Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“No offense, babe. So what do you say? Friends?” She held out her fist for a pound.

I studied her fist, thinking it over before finally giving her a pound. “Friends.” We’ll see.

Chapter Eleven

I got through fourth period mostly unscathed thanks to Willow and Sheldon. I sat two rows ahead of Keiran, which was still too close, but it was the only row left that allowed Willow and I to sit together.

Not even ten minutes had passed after class started when I'd felt something light hit my shoulder. I thought nothing of it until it happened again, this time on my back. I looked down to see two paper balls on the floor and then another hit my head.

I heard, “Real mature, guys,” before a chair scraped and Sheldon came to sit with us. I'd looked back to see Keiran wearing a smug grin. Keenan had looked pissed and was glaring at Sheldon. He'd mumbled, “Traitor,” under his breath then rolled his eyes at me.

After school Sheldon and Willow rode with me to my house. Keenan threw a temper tantrum in the parking lot. I was annoyed but she just laughed when he yelled obscenities and kicked his car. We opted to watch a movie here instead of going out to the movies. We were sitting in the living room doing homework and having girl talk. It felt good. I had this with Willow but it felt nice to have it with someone else too. My friend count was now two.

Gee, Lake that has got to be a record. I laughed out loud at my private joke.

“What's so funny?” Willow asked. I just shook my head and closed my textbook.

“I'm done,” Sheldon announced. “So – the purple highlights? Did you do it yourself?” They've been discussing hair for the past ten minutes or so. Sheldon was in awe of Willow’s freedom to express herself. I wondered what or who was making her hold back who she really was.

“Yeah, I dd. I'm actually going to add in dark blue highlights too.”

“Way cool. I wish I could try that. My mom would have a heart attack.”

“I've been trying to get Lake over to the dark side but she won’t budge.”

“I don't know Willow, Lake’s got the innocent, big, blue-eyed look going for her. The guys dig her…in secret of course.”

"Yeah, I call her the Barbie Ballerina."

“Guys I'm sitting right here.”

“Yeah but you've been quiet. Thinking about a certain bad boy with a dark disposition?” Sheldon was still convinced that Keiran and I were more than enemies.

“That's a ship that will never sail, Sheldon.” Willow stated. “Lake is too accustomed to denying what she wants – out of fear…duty…protection.”

“You actually think Keiran and I should date?” I asked incredulously. “Since when?”

“I don’t, but you don’t date at all is what I’m saying.”

“I assure you it isn’t by choice.”

"So what is the deal between you and Keiran?” Sheldon asked. “All these years I knew he liked you but he also carried a grudge against you even before he went Juvie."

It's been something I've wondered about for ten years. Why did he hate me so much? What did I do? How could I fix it? My mind drew a blank every time and the tension between us became too thick to sever.

“I wish I knew,” I finally answered.

Sheldon shrugged, “Too bad. I'm sure it would have made a great bedtime story.” She rolled her eyes, making me laugh. “Did you hear about the random guy that crashed Keiran and Keenan’s party the other night?”

“The guys Keenan and your brother fought?”

“No, some guy that was dealing at the party. Keiran must have caught him because Dash said he had to keep him from killing the guy.”

“No way, what did he do?” Willow asked with a little too much excitement.

“He shoved some pills and alcohol down his throat and told him he might want to go get his stomach pumped.”

B.B. Reid's books