s company. For some reason that thought made her deeply uncomfortable. He was an undeniably attractive man. She’d have to be dead not to notice that. Not that she thought of him that way, but it did make this entire situation more confusing.

She gazed longingly at the room service tray and her brownie. Right about now, she could certainly use the comfort only a bakery item could provide. Just a few minutes alone with her brownie. Was that really too much to ask?

“So are you in?” Cooper asked.

“Is there any chance you’re going to let me off the hook here?”

“Very little.”

So, apparently, yes. It was too much to ask.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“I think you’re crazy. That’s what I think. You took too many blows to the head on the half-pipe.”

“But you’ll do it?”

“I didn’t say that.” His smile brightened as if she’d just given in. “And no. I won’t.”

His smile deepened. “Yeah. You’re going to do it.”

“I just said I wasn’t going to.”

“Yeah. I noticed that. But you’ll change your mind.”

“I won’t,” she said, not because she really believed it but because...well, no one liked feeling that transparent.

“You will. You’ll do it because you’re desperate. You traveled all the way here to talk to me into this. That’s how much you want this.”

“I’m not desperate!” she protested.

He ignored her. “That’s the problem with wanting things too badly. It puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to negotiating.” His grin widened, making her breath catch in her chest. “Next time you want something from me, you should play it a little cooler. Maybe call before you rush all the way here.”

Damn him for seeing through her so completely. Damn him for calling out her weaknesses. And damn him for making her like him despite those two things.

She crossed her arms over her chest and blew out a breath. “I’ll try to remember that in the future.”

Emily McKay's books