Fear Me (Broken Love #1)

“Yeah, I told you, he dropped me off late after the party.”

She shook her head before stating, “I saw him turning down your street and that's when I called you. I figured he was coming to your house due to your recent “relationship”. I wanted to know what he was doing coming by so late.” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively but I only gaped at her as dread gut punched me and caused my head to swim. I leaned over placing my head between my knees, pissing Pepé off. He jumped off my lap and scurried out the room.

“Oh God. Oh no,” I chanted, rocking back and forth.

“Lake, no worries. We just go to the police and clear him.”

“No, you don't understand.” I sat upright and looked at Willow with tears in my eyes. “He'll kill her.”


Morning came and I had little sleep. I tossed and turned all night keeping Willow awake as well since we shared her bed. I didn't rush off to the station knowing the damage was already done but I didn't delay it too long either. I went home to shower and dress. Since I didn't know who the intruder was, I gratefully accepted Willow and Buddy’s offer to come with me.

Thirty minutes later I made my way to the station with Willow. She was still spooked over my confession last night. I regretted saying anything immediately but I knew the damage was already done when she freaked. I blew off her questions and went to bed. She has been giving me the silent treatment since then.

We arrived and entered the station hearing loud voices. The scene that greeted me immediately made me want to turn and run.

“You pigs just haven't had enough. Where is he? You don't have shit –” He stopped when he saw me, his eyes narrowed as they pinned me to the spot. Willow and I instinctively took a step back.

Dash shook his head before running a hand down his face. “You didn't have to do this, Lake. He never would have –”

“We don't have to explain shit!” Keenan roared, interrupting Dash.

“Young man, I need you to contain yourself before I throw your ass in jail along with your cousin.”

Sheldon burst through the door as the officer was reprimanding Keenan. “Keenan, stop being a douche. We don't know what happened,” she scolded.

“She's right, son. Settle down,” an older man stated.

“She won't get away with this Mr. Chambers. Not again.”

“Guy, you seriously need to chill. She's not after your precious cousin so settle down so we can do what we came to do.”

Willow had just laid down the law and if this were any other situation I would have found it amusing. Just then an officer came through with Keiran who looked tired in his rumpled clothing. He walked up to the desk to sign papers and collect his belongings. We immediately made eye contact and everything from last night came rushing back. I was so sure it was him that broke into my house to scare me.

“You are free to go, Mr. Masters.”

I frowned not understanding how he was already free to go. It was my understanding that they could hold someone for forty-eight hours without charges. Keiran was only here for eight. Don't get me wrong. I wanted him released but I hadn't even cleared him yet.

“Yes. We apologize for the misunderstanding Mr. Chambers.”

“Can you believe this? As far as they know, Keiran broke into your house and they just released him because Dash’s old man pulled some strings? Unbelievable,” Willow whispered.

Mr. Chambers turned to me, sizing me up. “Think carefully about what you are about to do Ms. Monroe. You won’t succeed a second time.” With that they left the station and I began to breathe easier.

“Officer, I would like to make a statement to clear Keiran Masters. He was not the one to break into my house. I brought a witness to testify to that.”

The officer gave me a stern look before directing us to fill out the necessary paperwork. After heavy questioning we were able to leave the precinct. Willow kept glancing at me during the ride to school and I knew she was concerned.

B.B. Reid's books